- Adapting plants to high pH soils by use of native rootstock (1987)
- Bounty: a new peach for East Texas (1989)
- Chemical thinning and nutrition of peaches (1987)
- Chemical thinning of peaches and plums with ammonium thiosulfate (1987)
- Citrus and peach production in the lower Rio Grande Valley (1987)
- Decidous fruits and pecans (1987)
- Effect of postharvest foliage fungicides on severity of peach rust (tranzschelia discolor pers.) (1987)
- Fruit variety evaluations at Overton, 1980 (1980)
- Growing peaches and plums in East Texas (1984)
- Influence of fertilization method and liming rate on peach tree growth and soil pH (1989)
- Influence of postharvest packaging on storage life of redskin peaches (1985)
- Peach rootstocks (1987)
- Peach variety evaluations at Overton, 1982 (1983)
- Peach variety performance and quality in East Texas (1979)
- Peach variety performance and quality in East Texas (1980)
- Peachtree borer and lesser peachtree border population dynamics in Texas (1998)
- Preharvest cultural research and decelopmental physiology of fruits (1987)
- Preliminary observations on use of ethylene-releasing compounds for chemical peach thinning in North Texas (1985)
- Season long comparison of imidan, thiodan and penncap-m insecticide to control insects on peaches (1998)
- Soil pH, nutrition, and nematodes from a deep profile in old established peach orchards (1987)
- Stonefruit rootstock development (1987)
- Stonefruit scion breeding and genetics (1987)
- Use of mefluidide as a chemical peach thinning agent (1985)
- Water stress effects on fruit doubling of peaches (1989)