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Articles for Keyword irrigation
- Alfalfa cultivar evaluation with and without supplemental irrigation (1986)
- Cantaloupe variety trials on plasticulture and drip irrigation systems for East Texas, 1996 (1998)
- Cantaloupe variety trials on plasticulture and drip irrigation systems for East Texas, 1997 (1998)
- Comparison of corn and sorghum hybrids grown for silage under irrigated and dryland environments (1985)
- Comparison of drip emitters, low volume spray emitters, and mulching on plant establishment of rabbiteye blueberries (1987)
- Comparison of drip emitters, low volume spray emitters, and mulching on plant establishment of rabbiteye blueberries (1985)
- Corn variety performance at Stephenville under irrigation as affected by manure application (1998)
- Effect of irrigation, nitrogen, and plant population on corn and sorghum grown for silage (1988)
- Fertilization, irrigation, and mulching effects on rabbiteye blueberries in Texas (1985)
- Forage yields of irrigated legumes at Stephenville (1982)
- Forage yields of turnips, rape and kale under irrigated and dryland conditions at Stephenville (1982)
- Honeydew variety trials on plasticulture and drip irrigation systems for East Texas, 1996 (1998)
- Management effects on irrigated and dryland forage sorghum cultivars at Stephenville in 1981 (1982)
- Performance of corn hybrids as a silage crop in the West Cross Timbers (1986)
- Performance of kleingrass varieties in South Texas, 1981 (1983)
- Quantifying additional benefits of irrigated plasticulture on vegetable production: carbon dioxide enrichment (1998)
- Response of container grown blueberry plants to irrigation water quality (1985)
- Root distribution of climax rabbiteye blueberry as affected by mulch and irrigation method (1989)
- Small grain forage tests under irrigated and dryland conditions at Stephenville, TX in 1980-81 (1982)
- Small grain forage yields under irrigated and dryland conditions (1983)
- The use of irrigation methods and mulching to reduce salt damage of blueberries irrigated with a sodic water (1987)
- Water use by alfalfa for forage production (1984)
- Water use by alfalfa over winter (1984)