Article Titles U-Z
- Ultrasonic Measures of Backfat Depth and Ribeye Area for Steers Grazing Rye-Ryegrass at Three Stocking Rates (2000)
- Ultrasonography as a Management Tool for Pregnancy Determination in Sika Deer and Rocky Mountain Elk (1992)
- Use of Broiler Litter as Fertilizer for Sweet Corn Production (1993)
- Use of Clover-Potassium vs Ryegrass-Nitrogen for Sustained Production from Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures (1990)
- Use of clover-potassium vs ryegrass-nitrogen for sustained production from coastal bermudagrass pastures (1992)
- Use of Fishmeal and Feathermeal Rations to Supplement Steers Grazing Bermudagrass (1993)
- Use of fruit waxes for postharvest treatment of rabbiteye blueberries (1985)
- Use of Gibberellic Acid to Enhance Fruit Set in Rabbiteye Blueberries (1993)
- Use of limestone to correct low pH soils for Coastal bermudagrass production (1994)
- Use of low-volume sprinklers for frost protection of blueberries (1991)
- Use of mefluidide as a chemical peach thinning agent (1985)
- Use of pepsin-cellulase for estimating forage nutritive value (1987)
- Use of postemergence grass herbicides for Coastal bermudagrass burndown and clover establishment (1987)
- Use of postemergence herbicides for weed control on clovers (1987)
- Use of poultry litter as fertilizer on Coastal bermudagrass pasture (1994)
- Use of preemergence herbicides for establishment of clovers (1987)
- Use of preplant incorporated herbicides for establishment of clovers (1988)
- Use of rumensin and supplemental feed on gain of steers grazing bermudagrass (1980)
- Use of Self-Limiting Supplemental Energy and Protein for Brahman and Simmental Crossbred Calves Grazing Rye-Ryegrass (1988)
- Use of self-limiting supplemental energy and protein for Brahman and Simmental crossbred calves grazing rye-ryegrass (1988)
- Use of the Breeding Soundness Evaluation as a Management Practice for Selecting Santa Gertrudis Bulls (1986)
- Use of Tilapia to Decrease Algae in Livestock Watering Tanks (1986)
- Use of wild peanuts for forage (1981)
- Use on non-destructive techniques to estimate herbage mass in bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) (1987)
- Using Stockpiled Warm-Season Perennial Grasses for Fall and Winter Grazing in East Texas (2002)
- Utilization of forage legumes (2000)
- Utilization of subterranean clover – Bermudagrass mixtures in East Texas (1988)
- Utilizing Broiler Litter as a Protein and Mineral Supplement for Beef Cows (1996)
- Variety evaluations of red and white clover (1982)
- Variety tests for winter annual forage production (1980)
- Variety tests for winter annual forage production 1980-81 (1982)
- Variety tests for winter annual forage production 1982-83 (1984)
- Vegetable crop production in East Texas (1985)
- Vegetable crop production in East Texas (1987)
- Virtual Perspectives of Management Strategies for Pastures and Beef Cattle: What to Look For (2020)
- Viticulture (1987)
- Warm-season annual legume evaluations of alkaline soils (1996)
- Warm-season annual legumes interplanted with pine seedlings (1994)
- Water Quality Responses to Land Application of Livestock Waste (1993)
- Water quality responses to land application of poultry litter and dairy effluent (1994)
- Water stress effects on fruit doubling of peaches (1989)
- Water use by alfalfa for forage production (1984)
- Water use by alfalfa over winter (1984)
- Watermelon evaluations, 1990 (1991)
- Weaning Weights from Fall and Winter Calving Seasons: Influence of Stocking Rates on Pasture (2020)
- Weed control (1987)
- Weed control in subterranean clover (1988)
- Weight gains by long-yearling and mature steers grazing small grain-ryegrass (1994)
- West Texas educational program in commercial fruit production (1987)
- Wheat and oat grain variety tests (1978)
- Wheat and oat grain variety tests (1980)
- Wheat and oat grain variety tests 1976-79 (1980)
- Wheat and oat grain variety tests 1982-83 (1984)
- Wheat and Oat Grain Variety Tests 1984-85 (1986)
- Wheat and Oat Grain Variety Tests for 1987 and 3 Year Averages (1988)
- Wheat and Oat Grain Variety Tests for 1989 and 3 Year Averages (1990)
- Wheat and oat grain variety tests, 1980-81 (1982)
- Wheat Forage Yields at Overton for 1990-91 and 3-Year Means (1992)
- Wheat Forage Yields at Overton for 1991-92 and 3-Year Means (1993)
- Wheat forage yields at Overton for 1992-93 and three-year means (1994)
- Wheat Forage Yields at Overton for 1994-95 and Three-Year Means (1996)
- Wheat Forage Yields at Overton for 1996-97 and Two-Year Means (1998)
- Wheat Forage Yields at Overton for 1998-99 and Three-Year Means (2000)
- Wheat Forage Yields at Overton for 2000-2001 and Three-Year Means (2002)
- Wheat forage yields at Overton for 2002-2003 and three-year means (2004)
- Wheat Forage Yields at Overton for 2004-2005 and Two-Year Means (2006)
- Wheat Grain Variety Test for 1993-94 and Two Year Means at Mt. Pleasant (1996)
- Wheat Grain Variety Tests at DeKalb and Mount Pleasant for 1991-92 (1993)
- Wheat grain variety tests at Dekalb and Mt. Pleasant for 1992-93 (1994)
- Wheat Grain Variety Tests at DeKalb for 1994-95 (1996)
- Wheat Grain Variety Tests at Overton for 1991-92 and 2-Year Means (1993)
- Wheat grain variety tests at Overton for 1992-93 and two-year means (1994)
- Wheat Grain Variety Tests at Overton for 1993-94 and Two-Year Means (1996)
- Wheat Grain Variety Tests at Overton, Mt. Pleasant, and DeKalb for 1996-97 and Three-Year Means (1998)
- Wheat Grain Variety Tests at Overton, Mt. Pleasant, and Dekalb for 2000-2001 and Three-Year Means (2002)
- Wheat Grain Yield Response to Nitrogen Rates With and Without a Fungicide (1986)
- Wheat, oats, and rye forage yields at Overton, 1985-1987 (1985)
- Wheat, rye, and oat forage yields at Overton for 2001-2002 and 3-year mean (2003)
- Wild pig damage abatement education and applied research actvities (2013)
- Wild pig damage abatement education and applied research actvities (2013)
- Wildlife forage areas and food plots for deer (2000)
- Winter annual clover evaluation at Beeville (1986)
- Winter annual clover species and variety evaluation (1980)
- Winter annual clover species and variety evaluation (1980)
- Winter annual legume evaluations at Beeville (1983)
- Winter Pasture Establishment in Warm-Season Perennial Grass Pastures (2020)
- Winter Pasture Establishment in Warm-Season Perennial Grass Pastures (2022)
- Winter small grains for green chop and silage on the Vander Horst Dairy, Stephenville, 1997-1998 (1998)
- Winter Wheat Response to Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and Limestone on a Burleson Clay Loam (1990)
- Yield and composition of milk from spring-calves Brahman vs F-1 (Brahman x Hereford) cows at three levels of forage availability (1984)
- Yield and morphology of warm-season perennial grasses at Stephenville and Temple (1996)
- Yield and nitrogen uptake efficiency by Coastal bermudagrass show urea as a safe nitrogen source (1986)
- Yield comparison of kleingrass, buffelgrass and bluestems in north central Texas (1981)
- Yield comparison of six cool-season grasses in the Trans-Pecos area (1980)
- Yield comparison of six cool-season grasses in the Trans-Pecos area (1981)
- Yield estimates for alfalfa following four years of on-farm production research (2004)
- Yield evaluation of bermudagrass selections (1984)
- Yield of sorghum-sudangrass and pearl millet under soil dairy manure application (1994)
- Yield of spittlebug tolerant buffelgrass (1979-81) (1985)
- Yield of warm-season perennial grasses at Stephenville in 1991 (1992)
- Yield potentials of selected bermudagrasses (1980)
- Yield Response of Annual Ryegrass-Coastal Bermudagrass to Broiler Litter Plus N Fertilizer (2002)
- Yield response of annual ryegrass-Coastal bermudagrass to broiler litter plus nitrogen fertilizer (2004)