- Effect of Diets Containing Free Gossypol on Prepartum and Postpartum Production Parameters in Brahman Cows and Calves (1992)
- Effect of Diets Containing Free Gossypol on Serum Ca and P Concentrations in Brahman Cows and Calves and Associated Calf Metacarpal Measurements (1992)
- Ultrasonography as a Management Tool for Pregnancy Determination in Sika Deer and Rocky Mountain Elk (1992)
- Free Gossypol from Cottonseed Meal May Adversely Affect Vitamin A. E and Beta-Carotene in Cows and Calves (1993)
- Spermatozoan Content and Characteristics of the Testis and Epididymisin the Axis Deer (1993)
- Methods for pregnancy detection in farmed deer (1994)
- Reproductive management of male cervidae and growth characteristics of axis deer (1995)
- Factors Influencing Pregnancy Status in Fallow Deer (Dama dama) (1996)
- Feed Intake, Feed Efficiency and Growth in Male and Female Axis Fawns (Axis axis) (1996)
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- An Evaluation of Hand-Held Infrared Thermography for Determining Velvet Antler Growth Rates in Red Deer Stags (2002)