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Articles for Keyword nitrogen
- A five-year summary of nitrogen source studies on bermudagrass production (1987)
- Alfalfa Interseeded into Coastal Bermudagrass II. Effect of Nitrogen Rate (1992)
- Alfalfa interseeded into Coastal bermudagrass II. effect of nitrogen rate on forage production (1994)
- Alfalfa Interseeded into Coastal Bermudagrass II. Effect of Nitrogen Rates (1993)
- Animal Performance from Winter Pastures Using Fertilizer or Cowpeas and Clover for the Nitrogen Source (1990)
- Annual clover variety trials (1981)
- Bermudagrass yield and nitrogen uptake as influenced by source of nitrogen fertilizer (1988)
- Blueberry plant response to nitrogen and phosphorus (1987)
- Changes in Soil Nitrate-Nitrogen of Common and Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures Subjected to Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (2006)
- Clover-bermudagrass production fertilized with broiler litter and commercial nitrogen fertilizer (2004)
- Clover-Bermudagrass Production When Fertilized with Broiler Litter and Commercial Nitrogen Fertilizer (2002)
- Clover-grass mixtures and nitrogen relations (1984)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Fluid Combinations of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Magnesium and Methods of Application (1988)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Nitrogen Sources (1988)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Urea-Ammonium Nitrate Application Rates (1988)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Urea-Ammonium Nitrate Surface Applied as Dribble Bands at Varying Spacings (1988)
- Comparison of arrowleaf clover and potassium versus ryegrass and nitrogen on common bermudagrass pastures stocked at three levels (1986)
- Economic comparison of ralgro implant and nitrogen fertilizer rate on animal performance from rye-ryegrass pastures (1986)
- Effect of Ammonium:Nitrate Ratios on Sweet Corn Yield and Soil Nitrogen Concentrations (1993)
- Effect of application rate and nitrogen source on dry matter production of Coastal bermudagrass (1983)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass. III. Nitrogen source comparisons (1987)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass. III. Nitrogen source comparisons (1986)
- Effect of irrigation, nitrogen, and plant population on corn and sorghum grown for silage (1988)
- Effect of nitrogen on subclover nodulation and seedling growth (1980)
- Effects of clipping height and nitrogen on yields and protein content of Callie bermudagrass (1984)
- Establishment of cowpeas in a bermudagrass sod (1992)
- Evaluation of Crimson Clover and Potassium vs Ryegrass and Nitrogen on Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures Stocked at Three Levels (1986)
- Field efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers surface applied on bermudagrass (1984)
- Fluid fertilization for forages (1985)
- Forage legume production as influenced by nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization (1984)
- Forage yields of six warm-season grasses grown at four nitrogen rates on windthorst fine sandy loam soil (1981)
- Influence of Nitrogen Fertilization on Fall and Winter Growth of Annual Ryegrass (2002)
- Influence of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Arrowleaf Clover Seedling Growth (1992)
- Influence of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Clover Seedling Growth in Ryegrass Mixtures (1993)
- Influence of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Overton R18 Rose Clover Seedling Growth (1992)
- Influence of nitrogen on dry matter yield of four tall wheatgrass varieties in the Trans-Pecos area (1980)
- Influence of nitrogen on dry-matter yield of four tall wheatgrass varieties in the Trans-Pecos area (1981)
- Influence of nitrogen on yield and protein production by Kleingrass and Renner Lovegrass (1980)
- Influence of planting date on response of forage sorghum to nitrogen and phosphorus (1993)
- Influence of ralgro implant and nitrogen fertilizer rate on animal performance from rye-ryegrass pastures (1986)
- Influence of source and rate of nitrogen on Coastal bermudagrass forage grown on two soil types (1983)
- Leaf, shoot, and root fractions of annual ryegrass influenced by nitrogen rate and season (2004)
- Legume nitrogen fixation and transfer (2000)
- Nitrate- and Ammonium-Nitrogen (N) Concentrations in Darco Soil from Two N sources and Rates Applied to Tifton 85 Bermudagrass (2006)
- Nitrogen accumulation in the top growth of cool-season annual forage legumes (1994)
- Nitrogen and boron rates for broccoli, cauliflower, chinese cabbage, and chinese mustard grown on a bowie fine sandy loam soil (1989)
- Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer requirements of tall fescue grown on Blackland Prairie Soils (1993)
- Nitrogen and phosphorus responses of switchgrass grown for biomass (1994)
- Nitrogen Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Nitrogen Fertilization of Arrowleaf Clover-Ryegrass Pastures (1993)
- Nitrogen Fertilization of Arrowleaf-Ryegrass Mixtures (1992)
- Nitrogen Fertilization of Crimson Clover-Ryegrass Pastures (1993)
- Nitrogen fertilization of gordo bluestem in Southeast Texas (1992)
- Nitrogen Fertilization of Overton R18 Rose Clover-Ryegrass Mixtures (1992)
- Nitrogen fertilization of rose clover – ryegrass mixtures (1993)
- Nitrogen fertilizer rate and application time on growth of annual ryegrass (2004)
- Nitrogen fertilizer source influence on yield of bermudagrass (1988)
- Nitrogen fertilizer source study on Coastal bermudagrass (1985)
- Nitrogen nutrition of S-16 bermudagrass grown on South Texas soils (1981)
- Nitrogen response of arrowleaf clover seedlings grown on field soils (1987)
- Nitrogen Source and Rate Effects on Tifton 85 Bermudagrass (2006)
- Nitrogen source evaluation for rabbiteye blueberries (1987)
- Nitrogen to Sulfur Ratio in Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Nitrogen Transfer from Cowpeas, Alyceclover and Partridge Pea (1992)
- Nitrogen uptake and distribution in annual ryegrass (2004)
- Nitrogen vs clover on Coastal bermudagrass (1982)
- Nitrogen vs clover on pensacola bahiagrass (1982)
- Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Fertilizer Ratio Blends for Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Production (2006)
- Oat silage yield as affected by time of application of nitrogen fertilizer, seeding rate, and planting date (1987)
- Onion variety and nitrogen rate studies 1987-88 (1989)
- Pasture and Animal Performance from Bermudagrass Pastures at Three Stocking Rates With or Without Nitrogen Fertilization (1998)
- Pasture Costs for Cows and Calves Grazing Ryegrass + Nitrogen or Clover + Potassium (2000)
- Performance of heifers grazing coastal bermudagrass fertilized with nitrogen or overseeded with clovers (1986)
- Performance of warm-season annual forages under nitrogen fertilizer application schemes on two-year-old residual manured soil (1994)
- Phosphorus and Potassium Uptake by Crimson Clover-Bermudagrass Fertilized with Broiler Litter and N Fertilizer (2002)
- Phosphorus and Potassium Uptake When Combining N Fertilizer with Broiler Litter (2002)
- Phosphorus uptake by Crimson clover-bermudagrass fertilized with broiler litter and nitrogen fertilizer (2004)
- Rabbiteye Blueberry Plant Response to Nitrogen and Phosphorus (1992)
- Rate of application and source of nitrogen on yield of Coastal bermudagrass (1982)
- Reducing Soil Phosphorus Buildup by Combining Nitrogen Fertilizer with Broiler Litter (2002)
- Residual soil phosphorus after fertilizing Crimson clover-Coastal bermudagrass with broiler litter and nitrogen (2004)
- Residual soil phosphorus after fertilizing ryegrass-Coastal bermudagrass with nitrogen fertilizer and broiler litter (2004)
- Response of plains bluestem, kleingrass and alamo switchgrass to nitrogen fertilization (1981)
- Response of ryegrass to limestone, nitrogen, and potassium (1994)
- Response of TAM 90 Ryegrass to Limestone and Nitrogen (1996)
- Response of winter rye to limestone, nitrogen, and potassium (1994)
- Response to ‘Tifleaf’ Millet to Limestone, Nitrogen, and Potassium (1993)
- Soil Depth Distribution of Nitrate-Nitrogen in Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures Subjected to Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (2006)
- Soil Nitrate Levels of Bermudagrass Pastures under Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (1998)
- Source and rate of nitrogen on Coastal bermudagrass forage production (1981)
- Sustained Production from Common Bermudagrass Pastures Using Clover-Potassium or Ryegrass-Nitrogen (1990)
- Sustained production from common bermudagrass pastures using clover-potassium or ryegrass-nitrogen (1992)
- Sustained Production from Intensively Used Bermudagrass Pastures without Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer (1992)
- Sweetpotato Response to Limestone, Nitrogen, and Potassium (1992)
- The correlation between carbohydrate/nitrogen ratio and rooting ability in rosa multiflora stem cuttings (1985)
- The effects of various nitrogen fertilizers on yield and N uptake of bermudagrass (1983)
- Tifton 85 bermudagrass dry matter response to nitrogen, potassium, chloride, and sulfur fertilizer treatments (2004)
- Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Response to Nitrogen Rates Applied as Urea Fertilizers (2006)
- Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Response to Nitrogen, Potassium, Chloride, and Sulfur Fertilizer Treatments in 2004 (2006)
- Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Response to Nitrogen, Potassium, Chloride, and Sulfur Fertilizer Treatments in 2005 (2006)
- Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Response to the Interaction on Nitrogen and Potash on Darco Loamy Fine Sand (2006)
- Use of Clover-Potassium vs Ryegrass-Nitrogen for Sustained Production from Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures (1990)
- Wheat Grain Yield Response to Nitrogen Rates With and Without a Fungicide (1986)
- Winter Wheat Response to Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and Limestone on a Burleson Clay Loam (1990)
- Yield Response of Annual Ryegrass-Coastal Bermudagrass to Broiler Litter Plus N Fertilizer (2002)
- Yield response of annual ryegrass-Coastal bermudagrass to broiler litter plus nitrogen fertilizer (2004)