- Bermudagrass-wheat forage systems for dairy waste management (1994)
- Dairy manure and lagoon effluent application on Coastal bermudagrass and overseed bermudagrass systems (1994)
- Estrus synchronization of dairy heifers with estrumate or syncro-mate-b (1984)
- Financial Realities of Dairying in East Texas (1992)
- Forage utilization in dairy rations (1982)
- Forage yield of coastal bermudagrass and bermudagrass – winter forage systems receiving liquid or solid dairy waste (1992)
- Mineral composition and pH of dairy waste (1996)
- Phosphorus accumulation in soils following applications of poultry litter and dairy effluent (1994)
- Production Systems to Improve the Competitiveness of the Southern Dairy Industry (1998)
- Ryegrass utilization by the Texas Dairy Industry (1995)
- The effect of dairy manure on summer annual broadleaves grown as alternative silages in the Cross Timbers (1998)
- The effect of dairy manure on summer annual grasses grown as alternative silages in the Cross Timbers (1998)
- Water quality responses to land application of poultry litter and dairy effluent (1994)
- Yield of sorghum-sudangrass and pearl millet under soil dairy manure application (1994)