- A fusarium wilt disease nursery for watermelon (1996)
- A Rose Breeding Program:Screening for Black Spot Resistant Rose Material (1993)
- Apache Arrowleaf Clover (2002)
- Black spot control on roses with triforine ec (1996)
- Blackspot and Powdery Mildew Control on Roses with Cyproconazole 1991 (1992)
- Breeding Arrowleaf Clover for Resistance to Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus (1988)
- Breeding arrowleaf clover for resistance to bean yellow mosaic virus (1987)
- Breeding Arrowleaf Clover for Tolerance to Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus (1993)
- Combining Tolerance to Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus and Pythium U!timum Diseases in Arrowleaf Clover (2006)
- Comparison of Two Pythium Diseases on Arrowleaf Clover Emergence with Fungicide Treated Seed (1998)
- Control of black spot on roses with cyproconazole used as a drench (1996)
- Decline of arrowleaf clover infected with bean yellow mosaic virus (1994)
- Development of Black Spot Resistant Rose Cultivars (1992)
- Evaluation of Nematode Resistance in Lablab (2006)
- First Report of Four New Diseases on Arrowleaf Clover in East Texas (1998)
- Fungicide tests for black spot control on roses, 1994 (1996)
- Fungicide tests for black spot control on roses, 1995 (1996)
- Fusarium Wilt Disease Nursery Establishment for Watermelon Screening (1993)
- Improved Establishment of Arrowleaf Clover Using Fungicide-Coated Seed (2000)
- Improvement of Rust Resistance in Sweetclover (2006)
- Rose Fungicide Trials 1992 (1993)
- Selection for Tolerance to Pythium ultimum Root Rot in Annual Ryegrass (1998)
- Susceptibility of Arrowleaf Clover to Phytophthora Root Rot in Flooded Soil (1996)
- Three Cycles of Selection for Tolerance to Pythium Ultimum Root Disease in Annual Ryegrass (2000)