Home » Publication Years 1995-2004
Publication Years 1995-2004
- Annual ryegrass seed production in Oregon’s Williamette Valley (1995)
- Cultural practices to reduce salinity/sodium damage to rabbiteye blueberry plants (1995)
- Deer nutrition (1995)
- Economics of ryegrass production and utilization (1995)
- Grazing management and utilization of ryegrass (1995)
- Health issues in deer farming (1995)
- Introduction to annual ryegrass (1995)
- Management of ryegrass and ryegrass mixtures (1995)
- Managing ryegrass for white-tailed deer (1995)
- Marketing exotic game meat products to restaurants (1995)
- Pasture systems for farming exotic deer (1995)
- Pest management in ryegrass (1995)
- Reproductive management of female cervidae (1995)
- Reproductive management of male cervidae and growth characteristics of axis deer (1995)
- Ryegrass establishment (1995)
- Ryegrass hay, silage and greenchop production (1995)
- Ryegrass improvement and important cultivars (1995)
- Ryegrass nutritive value (1995)
- Ryegrass utilization by the Texas Dairy Industry (1995)
- Soil management and fertility practices for annual ryegrass (1995)
- Supplemental forage management for white-tailed deer in East Texas (1995)
- A fusarium wilt disease nursery for watermelon (1996)
- A Laboratory Method to Eliminate Seasonally Variable Soil pH (1996)
- Alfalfa Production on Acid Soils Affected by Phosphorus Availability and Soluble Aluminum Levels in the Subsoil (1996)
- Alfalfa Production on Acid, Humid Region Soils (1996)
- Alfalfa Response to Soil Series and Applied Phosphorus (1996)
- Bermudagrass variety test at Overton, 1994 (1996)
- Black spot control on roses with triforine ec (1996)
- Carcass Characteristics of Half-Simmental, Angus x Brahman, Tuli x Brahman, and Brahman Steers (1996)
- Control of black spot on roses with cyproconazole used as a drench (1996)
- Cropping system and season of application of poultry litter affected residual soil P concentration (1996)
- Economic Value of Poultry Litter as Fertilizer for East Texas Pastures (1996)
- Economic value of poultry litter as fertilizer for vegetable production (1996)
- Effect of Alfalfa Row Spacing in Coastal Bermudagrass on Yield (1996)
- Effect of cropping system on NO3-N concentration of surface run-off water and leachate from poultry litter application (1996)
- Effect of cropping system on residual soil P from poultry litter application (1996)
- Effect of Grazing Termination Date on Seed Production of Crimson Clover Varieties (1996)
- Effect of poultry litter rate of application on residual soil NO3-N (1996)
- Effect of Prenatal Stress on Calves’ Cortisol Clearance Rates, Behavioral and Physiological Responses to Branding, and Iriununological Response to Weaning (1996)
- Effect of Prenatal Stress on Calves’ Plasma Cortisol Responses, Body Weights, and Pituitary Gland Weights (1996)
- Effect of rye and ryegrass seeding rates and mixture ratios on forage yield and quality at Uvalde, 1993-94 (1996)
- Effects of Dietary Fat and Season on Reproductive Perfonnance in Postpartum Brahman Cows (1996)
- Effects of Dietary Fat on Hormone and Metabolite Concentrations and Follicular Development in Unilateral Ovariectomized Estrous Cycling Brahman Cows (1996)
- Efficient and safe utilization of animal waste on pasture (1996)
- Evaluation of Lagoon Effluent from Caged Laying Hens as a Nutrient Source for Ryegrass Pasture (1996)
- Evaluation of reseeding winter annual medics for South Texas (1996)
- Evaluation of seed treatments on wheat forage production (1996)
- Evaluation of Summer Legumes as Supplemental Browse for White-tailed Deer (1996)
- Factors Influencing Pregnancy Status in Fallow Deer (Dama dama) (1996)
- Feed Intake, Feed Efficiency and Growth in Male and Female Axis Fawns (Axis axis) (1996)
- Feedlot Performance of Four Breed Types of Steers (1996)
- Forage Passage Kinetics of Brahman, Angus, Angus x Brahman, and Tuli x Brahman Heifers at Two Environments (1996)
- Forage variety tests for small grains at Overton in 1994-95 and 3-year means (1996)
- Forage variety trial for alfalfa at Yoakum, 1994 (1996)
- Fungicide tests for black spot control on roses, 1994 (1996)
- Fungicide tests for black spot control on roses, 1995 (1996)
- Grazing Behavior of Brahman, Angus, Angus x Brahman, Tuli x Angus, and Tuli x Brahman Heifers at Two Environments (1996)
- Growing Weaned Fallow Bucks to Slaughter on Cool-Season Pasture in East Texas (1996)
- Growth and Reproduction of Brahman, Angus x Brahman; and Tuli x Brahman Yearling Heifers on Pasture (1996)
- Influence of autumn temperatures on annual ryegrass seedling growth (1996)
- Influence of stocking rate, forage utilization, and weight gain of weaned fallow bucks grazing ryegrass pasture (1996)
- Influence of Temperature on Annual Ryegrass Seedling Growth (1996)
- Lupin production in south central Texas (1996)
- Mineral composition and pH of dairy waste (1996)
- Oat Forage Yields at Overton for 1994-95 and Three-Year Means (1996)
- Oat Grain Variety Tests at Mt. Pleasant for 1993-94 and Three-Year Mean Yields (1996)
- Oat Grain Variety Tests at Overton for 1994-95 and Three-Year Means (1996)
- Occurrence of the Clover Stem Borer in Forage Legumes (1996)
- Performance of Bermudagrass Varieties at Overton-1994 (1996)
- Performance of several warm-season perennial grasses at Stephenville (1996)
- Performance of Tropically Adapted Steers Grazing Winter Pasture at Overton, TX and El Reno, OK (1996)
- Physiological and Anatomical Differences in Adapted and Non-Adapted Cattle in the Tropics (1996)
- Reseeding of crimson clover (1996)
- Response of ‘Alfagraze’ Alfalfa and Coastal Bermudagrass to Rotational Grazing (1996)
- Response of Alfalfa in Coastal Bermudagrass to Applied Potassium, Magnesium, and Sulfur (1996)
- Response of Alfalfa to Surface Applied Limestone and Boron (1996)
- Response of TAM 90 Ryegrass to Limestone and Nitrogen (1996)
- Response of TAM 90 Ryegrass to Limestone and Potassium (1996)
- Rye Forage Yields at Overton for 1994-95 and Three-Year Means (1996)
- Ryegrass forage yields at Overton for 1994-95 and 3-year means (1996)
- Ryegrass Forage Yields at Overton for 1994-95 and Three-Year Means (1996)
- Seasonal Forage Production of Sod-Seeded Clover Mixtures (1996)
- Seasonal forage production of sod-seeded clover mixtures (1996)
- Sensory Traits of Brahman, Tuli x Brahman, Angus x Brahman, and Simmental x F-l (Brahman x Hereford) Steers (1996)
- Survival of ‘Alfagraze’ Alfalfa Under Rotational Grazing (1996)
- Susceptibility of Arrowleaf Clover to Phytophthora Root Rot in Flooded Soil (1996)
- Testicular Characteristics of Male Angora Goats Consuming Acacia berlandieri (Guajillo) (1996)
- Triticale Forage Yields at Overton for 1993-94 (1996)
- Utilizing Broiler Litter as a Protein and Mineral Supplement for Beef Cows (1996)
- Warm-season annual legume evaluations of alkaline soils (1996)
- Wheat Forage Yields at Overton for 1994-95 and Three-Year Means (1996)
- Wheat Grain Variety Test for 1993-94 and Two Year Means at Mt. Pleasant (1996)
- Wheat Grain Variety Tests at DeKalb for 1994-95 (1996)
- Wheat Grain Variety Tests at Overton for 1993-94 and Two-Year Means (1996)
- Yield and morphology of warm-season perennial grasses at Stephenville and Temple (1996)
- A microprocessor based data acquistition system for modeling cantaloupe phenology (1998)
- Alfalfa variety performance in central Texas (1998)
- Alterations in Antler and Testis Growth in Fallow Bucks Implanted with Ralgro as Weanlings (1998)
- Asian ambrosia beetle population dynamics in East Texas (1998)
- Biomass Production of Kenaf at Overton (1998)
- Body Weight Gains of Weaned 1/4 Mesopotamian Fallow, European Fallow and Axis Bucks in Drylot, on Rye-Ryegrass Pasture or on Coastal Bermudagrass Pasture (1998)
- Cantaloupe variety trials on plasticulture and drip irrigation systems for East Texas, 1996 (1998)
- Cantaloupe variety trials on plasticulture and drip irrigation systems for East Texas, 1997 (1998)
- Carcass Traits of Steers and Heifers Previously Pastured at Three Stocking Rates (1998)
- Carpramid as a nutrient absorption enhancer did not improve growth, yield, or photosynthesis of muskmelon or bell pepper (1998)
- Cattle Grazing Acceptance of Summer Forage Legumes (1998)
- Coastal Bermudagrass and Coastal Bermudagrass-Cowpea Mixture for Does Nursing Fawns (1998)
- Comparison of Alfalfa Inoculation Products (1998)
- Comparison of Crimson Clover Varieties in Northeast Texas (1998)
- Comparison of Estrous Synchronization and Fertility Using Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in Combination with Prostaglandin (PGF) in Brahman females (1998)
- Comparison of Growth and Carcass Characteristics of Yearling European Fallow with Axis Bucks (1998)
- Comparison of Growth and Carcass Characteristics of Yearling European with 1/4 Mesopotamian Fallow Bucks (1998)
- Comparison of Net Returns from Alternative Production Systems for Alfalfa Grown on Acid Humid-Region Soils (1998)
- Comparison of seeded and vegetatively propagated bermudagrass (1998)
- Comparison of Seeded Bermudagrass and Bahiagrass Varieties during the Establishment Year (1998)
- Comparison of Two Pythium Diseases on Arrowleaf Clover Emergence with Fungicide Treated Seed (1998)
- Continuous vs Rotational Grazing of Rye-Ryegrass Pastures at Three Stocking Rates (1998)
- Corn variety performance at Stephenville under irrigation as affected by manure application (1998)
- East Texas seedless watermelon evaluations, 1996 (1998)
- East Texas seedless watermelon evaluations, 1997 (1998)
- Economic Assessment of Angus and Limousin-sired Steers and Heifers from Pasture to Packer (1998)
- Economic Assessment of Simmental-sired Steers and Heifers from Pasture to Packer (1998)
- Effect of Boron and Soil Acidity Levels on Bermudagrass and Ryegrass Yields and Element Concentrations in the Soil (1998)
- Effect of Boron Fertilization and pH on Yield of Alfalfa (1998)
- Effect of cropping system on residual soil P from poultry litter application over five seasons (1998)
- Effect of poultry litter rate on residual soil P over a five season study period (1998)
- Effect of preemergent herbicides on growth of dwarf nandina, eleagnus, asiatic jasmine, bradford pear, and arizona ash (1998)
- Effect of Soil Boron and Applied Boron on Yield of Alfalfa (1998)
- Effect of Soil Boron Levels and pH on Yield of Alfalfa (1998)
- Effects of Feeding Bovatec Before and After Calving and Sex of Calf on Changes in Body Weight and Condition, and Reproductive Performance in Brahman Cows (1998)
- Effects of Induced Hypothyroidism on Weight Gains, Lactation and Reproductive Performance of First Calf Brahman Cows (1998)
- Effects of Induced Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism on Growth and Reproductive Performance of Brahman Heifers (1998)
- Effects of Land-Applied Poultry Lagoon Effluent on the Environment. 1. Forage Production (1998)
- Effects of Land-Applied Poultry Lagoon Effluent on the Environment. 2. Nutrient Uptake by Forage Grasses (1998)
- Effects of Land-Applied Poultry Lagoon Effluent on the Environment. 3. Soil Nutrient Levels (1998)
- Effects of Land-Applied Poultry Lagoon Effluent on the Environment. 4. Nutrient Concentrations in Runoff Water (1998)
- Efficacy of Elastrator Bands to Remove Antlers and Prevent Antler Regrowth in Yearling Fallow Bucks (1998)
- Evaluation of Summer Legumes as Supplemental Browse for White-Tailed Deer (1998)
- Evaluation of Waterlogging Tolerance in Eight Clover Species (1998)
- Feedlot Performance of Steers and Heifers Previously Pastured at Three Stocking Rates (1998)
- First Report of Four New Diseases on Arrowleaf Clover in East Texas (1998)
- Forage and silage performance of wheat and triticale varieties in central Texas (1998)
- Fungicide tests for black spot control on roses, 1997 (1998)
- Growing blotch free watermelon transplants utilizing recirculating aquacells, aquaponics, tilapia and vermiculture waste reduction system (1998)
- Honeydew variety trials on plasticulture and drip irrigation systems for East Texas, 1996 (1998)
- Hybrid watermelon evaluations for East Texas, 1996 (1998)
- Hybrid watermelon evaluations for East Texas, 1997 (1998)
- Improved Establishment of Arrowleaf Clover in the Field Using Fungicide-Pelleted Seed or Fungicide Drenches (1998)
- Improved Winter Growth of Rose Clover (1998)
- Influence of Stocking Rate on Weaned Fallow Bucks Grazing Winter Pasture (1998)
- Influence of Time of Broiler Litter Application on Production of Ryegrass-Bermudagrass Pasture (1998)
- Interactions of poultry litter, polyethylene mulch and floating row covers on triploid watermelon production (1998)
- Management Strategies to Improve Calf Value – How Much Money Are You Leaving on the Table? (1998)
- Managing Crimson Clover for Reseeding (1998)
- Medic forage and seed yield at Stephenville as affected by iniation date of monthly harvests (1998)
- Non-native deer preference for summer annual forages (1998)
- Oat Forage Yields at Overton for 1996-97 and Two-Year Means (1998)
- Oat Grain Variety Tests at Overton for 1996-97 and Two-Year Means (1998)
- Pasture and Animal Performance from Bermudagrass Pastures at Three Stocking Rates With or Without Nitrogen Fertilization (1998)
- Pasture Costs Associated with Grazing Bermudagrass-Rye-Ryegrass with Stocker Cattle (1998)
- Peachtree borer and lesser peachtree border population dynamics in Texas (1998)
- Photosynthetic light response of six clonal selections of the sweetpotato cultivar beauregard (1998)
- Pine Needle Induced Abortion in Bos indicus Cows (1998)
- Potential for Profits from Alfalfa in East Texas (1998)
- Preference of Warm Season Annual Forage Species by Non-Native Deer (1998)
- Preference of Warm Season Annual Forage Species by Non-Native Deer (1998)
- Production Systems to Improve the Competitiveness of the Southern Dairy Industry (1998)
- Quantifying additional benefits of irrigated plasticulture on vegetable production: carbon dioxide enrichment (1998)
- Response of Annual Ryegrass to Residual and Applied Phosphorus (1998)
- Rye Forage Yields at Overton for 1996-97 and Three-Year Means (1998)
- Ryegrass forage yields at Overton and Beaumont for 1997-1998 and 5-year means (1998)
- Ryegrass Forage Yields at Overton for 1996-97 and Five-Year Means (1998)
- Season long comparison of imidan, thiodan and penncap-m insecticide to control insects on peaches (1998)
- Selection for Tolerance to Pythium ultimum Root Rot in Annual Ryegrass (1998)
- Small grain forage yields at Overton for 1997-1998 and three-year means (1998)
- Soil Compaction of Bermudagrass Pasture Grazed at Three Stocking Rates for 25 Years (1998)
- Soil Nitrate Levels of Bermudagrass Pastures under Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (1998)
- Soil pH of Bermudagrass Pastures under Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (1998)
- Soil Phosphorus of Bermudagrass Pastures under Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (1998)
- Soil Potassium of Bermudagrass Pastures under Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (1998)
- Summer Forage Legumes for Non-Native Deer (1998)
- The effect of dairy manure on summer annual broadleaves grown as alternative silages in the Cross Timbers (1998)
- The effect of dairy manure on summer annual grasses grown as alternative silages in the Cross Timbers (1998)
- The fusarium wilt disease nursery for watermelon at Overton (1998)
- The influence of harvest timing on forage sorghum silage yield and quality (1998)
- Treatment and Seasonal Effects on Alfalfa Crude Protein Content (1998)
- Wheat Forage Yields at Overton for 1996-97 and Two-Year Means (1998)
- Wheat Grain Variety Tests at Overton, Mt. Pleasant, and DeKalb for 1996-97 and Three-Year Means (1998)
- Winter small grains for green chop and silage on the Vander Horst Dairy, Stephenville, 1997-1998 (1998)
- Challenges of marketing non-native deer and vension products (1999)
- Deer nutrition (1999)
- Deer species (1999)
- Estrous synchronization and artificial insemination of deer (1999)
- Farming non-native deer on improved pastures-estimated costs and returns (1999)
- Growing forages for deer (1999)
- Growth and carcass characteristics of farmed non-native deer (1999)
- Health issues in deer farming (1999)
- Introduction to deer farming (1999)
- Pasture systems for deer (1999)
- Reproductive management of farmed non-native deer (1999)
- Addition of Commercial Fertilizer or Clover with Broiler Litter for Ryegrass-Coastal Bermudagrass Production (2000)
- Addition of Commercial Fertilizer or Clover with Broiler Litter on Nutrient Uptake by Ryegrass-Coastal Bermudagrass (2000)
- Annual Ryegrass Response to Residual and Applied Phosphorus (2000)
- Carcass Characteristics of Steers and Heifers Previously Grazed at Three Stocking Rates and Feedlot Finished (2000)
- Cattle Movement Through the Texas Beef System (2000)
- Clover Species Selection and Establishment Costs (2000)
- Comparison of Arrowleaf, Crimson, Rose, and Subterranean Clover Accumulated Growth in East Texas (2000)
- Cool-season forage legume establishment (2000)
- Cool-Season Perennial Forage Grasses for Cow-Calf and Stocker Production in East Texas (2000)
- Do we need forage legumes? (2000)
- Does Ag-Lime Need Particles Larger than 60-Mesh to Maintain Elevated Soil pH? (2000)
- Dose Response Effect of Prenatal Trenbolone Acetate Treatment on Thyroid Hormone Concentrations and Growth and Reproductive Performance of Beef Cows (2000)
- Early Planting Enhances Arrowleaf Clover Forage Production (2000)
- Economic Assessment of Feedlot and Overall Stocker-Feedlot Performance for Steers and Heifers, 1998-99 (2000)
- Economic Assessment of Steers Pastured at Three Stocking Rates Under a Continuous Grazing System (2000)
- Economic Assessment of Steers Pastured at Three Stocking Rates Under a Rotational Grazing System (2000)
- Effect of AmiSorb on Nutrient Uptake of Coastal Bermudagrass (2000)
- Effect of Limestone Incorporation, Application Time, and Molybdenum on Yield of Alfalfa in a Drought Year (2000)
- Effective Liming Material An Additional Term to Help Describe Limestone Quality (2000)
- Effects of Dietary Rice Bran, Lasalocid, and Sex of Calf on Postpartum Reproduction in Brahman Cows (2000)
- Effects of Parity on Postpartum Follicular Development and Endocrine Profiles in the Brahman Female (2000)
- Evaluation of Cattle-ASEΓäó on Gain of Yearling Heifers Grazing Bermudagrass (2000)
- Evaluation of the Liming Potential of Nutra-LimeΓäó (2000)
- Feedlot Performance of Steers and Heifers Grazed at Three Stocking Rates on Rye-Ryegrass Pastures (2000)
- Final Stocker Weights and Economic Summary of Rye-Ryegrass Pastures as Influenced by Grazing Method and Stocking Rate (2000)
- Forage legume species (2000)
- Forage Production of Coastal Bermudagrass and Annual Ryegrass-Coastal Bermudagrass Mixture Fertilized with Four Rates of Broiler Litter (2000)
- Improved Establishment of Arrowleaf Clover Using Fungicide-Coated Seed (2000)
- Improvement of Rose Clover Winter Forage Production (2000)
- Influence of Bos Taurus and Bos Indicus Breedtype on Production of Cortisol (2000)
- Influence of Planting Date on the Growing Season of Three Crimson Clover Varieties (2000)
- Legume nitrogen fixation and transfer (2000)
- Managing legume and legume-grass mixtures (2000)
- Nonpoint Source Phosphorus From Grazinglands (2000)
- Nutrient Uptake by Coastal Bermudagrass and an Annual Ryegrass-Coastal Bermudagrass Mixture Fertilized with Four Rates of Broiler Litter (2000)
- Nutritive Value and Relative Feed Value of ‘Alfagraze’ Alfalfa During the Summer Hay Harvest Period (2000)
- Nutritive Value of Alfalfa Leaf and Stem as Affected by Harvest Date and Boron Rate (2000)
- Oat Forage Yields at Overton for 1998-99 and Three-Year Means (2000)
- On-Farm Alfalfa Establishment Demonstrations in the Southern Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (2000)
- Optimum Soil pH for Clover Establishment (2000)
- Pasture Costs for Cows and Calves Grazing Ryegrass + Nitrogen or Clover + Potassium (2000)
- Phosphorus Removal by Cool-Season Annuals Overseeded on Common Bermudagrass (2000)
- Problems of the Texas Beef Industry (2000)
- Requirements for Successful Alfalfa Establishment on Acid Soils (2000)
- Residual Soil Nutrient Levels After Applying Broiler Litter for Two Years With and Without Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizer or Clover (2000)
- Residual Soil Nutrient Levels After Applying Four Rates of Broiler Litter for Two Years (2000)
- Response of TAM 90 Ryegrass and Coastal Bermudagrass to Boron Rates and to the Residual Effect of Limestone Rates and ECCE (2000)
- Rye Forage Yields at Overton for 1998-99 and Three-Year Means (2000)
- Ryegrass Forage Yields at Beaumont for 1998-99 and Three-Year Means (2000)
- Ryegrass Forage Yields at Overton for 1998-99 and Three-Year Means (2000)
- Seeded vs Vegetatively Planted Bermudagrass (2000)
- Steer Performance Affected by Grazing Method and Stocking Rate (2000)
- Stocking Rate and Overseeded Bermudagrass Pasture Effects on Angus X Brahman (F-1) Heifer Performance (2000)
- Switchgrass Establishment for Pasture (2000)
- Three Cycles of Selection for Tolerance to Pythium Ultimum Root Disease in Annual Ryegrass (2000)
- Today’s Families and Beef Consumption (2000)
- Ultrasonic Measures of Backfat Depth and Ribeye Area for Steers Grazing Rye-Ryegrass at Three Stocking Rates (2000)
- Utilization of forage legumes (2000)
- Wheat Forage Yields at Overton for 1998-99 and Three-Year Means (2000)
- Wildlife forage areas and food plots for deer (2000)
- Agronomic characteristics of native and naturalized cool season legumes collected in Texas (2002)
- Alfalfa as an Alternative Forage for Summer Pasture for Stocker Calves (2002)
- Alfalfa Response.to Gypsum and Calcium Sulfite Sludge Applied to Acid Soils to Reduce Phytotoxicity of Subsoil Aluminum (2002)
- An Evaluation of Hand-Held Infrared Thermography for Determining Velvet Antler Growth Rates in Red Deer Stags (2002)
- Annual and short-lived perennial summer legumes for the Cross Timbers (2002)
- Annual Ryegrass Forage Yields at Overton for 2000-200 I and Three-Year Means (2002)
- Apache Arrowleaf Clover (2002)
- Backgrounding Stocker Calves Post-Weaning on Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Alone or Coastal Bermudagrass Plus Supplementation (2002)
- Birth Weights, Weaning Weights, and Average Daily Gain of Romosinuano-Sired Calves from First and Second Calving Angus X Brahman (F-1) Cows (2002)
- Carcass Trait Effects from Environment, Growth Rate on Pasture, and Breedtypes (2002)
- Clover-Bermudagrass Production When Fertilized with Broiler Litter and Commercial Nitrogen Fertilizer (2002)
- Comparison of Cowpea, Lablab, and Hay Type Soybean Growth and Defoliation by Deer (2002)
- Comparison of Reproductive Development of Recently Introduced Breeds to Angus and Brahman Bulls (2002)
- Comparison of Seeded and Vegetatively Planted Bermudagrasses (2002)
- Comparison of Select Synch® and Prostaglandin in Estrous Synchronization of Brahman Females (2002)
- Comparison of Traits at Sexual Maturity of Recently Introduced Breeds to Angus and Brahman Bulls (2002)
- Consuming Whole Cottonseed Affects Growth and Reproduction of Male Cervids (2002)
- Consumption of Whole Cottonseed and EasifloΓäó Cottonseed Affect Growth in Red Deer Stags (2002)
- Continuous, 8-Paddock, and 16-Paddock Grazing at Two Stocking Rates With Different Breed Types (2002)
- Cow-Calf Performance from Common, Coastal, and Tifton 85 Bermudagrass When Grazed at Three Stocking Rates (2002)
- Crimson Clover Responses to Residual and Applied Phosphorus (2002)
- Effect of Limestone Incorporation, Application Time, and Molybdenum on Yield of Alfalfa (2002)
- Effect of Pasture Stocking Rate, Breed Types, Sex of Calf and Feedlot Performance on Carcass Traits (2002)
- Effect of Previous Stocking Rate of Rye-Ryegrass Pasture and Four Breed Types of Calves on Feedlot Performance (2002)
- Effect of Rye-Ryegrass Stocking Rate, Breed Types, and Sex of Calf on Feedlot Performance (2002)
- Effect of Stocking Rate on Red Deer Fawns Grazing Annual Ryegrass (2002)
- Effects of the Fibrolytic Enzyme Cattle-ASEΓäó on Growth of Prepuberal Romosinuano Crossbred Heifers (2002)
- Elk Cow Preference for Annual Summer Forages (2002)
- Evaluation of Fall-Established Forages for White-Tailed Deer (2002)
- Field-Scale Alfalfa Production in Southern Region USDA-SARE Program Research in East Texas (2002)
- Forage Production of Apache Arrowleaf Clover (2002)
- Improved Sweetclover Varieties for Central Texas (2002)
- Influence of Breedtype on Adrenal Responsiveness to ACTH in Beef Steers (2002)
- Influence of Environment, Pre-Feedlot Growth Rate, and Breed Types on Feedlot Performance (2002)
- Influence of Nitrogen Fertilization on Fall and Winter Growth of Annual Ryegrass (2002)
- Influence of Season of Birth on Reproductive Development of Brahman Bulls (2002)
- Influence of Temperature on Switchgrass Emergence (2002)
- Leptin and IGF-I as Metabolic Indicators of Reproductive Performance (2002)
- Low Coumarin Sweetclover for Texas (2002)
- Oat Forage Yields at Overton for 2000-2001 and Three-Year Means (2002)
- Oat Grain Variety Trial at Overton for 2000-2001 and Three Year Means (2002)
- Observational Versus Electronic Methods for the Detection of Estrus in Farmed Red Deer Hinds (2002)
- Persistence of Alfalfa Varieties Under Three Stocking Methods on Coastal Plains Soils in East Texas (2002)
- Persistence of Cool-Season Perennial Grasses in East Texas (2002)
- Phosphorus and Potassium Uptake by Crimson Clover-Bermudagrass Fertilized with Broiler Litter and N Fertilizer (2002)
- Phosphorus and Potassium Uptake When Combining N Fertilizer with Broiler Litter (2002)
- Preference of Summer Annual Forages by Red Deer (2002)
- Previous Stocking Rate on Winter Pasture, Four Breed Types, and Feedlot Performance on Carcass Traits (2002)
- Reducing Soil Phosphorus Buildup by Combining Nitrogen Fertilizer with Broiler Litter (2002)
- Relationship Between Net Feed Intake, Performance Traits and Ultrasound Measures of Composition in Beef Steers (2002)
- Requirements for Successful Alfalfa Establishment on Acid Soils (2002)
- Response of Alfalfa to Zinc, Copper and Molybdenum (2002)
- Response of TAM 90 Ryegrass to the Residual Effects of Limestone Rates and ECCE and to Boron Rates (2002)
- Rye Forage Yields at Overton for 2000-2001 and Three-Year Means (2002)
- Small grain forage yields at Overton for 2000-2001 and three-year means (2002)
- Soil Type and Moisture Level Influence on Alamo Switchgrass Emergence and Seedling Growth (2002)
- Stocker Performance of Romosinuano Crossbred Steers Grazing Bermudagrass and Receiving a Supplement (2002)
- Supplementation of Bred Does and Does Nursing Fawns (2002)
- Texas Beef Industry Database (BEEFSYS) (2002)
- The Economics of Field-Scale Alfalfa Production on East Texas Coastal Plain Soils (2002)
- The Effects of Management Stressors on Cortisol Production in Various Breedtypes of Bulls (2002)
- Using Stockpiled Warm-Season Perennial Grasses for Fall and Winter Grazing in East Texas (2002)
- Wheat Forage Yields at Overton for 2000-2001 and Three-Year Means (2002)
- Wheat Grain Variety Tests at Overton, Mt. Pleasant, and Dekalb for 2000-2001 and Three-Year Means (2002)
- Yield Response of Annual Ryegrass-Coastal Bermudagrass to Broiler Litter Plus N Fertilizer (2002)
- Annual ryegrass forage yields of commercially available varieties at Overton for 2002-2003 and three-year means (2003)
- Black medics from Texas (2003)
- Effect of various herbicides on newly established bermudagrass (2003)
- Effect of various herbicides on yield of established ‘Coastal’ bermudagrass (2003)
- Effects of various herbicides and application timing on broadleaf weed control (2003)
- Establishing bundleflowers in bermuda and switchgrass (2003)
- Intake, digestibility, and growth by steers compared under continuous and frontal grazing (2003)
- Long-term accumulation of soil carbon and nitrogen in grazed bermudagrass pastures (2003)
- Medics and clovers for the Cross Timbers (2003)
- Row spacing and maturity of forage sorghum silage in north central Texas (2003)
- Tolerance of ten seeded perennial grasses during establishment to Plateau, Cimarron, and Amber (2003)
- Trailing and smooth-seeded wild beans: native annual warm season legumes for Texas (2003)
- Wheat, rye, and oat forage yields at Overton for 2001-2002 and 3-year mean (2003)
- Alfalfa baleage preparation and quality (2004)
- Alfalfa economics from four years of production on cooperating, stakeholder ranches in the SARE program (2004)
- Alfalfa growth on acid soils treated with gypsum and a coal combustion by-product (2004)
- Alfalfa response to potassium (K20) treatments affected by previous limestone quality and application methods (2004)
- Alfalfa yields from field production on ranches participating in the sustainable agriculture research and education program (2004)
- Assessments of velvet antler growth rates using digital infrared thermography in red deer stags (2004)
- Backgrounding stocker calves on stockpiled Tifton 85 bermudagrass with various protein supplementation rations (2004)
- ‘Beewild’ bundleflower, a new summer-growing perennial legume for central and south Texas and Mexico (2004)
- Breed type influences hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity and responsiveness to exogenous bovine corticotropin-releasing hormone (hCRR) in beef steers (2004)
- Clover-bermudagrass production fertilized with broiler litter and commercial nitrogen fertilizer (2004)
- Continuous stocked vs strip-stocked stockpiled Coastal bermudagrass during fall-winter (2004)
- Cow-calf gains from ‘TAM-90’ annual ryegrass overseeded on Tifton bermudagrass and stocked at three rates (2004)
- Cow-calf performance from ‘Apache’ arrowleaf clover overseeded on bermudagrass and grazed at three stocking rates (2004)
- Cow-calf performance from ‘TAM-90’ annual ryegrass overseeded on bermudagrass and grazed at three stocking rates (2004)
- Economic analysis of stockers grazing Tifton 85 bermudagrass and receiving different levels of protein supplementation (2004)
- Economic impact of stocking strategies for steers grazing rye-ryegrass pastures (2004)
- Effect of cottonseed meal consumption on performance of female fallow deer (2004)
- Effect of winter pasture grazing performance on feedlot and carcass traits in cattle (2004)
- Effects of temperament on stress mechanisms in Brahman heifers (2004)
- Establishment and management of Apache arrowleaf clover (2004)
- Fall-planted forage mixtures for white-tailed deer (2004)
- Feedlot and carcass traits of Bonsmara, Angus, and Brahman steers (2004)
- Field-scale alfalfa production economics on Coastal Plains soils (2004)
- First-calf heifer performance on common and coastal bermudagrass at three stocking rates (2004)
- Flowering of emerald sweetclover in Texas (2004)
- Glyphosate tolerant alfalfa (2004)
- Grazing growth rate effects on subsequent feedlot and carcass traits in Braunvieh cross steers (2004)
- Guidelines for successful alfalfa establishment on acid soils (2004)
- Herbicide evaluations on establishment of Tifton 85 bermudagrass (2004)
- Improved cultivars of Lablab for Texas (2004)
- Leaf, shoot, and root fractions of annual ryegrass influenced by nitrogen rate and season (2004)
- Native, perennial, warm-season, herbaceous legumes for the Cross Timbers (2004)
- New sweetclovers for Texas (2004)
- Nitrogen fertilizer rate and application time on growth of annual ryegrass (2004)
- Nitrogen uptake and distribution in annual ryegrass (2004)
- Nutritive value of stockpiled bermudagrass under continuous or strip-stocked management (2004)
- Oat forage yields at Overton for 2002-2003 and three-year means (2004)
- Pasture and livestock management workshop for novices (2004)
- Performance of stockers grazing Tifton 85 bermudagrass and receiving different levels of protein supplementation (2004)
- Phosphorus uptake by Crimson clover-bermudagrass fertilized with broiler litter and nitrogen fertilizer (2004)
- Phosphorus uptake by ryegrass-bermudagrass fertilized with broiler litter and nitrogen (2004)
- Protein supplementation of stocker calves grazing Tifton 85 and Coastal bermudagrass (2004)
- Relationships between cow and calf temperament and live animal body composition traits in beef calves (2004)
- Relationships between temperament and growth performance in beef cattle (2004)
- Relationships between temperament and live animal body composition traits in crossbred stocker steers (2004)
- Residual soil phosphorus after fertilizing Crimson clover-Coastal bermudagrass with broiler litter and nitrogen (2004)
- Residual soil phosphorus after fertilizing ryegrass-Coastal bermudagrass with nitrogen fertilizer and broiler litter (2004)
- Response of Tifton 85 bermudagrass to residual and applied phosphorus (2004)
- Rye forage yields at Overton for 2002-2003 and three-year means (2004)
- Ryegrass forage yields at Overton for 2002-2003 and three-year means (2004)
- Selection of a seeded bermudagrass (2004)
- Stocking rate and stocking strategy for steers grazing rotational or continuous stocked rye-ryegrass pasture (2004)
- The effect of applications of gypsum and a coal combustion by-product on acid East Texas soils (2004)
- Three-year stand survival of selected cool-season perennial grasses in East Texas (2004)
- Tifton 85 bermudagrass dry matter response to nitrogen, potassium, chloride, and sulfur fertilizer treatments (2004)
- Tifton 85 bermudagrass response to limestone rate, ECCE, and boron (2004)
- Wheat forage yields at Overton for 2002-2003 and three-year means (2004)
- Yield estimates for alfalfa following four years of on-farm production research (2004)
- Yield response of annual ryegrass-Coastal bermudagrass to broiler litter plus nitrogen fertilizer (2004)