- The fruit research program at Overton (an overview) (1985)
- Autumn propagation of semi-hardwood blueberry cuttings (1987)
- Blueberry cultivar trials: new releases for 1987 (1987)
- Chemical thinning of peaches and plums with ammonium thiosulfate (1987)
- Comparison of drip emitters, low volume spray emitters, and mulching on plant establishment of rabbiteye blueberries (1987)
- Effectiveness of different bee species in pollination of blueberry flowers (1987)
- Fruit research program at Overton: an overview (1987)
- Nematode population survey of blueberry plantings in East Texas (1987)
- Nitrogen source evaluation for rabbiteye blueberries (1987)
- Preharvest cultural research and decelopmental physiology of fruits (1987)
- Preliminary report on use of ethephon to induce early ripening of rabbiteye blueberries (1987)
- Raspberry cultivar trials (1987)
- The use of irrigation methods and mulching to reduce salt damage of blueberries irrigated with a sodic water (1987)
- Bounty: a new peach for East Texas (1989)
- Comparative tolerance of lowchill highbush and rabbiteye blueberry cultivars to frost damage (1989)
- Growth and production comparison of highbush, lowchill highbush, and rabbiteye blueberry cultivars in East Texas (1989)
- Influence of fertilization method and liming rate on peach tree growth and soil pH (1989)
- Production of annual strawberries in East Texas (1989)
- Root distribution of climax rabbiteye blueberry as affected by mulch and irrigation method (1989)
- Water stress effects on fruit doubling of peaches (1989)
- Use of low-volume sprinklers for frost protection of blueberries (1991)
- Cultural practices to reduce salinity/sodium damage to rabbiteye blueberry plants (1995)