- Developing improved grasses and legumes (1976)
- Establishment, management, and seed production (1976)
- Improved grasses and legumes (1976)
- Evaluation of experimental Kleingrass cultivars (1980)
- The evaluation of hardinggrass populations for seedling vigor (1980)
- The evaluation of Panicum introductions for seed size and forage quality (1980)
- The evaluation of ryegrass cultivars and experimental materials (1980)
- The evaluation of temperate legume introductions (1980)
- The growth and quality of selected legumes and grasses in a 750 MM rainfall area (1980)
- Evaluation of experimental cultivars of kleingrass (1981)
- Evaluation of subterranean clover cultivars and plant introductions (1981)
- Evaluation of tropical and warm-season legumes (1981)
- Performance of experimental varieties of kleingrass (Panicum coloratum l.) (1981)
- Rate of leaf elongation in kleingrass (1981)
- Switchgrass management (1981)
- Alfalfa variety performance in the Brazos River Bottom (1982)
- Emergency and seedling vigor of annual trifolium species (1982)
- Evaluation of alfalfa cultivars for hay production (1982)
- Evaluation of alfalfa response to phosphorus and potassium fertilization (1982)
- Evaluation of bermudagrass hybrids (1982)
- Evaluation of temperate annual clovers (1982)
- Performance of bermudagrass hybrids and cultivars in the Brazos River Bottom (1983)
- Performance of kleingrass varieties in South Texas, 1981 (1983)
- Performance of warm-season grass varieties and species (1983)
- Response of experimental bermudagrass hybrids and cultivars to defoliation frequency (1983)
- Season, age and cultivar effects on bermudagrass forage production and quality (1983)
- The performance of cool-season forage mixtures with Coastal bermudagrass (1983)
- The performance of warm-season legumes with kleingrass 75 at Beeville (1983)
- The performance of yuchi clover-coastal bermudagrass and gulf ryegrass-coastal mixtures as influenced by seedbed preparatio and seeding rate (1983)
- The production of perennial warm-season grass — cool-season legume mixture (1983)
- Winter annual legume evaluations at Beeville (1983)
- Performance of bermudagrass cultivars (1982) (1984)
- Performance of bermudagrass hybrids and cultivars in the Brazos River Bottom, 1981-83 (1984)
- Performance of native warm-season legumes (1984)
- Response of experimental bermudagrass hybrids and cultivars to defoliation frequency (1984)
- Seed weight and plant vigor in Illinois bundleflower (1984)
- The effects of planting methods and rates of sod seeded crops on forage production, 1981-83 (1984)
- The evaluation of Leucaena as a warm-season legume (1984)
- The performance of cool-season forage mixtures with Coastal bermudagrass (1984)
- Performance of alfalfa cultivars in the Brazos River Bottom near College Station (1985)
- Performance of bermudagrass cultivars (1982) (1985)