- Biomass production and allocation of switchgrass cultivars in Texas (1994)
- Determining optimal establishment and cultural practices for switchgrass biomass production in Texas (1993)
- Dry matter losses during storage of switchgrass biomass (1993)
- Establishing bundleflowers in bermuda and switchgrass (2003)
- Harvest management of switchgrass grown for biomass (1994)
- Influence of Temperature on Switchgrass Emergence (2002)
- Nitrogen and phosphorus responses of switchgrass grown for biomass (1994)
- Response of plains bluestem, kleingrass and alamo switchgrass to nitrogen fertilization (1981)
- Soil Type and Moisture Level Influence on Alamo Switchgrass Emergence and Seedling Growth (2002)
- Switchgrass Establishment for Pasture (2000)
- Switchgrass management (1981)