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Articles for Keyword angus
- Birth Weights, Weaning Weights, and Average Daily Gain of Romosinuano-Sired Calves from First and Second Calving Angus X Brahman (F-1) Cows (2002)
- Carcass Characteristics of Half-Simmental, Angus x Brahman, Tuli x Brahman, and Brahman Steers (1996)
- Comparison of Growth Traits of Brahman, Angus x Brahman and Tuli x Brahman Heifers (1993)
- Comparison of Reproductive Development of Recently Introduced Breeds to Angus and Brahman Bulls (2002)
- Comparison of Traits at Sexual Maturity of Recently Introduced Breeds to Angus and Brahman Bulls (2002)
- Economic Assessment of Angus and Limousin-sired Steers and Heifers from Pasture to Packer (1998)
- Feedlot and carcass traits of Bonsmara, Angus, and Brahman steers (2004)
- Forage Passage Kinetics of Brahman, Angus, Angus x Brahman, and Tuli x Brahman Heifers at Two Environments (1996)
- Gestation length and postcalving reproductive activity of Brahman cows bred to Brahman, Angus, or Tuli bulls (1994)
- Grazing Behavior of Brahman, Angus, Angus x Brahman, Tuli x Angus, and Tuli x Brahman Heifers at Two Environments (1996)
- Growth and Reproduction of Brahman, Angus x Brahman; and Tuli x Brahman Yearling Heifers on Pasture (1996)
- Preweaning evaluation of calves born to Angus (bos taurus), Brahman (bow indicus), and tuli (sanga) bulls and Brahman cows (1994)
- Sensory Traits of Brahman, Tuli x Brahman, Angus x Brahman, and Simmental x F-l (Brahman x Hereford) Steers (1996)
- Stocking Rate and Overseeded Bermudagrass Pasture Effects on Angus X Brahman (F-1) Heifer Performance (2000)