- Influence of cow weight change on weaning weights and subsequent birth weights of calves and cow reproductive performance (1982)
- Influence of stocking rates and cow weight change on weaning weights and subsequent birth weights of calves and cow reproductive performance (1982)
- Efficacy of Luprostiol for Estrus Synchronization in Brahman Cows and Heifers (1986)
- Influence of Zeranol Implant on Simmental Crossbred Bulls (1986)
- The Effect of Cold Stress on Newborn Bos Indicus and Bos Taurus Calves (1986)
- The Effect of Season and Relocation on Reproductive Competence in Brahman Compared to Hereford Bulls (1986)
- Use of the Breeding Soundness Evaluation as a Management Practice for Selecting Santa Gertrudis Bulls (1986)
- Seasonal Influences on Reproductive Traits in Brahman and Hereford Bulls (1988)