Home » Publication Years 2005-2014
Publication Years 2005-2014
- Annual Medic Variety Test at Overton 2004-2005 (2006)
- Bahiagrass Variety Test-2005 (2006)
- Broiler Litter as an Alternative to Commercial Fertilizer (2006)
- Calcium Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Calcium Distribution at Various Soil Depths in Common and Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures Under Long-Term Stocking and Fertilizer Regimens (2006)
- Calm Cattle Have Better Responses to Weaning Vaccinations (2006)
- Carbon Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Changes in Soil Nitrate-Nitrogen of Common and Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures Subjected to Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (2006)
- Changes in Soil Phosphorus in Common and Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures During 35 Years of Various Stocking and Fertility Regimens (2006)
- Changes in Soil Potassium Concentrations in the Top 6-inch Soil Depth in Common and Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures During 35 Years of Stocking and
- Fertility Regimen (2006)
- Chloride Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Combining Tolerance to Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus and Pythium U!timum Diseases in Arrowleaf Clover (2006)
- Diploid Versus Tetraploid Annual Ryegrass Forage Yield Comparisons in Texas (2006)
- Economic Assessment of Stockers Grazing Rye-Ryegrass Pastures at Three Stocking Rates and Receiving Three Levels of Supplement (2006)
- Effect of Seeding Rate of Cowpeas and Lablab on Dry Matter Production and Nutritive Value (2006)
- Evaluation of Nematode Resistance in Lablab (2006)
- Fall-Planted Forage Mixtures for White-Tailed Deer (2006)
- Fertility Regimen Descriptions During 37 Years of Continuous Stocking of Common and Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures (2006)
- Improvement of Annual Sweetclover for Texas (2006)
- Improvement of Rust Resistance in Sweetclover (2006)
- Influence of Temperature on Germination of Hulled and Unhulled Bermudagrass Seed (2006)
- Magnesium Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Magnesium Distribution at Various Soil Depths in Bermudagrass Pastures Under Continuous Stocking for 35 Years (2006)
- New Summer Forage Legumes for Texas (2006)
- Nitrate- and Ammonium-Nitrogen (N) Concentrations in Darco Soil from Two N sources and Rates Applied to Tifton 85 Bermudagrass (2006)
- Nitrogen Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Nitrogen Source and Rate Effects on Tifton 85 Bermudagrass (2006)
- Nitrogen to Sulfur Ratio in Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Fertilizer Ratio Blends for Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Production (2006)
- Oat Forage Yields at Overton for 2004-2005 and Two-Year Means (2006)
- Phosphorus Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Potassium Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Residual Plant Nutrient Levels in Darco Soil after Four Years of Treatments and Cropping Tifton 85 Bermudagrass (2006)
- Response of Tifton 85 Bermudagrass to Soil pH and Poultry Litter in 2004 (2006)
- Rye Forage Yields at Overton for 2004-2005 and Three-Year Means (2006)
- Ryegrass Forage Yields at Overton for 2004-2005 and Three-Year Means (2006)
- Seeded Bermudagrasses and Their Establishment (2006)
- Seedling Development of Alfalfa, Sweetclover, and Annual Medic (2006)
- Selection of a New Ball Clover Variety (2006)
- Seven-Year Bermudagrass Production at Pecos, Texas Under Irrigation (2006)
- Soil Depth Changes in pH in Coastal and Common Bermudagrass Pastures Under Long-term Stocking and Fertility Management (2006)
- Soil Depth Distribution of Nitrate-Nitrogen in Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures Subjected to Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (2006)
- Soil Depth Distribution of Phosphorus in Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures Subjected to Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (2006)
- Soil Depth Distribution of Potassium in Common and Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures Under 30 Years of Grazing at Different Stocking Rates (2006)
- Soils for Alfalfa on the East Texas Coastal Plain (2006)
- Steer Temperament Influences Stress Responsiveness to Handling Typical In BeefCattle Management (2006)
- Stocking Rate and Level of Supplement Effects on Performance of Stocker Steers and Heifers Grazing Rye-Ryegrass Pastures (2006)
- Sulfur concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Tall Fescue Persistence in East Texas (2006)
- Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Response to Nitrogen Rates Applied as Urea Fertilizers (2006)
- Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Response to Nitrogen, Potassium, Chloride, and Sulfur Fertilizer Treatments in 2004 (2006)
- Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Response to Nitrogen, Potassium, Chloride, and Sulfur Fertilizer Treatments in 2005 (2006)
- Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Response to the Interaction on Nitrogen and Potash on Darco Loamy Fine Sand (2006)
- Time of Harvest of Lablab and Cowpeas on Production and Nutritive Value of Leaf and Stem Components (2006)
- Wheat Forage Yields at Overton for 2004-2005 and Two-Year Means (2006)
- Forage legumes for Texas (2008)
- Forage systems to reduce the winter feeding period (2008)
- Forage systems to reduce the winter feeding period (2008)
- Lime and fertilizer strategies for forage production (2008)
- Pasture beef cattle management options with increased costs of fertilizer, feed grains, and fuel: stocking strategies and nutrient cycling (2008)
- Reducing supplementation costs for beef cattle in today’s industry (2008)
- Comparison of Net Returns from Alternative Production Systems for Alfalfa Grown on Acid Humid-Region Soils (2012)
- Training wild pigs to bait (2012)
- Forage and pasture options for wintering cattle (2013)
- Forages and pasture systems for niche marketing of beef cattle (2013)
- Frequently Asked Questions Wild Pigs (2013)
- Wild pig damage abatement education and applied research actvities (2013)
- Eye pigmentation quantification and lesion occurrence in white faced cattle (2014)