Articles for Haby, V. A.
- Response of Coastal bermudagrass to rates of limestone and phosphorus (1984)
- Fluid fertilization for forages (1985)
- Response of Coastal bermudagrass to a high sulfur content sulphate of potash-magnesia (1985)
- Response of container grown blueberry plants to irrigation water quality (1985)
- Response of ryegrass to rates of limestone and phosphorus (1985)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass I. Spacing between dribble bands of urea-ammonium nitrate (1986)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass II. method of application of urea-ammonium nitrate (1986)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass. IV. Urea-ammonium nitrate solutions with phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium (1986)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass. III. Nitrogen source comparisons (1986)
- Response of Coastal Bermudagrass to a High Sulfur Content Sulphate of Potash-Magnesia (1986)
- Response of Coastal Bermudagrass to Phosphorus on Limed East Texas Soil (1986)
- Response of Ryegrass to Rates of Limestone and Phosphorus (1986)
- Blueberry plant response to nitrogen and phosphorus (1987)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass. I. Spacing between dribble bands of urea-ammonium nitrate (1987)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass. II. Method of application of urea-ammonium nitrate (1987)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass. III. Nitrogen source comparisons (1987)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass. IV. Urea-ammonium nitrate blends with phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium (1987)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Fluid Combinations of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Magnesium and Methods of Application (1988)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Nitrogen Sources (1988)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Urea-Ammonium Nitrate Application Rates (1988)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Urea-Ammonium Nitrate Surface Applied as Dribble Bands at Varying Spacings (1988)
- Effect of boron and phosphorus on annual clover production (1988)
- Nutrient requirements of subterranean clover (1988)
- Response of Subterranean and Rose Clovers to Fertilizer Nutrients (1988)
- Sweetpotato response to soil fumigation, mycorrhizae, and fertilizer phosphorus treatment (1989)
- Nutrient Screening for Alfalfa Response (1990)
- Rose Clover Response to Limestone and Boron (1990)
- Subterranean Clover Response to Phosphorus and Boron Fertilization (1990)
- Subterranean Response to Recombined Ag Grade and Superfine Limestone (1990)
- Evaluation of sweet potato response to limestone, nitrogen, and potash (1991)
- Alfalfa Interseeded into Coastal Bermudagrass I. Effect of Alfalfa Row Spacing (1992)
- Alfalfa Interseeded into Coastal Bermudagrass II. Effect of Nitrogen Rate (1992)
- Effect of Fine Limestone on pH Change in Two Soils (1992)
- Effect of Irrigation Water Quality on Rabbiteye Blueberry Plant Growth (1992)
- Legume response to limestone rate, fineness, and boron (1992)
- Rabbiteye Blueberry Plant Response to Nitrogen and Phosphorus (1992)
- Super-fine limestone for acid soil neutralization and forage production (1992)
- Sweetpotato Response to Limestone, Nitrogen, and Potassium (1992)
- Annual Ryegrass and Clover Response to Limestone Rates and Particle Size (1993)
- Coastal Bermudagrass and Legume Response to Limestone Rate, Limestone Fineness (ECCE) and Boron (1993)
- Effect of Ammonium:Nitrate Ratios on Sweet Corn Yield and Soil Nitrogen Concentrations (1993)
- Effective Calcium Carbonate Equivalence (ECCE) of Limestone and Neutralization of Soil Acidity (1993)
- Importance of Boron for Clover Growth in Acid, Sandy Soils (1993)
- Response of Blueberry Plants to Peat, Phosphorus, and Aluminum Added to the Potting Mix (1993)
- Response to ‘Tifleaf’ Millet to Limestone, Nitrogen, and Potassium (1993)
- Alfalfa interseeded into Coastal bermudagrass I. Effect of alfalfa row spacings on forage production (1994)
- Alfalfa interseeded into Coastal bermudagrass II. effect of nitrogen rate on forage production (1994)
- Alfalfa production on acid, sandy soils (1994)
- Effect of fertilizer ammonium to nitrate ratios on sweetcorn yields (1994)
- Effect of potash fertilization on ryegrass interseeded into Coastal bermudagrass (1994)
- Response of alfalfa to boron and surface applied limestone (1994)
- Response of Coastal bermudagrass to limestone applied for soil pH adjustment (1994)
- Response of ryegrass to limestone, nitrogen, and potassium (1994)
- Response of winter rye to limestone, nitrogen, and potassium (1994)
- Rose clover response to boron and limestone (1994)
- Soil boron availability affected by applied boron and limestone (1994)
- Use of limestone to correct low pH soils for Coastal bermudagrass production (1994)
- Soil management and fertility practices for annual ryegrass (1995)
- A Laboratory Method to Eliminate Seasonally Variable Soil pH (1996)
- Alfalfa Production on Acid, Humid Region Soils (1996)
- Effect of Alfalfa Row Spacing in Coastal Bermudagrass on Yield (1996)
- Evaluation of Lagoon Effluent from Caged Laying Hens as a Nutrient Source for Ryegrass Pasture (1996)
- Response of Alfalfa in Coastal Bermudagrass to Applied Potassium, Magnesium, and Sulfur (1996)
- Response of Alfalfa to Surface Applied Limestone and Boron (1996)
- Response of TAM 90 Ryegrass to Limestone and Nitrogen (1996)
- Response of TAM 90 Ryegrass to Limestone and Potassium (1996)
- Effect of Boron and Soil Acidity Levels on Bermudagrass and Ryegrass Yields and Element Concentrations in the Soil (1998)
- Effect of Boron Fertilization and pH on Yield of Alfalfa (1998)
- Effect of Soil Boron and Applied Boron on Yield of Alfalfa (1998)
- Effect of Soil Boron Levels and pH on Yield of Alfalfa (1998)
- Effects of Land-Applied Poultry Lagoon Effluent on the Environment. 1. Forage Production (1998)
- Effects of Land-Applied Poultry Lagoon Effluent on the Environment. 2. Nutrient Uptake by Forage Grasses (1998)
- Effects of Land-Applied Poultry Lagoon Effluent on the Environment. 3. Soil Nutrient Levels (1998)
- Effects of Land-Applied Poultry Lagoon Effluent on the Environment. 4. Nutrient Concentrations in Runoff Water (1998)
- Response of Annual Ryegrass to Residual and Applied Phosphorus (1998)
- Annual Ryegrass Response to Residual and Applied Phosphorus (2000)
- Does Ag-Lime Need Particles Larger than 60-Mesh to Maintain Elevated Soil pH? (2000)
- Effect of Limestone Incorporation, Application Time, and Molybdenum on Yield of Alfalfa in a Drought Year (2000
- Effective Liming Material An Additional Term to Help Describe Limestone Quality (2000)
- Evaluation of the Liming Potential of Nutra-LimeΓäó (2000)
- On-Farm Alfalfa Establishment Demonstrations in the Southern Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (2000)
- Requirements for Successful Alfalfa Establishment on Acid Soils (2000)
- Response of TAM 90 Ryegrass and Coastal Bermudagrass to Boron Rates and to the Residual Effect of Limestone Rates and ECCE (2000)
- Crimson Clover Responses to Residual and Applied Phosphorus (2002)
- Effect of Limestone Incorporation, Application Time, and Molybdenum on Yield of Alfalfa (2002)
- Field-Scale Alfalfa Production in Southern Region USDA-SARE Program Research in East Texas (2002)
- Requirements for Successful Alfalfa Establishment on Acid Soils (2002)
- Response of Alfalfa to Zinc, Copper and Molybdenum (2002)
- Response of TAM 90 Ryegrass to the Residual Effects of Limestone Rates and ECCE and to Boron Rates (2002)
- The Economics of Field-Scale Alfalfa Production on East Texas Coastal Plain Soils (2002)
- Alfalfa baleage preparation and quality (2004)
- Alfalfa economics from four years of production on cooperating, stakeholder ranches in the SARE program (2004)
- Alfalfa response to potassium (K20) treatments affected by previous limestone quality and application methods (2004)
- Alfalfa yields from field production on ranches participating in the sustainable agriculture research and education program (2004)
- Glyphosate tolerant alfalfa (2004)
- Guidelines for successful alfalfa establishment on acid soils (2004)
- Response of Tifton 85 bermudagrass to residual and applied phosphorus (2004)
- Tifton 85 bermudagrass dry matter response to nitrogen, potassium, chloride, and sulfur fertilizer treatments (2004)
- Tifton 85 bermudagrass response to limestone rate, ECCE, and boron (2004)
- Yield estimates for alfalfa following four years of on-farm production research (2004)
- Calcium Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Carbon Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Chloride Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Magnesium Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Nitrate- and Ammonium-Nitrogen (N) Concentrations in Darco Soil from Two N sources and Rates Applied to Tifton 85 Bermudagrass (2006)
- Nitrogen Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Nitrogen Source and Rate Effects on Tifton 85 Bermudagrass (2006)
- Nitrogen to Sulfur Ratio in Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Fertilizer Ratio Blends for Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Production (2006)
- Phosphorus Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Potassium Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Residual Plant Nutrient Levels in Darco Soil after Four Years of Treatments and Cropping Tifton 85 Bermudagrass (2006)
- Response of Tifton 85 Bermudagrass to Soil pH and Poultry Litter in 2004 (2006)
- Soils for Alfalfa on the East Texas Coastal Plain (2006)
- Sulfur concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Response to Nitrogen Rates Applied as Urea Fertilizers (2006)
- Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Response to Nitrogen, Potassium, Chloride, and Sulfur Fertilizer Treatments in 2004 (2006)
- Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Response to Nitrogen, Potassium, Chloride, and Sulfur Fertilizer Treatments in 2005 (2006)
- Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Response to the Interaction on Nitrogen and Potash on Darco Loamy Fine Sand (2006)
- Lime and fertilizer strategies for forage production (2008)