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Articles for Keyword stocking rate
- Comparison of liveweight gains of suckling vs weaned calves grazed at four stocking rates (1984)
- Cow-calf liveweight gain and milk production from three differently stocked pastures (1980)
- Effect of stocking rate and grazing method on forage-on-offer, forage intake, and animal weight changes on cool-season pastures (1986)
- Effect of stocking rate and supplements on performance of steers grazing wheat pasture (1992)
- Effects of stocking rate on forage-on-offer, bite rate, bite size, bite quality, and animal weight gain on warm season pastures (1986)
- Growth and development of F-1 (Brahman x Hereford) heifers under various short-term grazing pressures (1992)
- Influence of creep feed and stocking rate on cow-calf performance (1983)
- Influence of grazing pressure on forage digestibility, intake, and liveweight gain (1985)
- Influence of stocking rate on purebred Brahman cows and calves vs F-1 (Brahman x Hereford) cows and Simmental-sired calves (1984)
- Influence of stocking rate, creep feed, and electrical stimulation on carcass characteristics of heifers and steers slaughtered at weaning (1982)
- Influence of stocking rate, creep feed, and electrical stimulation on carcasses of calves slaughtered at weaning (1982)
- Influence of stocking rate, forage utilization, and weight gain of weaned fallow bucks grazing ryegrass pasture (1996)
- Influence of stocking rates and cow weight change on weaning weights and subsequent birth weights of calves and cow reproductive performance (1982)
- Liveweight gains of weaned calves from four levels of available forage (1984)
- Performance of F-1 (Brahman x Hereford) cows and Simmental-sired calves at four stocking rates (1984)
- Principles of grazing management (1976)
- Sustained production from common bermudagrass pastures using clover-potassium or ryegrass-nitrogen (1992)
- Use of clover-potassium vs ryegrass-nitrogen for sustained production from coastal bermudagrass pastures (1992)