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- Comparison of Two Pythium Diseases on Arrowleaf Clover Emergence with Fungicide Treated Seed (1998)
- Effect of postharvest foliage fungicides on severity of peach rust (tranzschelia discolor pers.) (1987)
- Fungicide tests for black spot control on roses, 1997 (1998)
- Improved Establishment of Arrowleaf Clover in the Field Using Fungicide-Pelleted Seed or Fungicide Drenches (1998)
- Improved Establishment of Arrowleaf Clover Using Fungicide-Coated Seed (2000)
- Mycorrhizae beneficial soil fungi (1983)
- Rose fungicide trial, 1993 (1994)
- Rose Fungicide Trials 1992 (1993)
- Wheat Grain Yield Response to Nitrogen Rates With and Without a Fungicide (1986)