- Alfalfa economics from four years of production on cooperating, stakeholder ranches in the SARE program (2004)
- An Economic Perspective of an Integrated East Texas Stocker and High Plains Feeder Operation (1993)
- Cattle Movement Through the Texas Beef System (2000)
- Characterizing the demand by restaurants for exotic game meat products (1994)
- Clover Species Selection and Establishment Costs (2000)
- Comparison of Net Returns from Alternative Production Systems for Alfalfa Grown on Acid Humid-Region Soils (2012)
- Determining Fertilizer and Lime Rates for Maximum Profitability (1990)
- Economic analysis of forage systems and beef production in East Texas (1975)
- Economic analysis of stockers grazing Tifton 85 bermudagrass and receiving different levels of protein supplementation (2004)
- Economic Assessment of Feedlot and Overall Stocker-Feedlot Performance for Steers and Heifers, 1998-99 (2000)
- Economic Assessment of Simmental-sired Steers and Heifers from Pasture to Packer (1998)
- Economic Assessment of Steers Pastured at Three Stocking Rates Under a Continuous Grazing System (2000)
- Economic Assessment of Steers Pastured at Three Stocking Rates Under a Rotational Grazing System (2000)
- Economic Assessment of Stockers Grazing Rye-Ryegrass Pastures at Three Stocking Rates and Receiving Three Levels of Supplement (2006)
- Economic Comparison of Ralgro Implant and Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate on Animal Performance from Rye-Ryegrass Pastures (1986)
- Economic comparison of ralgro implant and nitrogen fertilizer rate on animal performance from rye-ryegrass pastures (1986)
- Economic impact of stocking strategies for steers grazing rye-ryegrass pastures (2004)
- Economic Value of Poultry Litter as Fertilizer for East Texas Pastures (1996)
- Economics of harvesting forages as hay (1976)
- Economics of ryegrass production and utilization (1995)
- Economics of the once daily suckling system of managing first calf heifers (1978)
- Expanding Texas Hardwood Markets (1993)
- Farming non-native deer on improved pastures-estimated costs and returns (1999)
- Field-scale alfalfa production economics on Coastal Plains soils (2004)
- Final Stocker Weights and Economic Summary of Rye-Ryegrass Pastures as Influenced by Grazing Method and Stocking Rate (2000)
- Low Input Structure and Field Cut Flower Production (1992)
- Management Strategies to Improve Calf Value – How Much Money Are You Leaving on the Table? (1998)
- Modeling Harvesting Behavior of Private Landowners in Eastern Texas on a Multi-County Level (1993)
- NCA-IRM Standardized Performance Analysis-Financial (1992)
- NCA-IRM Standardized Performance Analysis-Reproduction and Production (1992)
- Pasture beef cattle management options with increased costs of fertilizer, feed grains, and fuel: stocking strategies and nutrient
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- Pasture Costs Associated with Grazing Bermudagrass-Rye-Ryegrass with Stocker Cattle (1998)
- Potential for Profits from Alfalfa in East Texas (1998)
- Problems of the Texas Beef Industry (2000)
- Production Systems to Improve the Competitiveness of the Southern Dairy Industry (1998)
- Ranch to Rail Results: 1991-1992 (1993)
- Texas Beef Industry Database (BEEFSYS) (2002)
- The costs of producing rose bushes (1985)
- The Economics of Field-Scale Alfalfa Production on East Texas Coastal Plain Soils (2002)
- The economics of forage & beef production in East Texas (1980)
- Today’s Families and Beef Consumption (2000)