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Article Titles P-T
- Pansy pack and garden trials for East Texas: Fall 1993 (1994)
- Pasture and Animal Performance from Bermudagrass Pastures at Three Stocking Rates With or Without Nitrogen Fertilization (1998)
- Pasture and livestock management workshop for novices (2004)
- Pasture beef cattle management options with increased costs of fertilizer, feed grains, and fuel: stocking strategies and nutrient cycling (2008)
- Pasture Costs Associated with Grazing Bermudagrass-Rye-Ryegrass with Stocker Cattle (1998)
- Pasture Costs for Cows and Calves Grazing Ryegrass + Nitrogen or Clover + Potassium (2000)
- Pasture systems for deer (1999)
- Pasture systems for farming exotic deer (1995)
- Peach rootstocks (1987)
- Peach variety evaluations at Overton, 1982 (1983)
- Peach variety performance and quality in East Texas (1979)
- Peach variety performance and quality in East Texas (1980)
- Peachtree borer and lesser peachtree border population dynamics in Texas (1998)
- Pearl millet for grazing (1978)
- Pecan growth and development as influenced by environmental factors (1987)
- Pecans under arid conditions (1987)
- Perennial clover production at Overton, 1985-87 (1988)
- Perennial Clover Production at Overton, Texas – 1987-89 (1990)
- Perennial clover production at Overton, Texas – 1988 and 1989 (1992)
- Perennial grass variety test – Angleton (1983)
- Perennial grass variety test — Angleton (1982)
- Performance and carcass characteristics of fall-born calves placed into a high plains feedlot at weaning (1994)
- Performance and carcass traits of Brahman and Simmental crossbred steers finished in a South Texas feedlot (1994)
- Performance of alfalfa cultivars in the Brazos River Bottom near College Station (1985)
- Performance of annual clovers at Yoakum, 1987-1988 (1989)
- Performance of annual Italian ryegrass trials in Bryan, Texas, 1990-93 (1993)
- Performance of bermudagrass cultivars (1982) (1984)
- Performance of bermudagrass cultivars (1982) (1985)
- Performance of bermudagrass hybrids and cultivars in South Texas (1986)
- Performance of bermudagrass hybrids and cultivars in the Brazos River Bottom (1983)
- Performance of bermudagrass hybrids and cultivars in the Brazos River Bottom, 1981-83 (1984)
- Performance of Bermudagrass Varieties at Overton-1994 (1996)
- Performance of Bermudagrass Varieties in East Texas (1993)
- Performance of bermudagrass varieties in East Texas (1994)
- Performance of bermudagrass varieties in Northeast Texas (1994)
- Performance of cool-season annual clovers in Southeast Texas (1981)
- Performance of cool-season perennial grasses at Dallas, TX (1994)
- Performance of cool-season perennial grasses on poorly drained clay soils (1993)
- Performance of corn hybrids as a silage crop in the West Cross Timbers (1986)
- Performance of corn hybrids for silage in the West Cross Timbers (1985)
- Performance of Domestic and Mexican Steers on Winter Pastures in East Texas (1993)
- Performance of experimental varieties of kleingrass (Panicum coloratum l.) (1981)
- Performance of F-1 (Brahman x Hereford) cows and Simmental-sired calves at four stocking rates (1984)
- Performance of forage sorghum hybrids in lower South Texas (1985)
- Performance of heifers grazing coastal bermudagrass fertilized with nitrogen or overseeded with clovers (1986)
- Performance of kleingrass varieties in South Texas, 1981 (1983)
- Performance of native warm-season legumes (1984)
- Performance of range forage species interseeded in Coastal bermudagrass on lignite overburden (1984)
- Performance of several warm-season perennial grasses at Stephenville (1996)
- Performance of Sorghum-Sudan hybrids grown dry land (1984)
- Performance of stockers grazing Tifton 85 bermudagrass and receiving different levels of protein supplementation (2004)
- Performance of subterranean clover and Coastal bermudagrass on lignite mine soil (1989)
- Performance of subterranean clover on lignite mine spoil (1988)
- Performance of tall fescue cultivars under two different harvest regimes (1992)
- Performance of TAM wintergreen hardinggrass and 16 tall fescues at Dallas, TX (1980)
- Performance of Tropically Adapted Steers Grazing Winter Pasture at Overton, TX and El Reno, OK (1996)
- Performance of warm-season annual forages under nitrogen fertilizer application schemes on two-year-old residual manured soil (1994)
- Performance of warm-season grass varieties and species (1983)
- Performance of warm-season grass varieties and species (1984)
- Performance of wheat, oat, rye, and triticale trials in Bryan, Texas, 1990-93 (1993)
- Performance of Yearling Horses on Pasture and Supplemental Feed (1986)
- Persistence of Alfalfa Varieties Under Three Stocking Methods on Coastal Plains Soils in East Texas (2002)
- Persistence of Cool-Season Perennial Grasses in East Texas (2002)
- Pest management in ryegrass (1995)
- Petunia and begonia pack and garden trials for East Texas: Spring 1994 (1994)
- Petunia and vinca pack and garden trials for East Texas: Spring 1993 (1994)
- Phosphorus accumulation in soils following applications of poultry litter and dairy effluent (1994)
- Phosphorus and Potassium Uptake by Crimson Clover-Bermudagrass Fertilized with Broiler Litter and N Fertilizer (2002)
- Phosphorus and Potassium Uptake When Combining N Fertilizer with Broiler Litter (2002)
- Phosphorus Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Phosphorus Effects on Magnesium Uptake by Forage Grasses (1992)
- Phosphorus Removal by Cool-Season Annuals Overseeded on Common Bermudagrass (2000)
- Phosphorus uptake by Crimson clover-bermudagrass fertilized with broiler litter and nitrogen fertilizer (2004)
- Phosphorus uptake by ryegrass-bermudagrass fertilized with broiler litter and nitrogen (2004)
- Photosynthetic light response of six clonal selections of the sweetpotato cultivar beauregard (1998)
- Physiological and Anatomical Differences in Adapted and Non-Adapted Cattle in the Tropics (1996)
- Phytotoxicity of leachate from Coastal bermudagrass roots on germination and root growth of grass and clover (1984)
- Pine Needle Induced Abortion in Bos indicus Cows (1998)
- Plant Amines Affect Stress Related and Reproductive Hormone Release in Sheep (1993)
- Plant Amines Can Affect Release of Luteinizing Hormone in Sheep (1992)
- Plant regeneration from seedling meristems in selected Cenchrus and Pennisetum species (1993)
- Population size and effectiveness of clover rhizobia from fields in the vicinty of Corsicana (1989)
- Postpartum nutrient intake and body condition: effect on pituitary function and onset of estrus in beef cattle (1983)
- Postproduction Response of Two Miniature Pot Rose Cultivars to Production Environment (1992)
- Potassium Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Potential for Profits from Alfalfa in East Texas (1998)
- Potential of hard red winter wheat in East Texas (1994)
- A Precise Method of Dry Matter Determination for Field Use (1990)
- Preference of Summer Annual Forages by Red Deer (2002)
- Preference of Warm Season Annual Forage Species by Non-Native Deer (1998)
- Preference of Warm Season Annual Forage Species by Non-Native Deer (1998)
- Preferred Soil Types for Legume Species (1992)
- Preharvest cultural research and decelopmental physiology of fruits (1987)
- Preliminary observations and literature review concerning problems with shipping of miniature roses (1985)
- Preliminary observations on use of ethylene-releasing compounds for chemical peach thinning in North Texas (1985)
- Preliminary report on use of ethephon to induce early ripening of rabbiteye blueberries (1987)
- Previous Stocking Rate on Winter Pasture, Four Breed Types, and Feedlot Performance on Carcass Traits (2002)
- Preweaning evaluation of calves born to Angus (bos taurus), Brahman (bow indicus), and tuli (sanga) bulls and Brahman cows (1994)
- Principles of grazing management (1976)
- Problems of the Texas Beef Industry (2000)
- Production and handling of sweet potatoes in Texas (1983)
- Production of annual strawberries in East Texas (1989)
- Production of forage sorghums under various management options at Stephenville (1983)
- Production potential of Texas Bluegrass (Poa arachnifera Torr.) (1992)
- Production Systems to Improve the Competitiveness of the Southern Dairy Industry (1998)
- Prostaglandin estrus synchronization for Brahman and Brahman influenced breeds of cattle (1984)
- Protein supplementation of stocker calves grazing Tifton 85 and Coastal bermudagrass (2004)
- Protein supplements fed to yearling steers grazing common bermudagrass pastures (1989)
- Protein supplements for stocker calves grazing Coastal bermudagrass pastures (1987)
- Quantifying additional benefits of irrigated plasticulture on vegetable production: carbon dioxide enrichment (1998)
- Rabbiteye blueberry establishment studies at Overton (1983)
- Rabbiteye Blueberry Plant Response to Nitrogen and Phosphorus (1992)
- Rainfall Harvesting to Enhance Dryland Production Efficiency and/or to Reduce Supplemental Water Needs of Melons (1992)
- Ranch to Rail Results: 1991-1992 (1993)
- Raspberry cultivar trials (1987)
- Rate of application and source of nitrogen on yield of Coastal bermudagrass (1982)
- Rate of leaf elongation in kleingrass (1981)
- Rates and sources of potassium on Coastal bermudagrass (1982)
- Reducing age at puberty by feeding monensin or increasing the proportion of concentrates in the diet of Brangus heifers (1978)
- Reducing Soil Phosphorus Buildup by Combining Nitrogen Fertilizer with Broiler Litter (2002)
- Reducing supplementation costs for beef cattle in today’s industry (2008)
- Regal sweet potato (1985)
- Relationship Between Net Feed Intake, Performance Traits and Ultrasound Measures of Composition in Beef Steers (2002)
- Relationship of grazing time to forage-on-offer (1987)
- Relationships between cow and calf temperament and live animal body composition traits in beef calves (2004)
- Relationships Between Physical Measurements and Calving Difficulty in Two-Year-Old Santa Gertrudis Heifers (1990)
- Relationships between temperament and growth performance in beef cattle (2004)
- Relationships between temperament and live animal body composition traits in crossbred stocker steers (2004)
- Reproductive characteristics in brahman heifers following exposure to guajillo plant toxin- or ACTH-induced stress (1994)
- Reproductive characteristics of male angora goats consuming guajillo (Acacia berlandieri) (1994)
- Reproductive Development and Function of Brahman Bulls Fed Diets Containing Gossypol (1990)
- Reproductive management of farmed non-native deer (1999)
- Reproductive management of female cervidae (1995)
- Reproductive management of male cervidae and growth characteristics of axis deer (1995)
- Requirements for Successful Alfalfa Establishment on Acid Soils (2000)
- Requirements for Successful Alfalfa Establishment on Acid Soils (2002)
- Requirements for successful pre-plant storage of rosa multiflora brooks 56 hardwood cuttings (1987)
- Reseeding of crimson clover (1996)
- Residual Plant Nutrient Levels in Darco Soil after Four Years of Treatments and Cropping Tifton 85 Bermudagrass (2006)
- Residual Soil Nutrient Levels After Applying Broiler Litter for Two Years With and Without Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizer or Clover (2000)
- Residual Soil Nutrient Levels After Applying Four Rates of Broiler Litter for Two Years (2000)
- Residual soil phosphorus after fertilizing Crimson clover-Coastal bermudagrass with broiler litter and nitrogen (2004)
- Residual soil phosphorus after fertilizing ryegrass-Coastal bermudagrass with nitrogen fertilizer and broiler litter (2004)
- Resisto sweet potato (1985)
- Response of ‘Alfagraze’ Alfalfa and Coastal Bermudagrass to Rotational Grazing (1996)
- Response of Alfalfa in Coastal Bermudagrass to Applied Potassium, Magnesium, and Sulfur (1996)
- Response of alfalfa to boron and surface applied limestone (1994)
- Response of Alfalfa to Surface Applied Limestone and Boron (1996)
- Response of Alfalfa to Zinc, Copper and Molybdenum (2002)
- Response of Annual Ryegrass to Residual and Applied Phosphorus (1998)
- Response of berseem clover to fertilizer on high pH soils (1989)
- Response of bigbee berseem clover to fertilizer on alkaline soil (1988)
- Response of Blueberry Plants to Peat, Phosphorus, and Aluminum Added to the Potting Mix (1993)
- Response of clovers to postemergence herbicides (1992)
- Response of Coastal bermudagrass to a high sulfur content sulphate of potash-magnesia (1985)
- Response of Coastal Bermudagrass to a High Sulfur Content Sulphate of Potash-Magnesia (1986)
- Response of Coastal bermudagrass to limestone applied for soil pH adjustment (1994)
- Response of Coastal Bermudagrass to Phosphorus on Limed East Texas Soil (1986)
- Response of Coastal bermudagrass to rates of limestone and phosphorus (1984)
- Response of common buffelgrass to pasture renovation practices (1994)
- Response of container grown blueberry plants to irrigation water quality (1985)
- Response of experimental bermudagrass hybrids and cultivars to defoliation frequency (1983)
- Response of experimental bermudagrass hybrids and cultivars to defoliation frequency (1984)
- Response of Marshall Ryegrass to Residual Soil Phosphorus and pH (1988)
- Response of plains bluestem, kleingrass and alamo switchgrass to nitrogen fertilization (1981)
- Response of ryegrass to limestone, nitrogen, and potassium (1994)
- Response of ryegrass to rates of limestone and phosphorus (1985)
- Response of Ryegrass to Rates of Limestone and Phosphorus (1986)
- Response of sod-seeded annual clover to herbicide residue (1989)
- Response of Sod-Seeded Annual Clover to Herbicide Residue (1990)
- Response of subterranean and berseem clovers to postemergence herbicides (1989)
- Response of Subterranean and Rose Clovers to Fertilizer Nutrients (1988)
- Response of TAM 90 Ryegrass and Coastal Bermudagrass to Boron Rates and to the Residual Effect of Limestone Rates and ECCE (2000)
- Response of TAM 90 Ryegrass to Limestone and Nitrogen (1996)
- Response of TAM 90 Ryegrass to Limestone and Potassium (1996)
- Response of TAM 90 Ryegrass to the Residual Effects of Limestone Rates and ECCE and to Boron Rates (2002)
- Response of Tifton 85 bermudagrass to residual and applied phosphorus (2004)
- Response of Tifton 85 Bermudagrass to Soil pH and Poultry Litter in 2004 (2006)
- Response of two pearl millets to water (1985)
- Response of winter rye to limestone, nitrogen, and potassium (1994)
- Response to Environmental Temperature in Brahman Calves During the First Compared to the Second Day After Birth: Metabolic Hormones and Metabolites (1988)
- Response to phosphorus by small grains grown on south Texas soils (1981)
- Response to ‘Tifleaf’ Millet to Limestone, Nitrogen, and Potassium (1993)
- Root distribution of climax rabbiteye blueberry as affected by mulch and irrigation method (1989)
- Rootstock research and development for fruit and nut crops (1987)
- Rose blackspot control demonstration using micromax spray heads (Smith Cty, 1982) (1983)
- A Rose Breeding Program:Screening for Black Spot Resistant Rose Material (1993)
- Rose clover evaluation and selection (1985)
- Rose clover response to boron and limestone (1994)
- Rose Clover Response to Limestone and Boron (1990)
- Rose crown gall control demonstration (Smith Cty, 1982) (1983)
- Rose fungicide trial, 1993 (1994)
- Rose Fungicide Trials 1992 (1993)
- Rotational Grazing of Coastal Bermudagrass Using One Herd vs. Two Herds (1992)
- Rotational vs continuous grazing bermudagrass types (1981)
- Rotational vs continuous grazing bermudagrass types (1982)
- Row spacing and maturity of forage sorghum silage in north central Texas (2003)
- Rye and Triticale Forage Yields at Overton for 1990-91 and 3-Year Means (1992)
- Rye Forage Yields at Overton for 1991-92 and 3-Year Means (1993)
- Rye forage yields at Overton for 1992-93 and three-year means (1994)
- Rye Forage Yields at Overton for 1994-95 and Three-Year Means (1996)
- Rye Forage Yields at Overton for 1996-97 and Three-Year Means (1998)
- Rye Forage Yields at Overton for 1998-99 and Three-Year Means (2000)
- Rye Forage Yields at Overton for 2000-2001 and Three-Year Means (2002)
- Rye forage yields at Overton for 2002-2003 and three-year means (2004)
- Rye Forage Yields at Overton for 2004-2005 and Three-Year Means (2006)
- Ryegrass and oat variety trials in Southeast Texas (1985)
- Ryegrass and small grain forage cultivar trials at Bryan, TX for 1993-94 (1994)
- Ryegrass Control in Winter Wheat with Herbicides (1986)
- Ryegrass establishment (1995)
- Ryegrass establishment in East Texas (1992)
- Ryegrass evaluation in Southeast Texas (1981)
- Ryegrass Forage Tests for 1988-89 and 3 Year Averages (1990)
- Ryegrass forage variety evaluation at Beeville, 1987-88 and 1988-89 (1989)
- Ryegrass forage variety tests at Overton and Beaumont in 1991-92 (1992)
- Ryegrass forage variety tests at Overton and Beaumont in 1992-93 (1993)
- Ryegrass forage variety tests at Overton and Beaumont in 1993-94 (1994)
- Ryegrass Forage Variety Tests for 1986-87 and 2 Year Averages (1988)
- Ryegrass Forage Yields at Beaumont for 1998-99 and Three-Year Means (2000)
- Ryegrass forage yields at Overton and Beaumont for 1997-1998 and 5-year means (1998)
- Ryegrass Forage Yields at Overton for 1990-91 and 4-Year Means (1992)
- Ryegrass Forage Yields at Overton for 1991-92 and 5-Year Means (1993)
- Ryegrass forage yields at Overton for 1992-93 and four-year means (1994)
- Ryegrass forage yields at Overton for 1994-95 and 3-year means (1996)
- Ryegrass Forage Yields at Overton for 1994-95 and Three-Year Means (1996)
- Ryegrass Forage Yields at Overton for 1996-97 and Five-Year Means (1998)
- Ryegrass Forage Yields at Overton for 1998-99 and Three-Year Means (2000)
- Ryegrass forage yields at Overton for 2002-2003 and three-year means (2004)
- Ryegrass Forage Yields at Overton for 2004-2005 and Three-Year Means (2006)
- Ryegrass hay, silage and greenchop production (1995)
- Ryegrass herbicidal control in wheat (1984)
- Ryegrass improvement and important cultivars (1995)
- Ryegrass nutritive value (1995)
- Ryegrass planting methods and seeding rates for overseeding bermudagrass (1994)
- Ryegrass utilization by the Texas Dairy Industry (1995)
- Scion bud survival on water stressed rose rootstock plants (1991)
- Screening rose plant material for black spot resistance, 1993 (1994)
- Season long comparison of imidan, thiodan and penncap-m insecticide to control insects on peaches (1998)
- Season, age and cultivar effects on bermudagrass forage production and quality (1983)
- Seasonal Effects on Embryo Transfer Results in Brahman Cows (1988)
- Seasonal forage production of annual clovers (1983)
- Seasonal forage production of annual clovers (1984)
- Seasonal forage production of annual clovers (1985)
- Seasonal Forage Production of Sod-Seeded Clover Mixtures (1993)
- Seasonal forage production of sod-seeded clover mixtures (1994)
- Seasonal Forage Production of Sod-Seeded Clover Mixtures (1996)
- Seasonal forage production of sod-seeded clover mixtures (1996)
- Seasonal Influences on Reproductive Traits in Brahman and Hereford Bulls (1988)
- Seasonal Production of Alfalfa and Red Clover 1982-85 (1986)
- Seasonal production of alfalfa and red clover, 1982-85 (1985)
- Seasonal Production of Annual Forage Legumes at Overton, 1983-1985 (1986)
- Seasonal production of annual forage legumes at Overton, 1985-86 (1987)
- Seasonal Production of Annual Forage Legumes at Overton, 1985-86 (1988)
- Seasonal production of annual forage legumes at Overton, 1986-87 (1988)
- Seasonal production of annual forage legumes at Overton, 1987-1988 (1989)
- Seasonal Production of Annual Forage Legumes at Overton, Texas – 1988-89 (1990)
- Seasonal production of annual forage legumes at Overton, Texas – 1989 (1992)
- Seasonal production of experimental rose clover at six Texas locations (1987)
- Seasonal Production of Experimental Rose Clover at Six Texas Locations (1988)
- Seasonal Variations in Characteristics of Estrous Cycles in Brahman Heifers (1990)
- Second-year performance of alfalfa cultivars in the semi-arid subtropics of the Lower Rio Grande Valley (1988)
- Seed weight and plant vigor in Illinois bundleflower (1984)
- Seeded Bermudagrasses and Their Establishment (2006)
- Seeded vs Vegetatively Planted Bermudagrass (2000)
- Seeding Dates for Onion Transplant Production in Combination with Row Covers (1992)
- Seeding rate and establishment method for subterranean clover (1980)
- Seeding rate and inoculation of subterranean and arrowleaf clover (1980)
- Seeding rate effects on first harvest yield of oat and ryegrass cultivars (1992)
- Seeding rates and planting methods for establishing rose clover (1994)
- Seedless (Triploid) watermelon evaluations, 1993 (1994)
- Seedling Development of Alfalfa, Sweetclover, and Annual Medic (2006)
- Selection and evaluation of heavy seed weight synthetic cultivars of kleingrass (1982)
- Selection for Tolerance to Pythium ultimum Root Rot in Annual Ryegrass (1998)
- Selection of a New Ball Clover Variety (2006)
- Selection of Calving Season: Matching Forages, Pastures, and Stocking Strategies (2020)
- Selection of a seeded bermudagrass (2004)
- Selection of rose plant material with high and low rooting capacity for use in physiological studies (1991)
- Self-Limiting Supplemental Protein for Calves Grazing Bermudagrass Pastures (1988)
- Self-limiting supplemental protein for calves grazing bermudagrass pastures (1988)
- Sensory Traits of Brahman, Tuli x Brahman, Angus x Brahman, and Simmental x F-l (Brahman x Hereford) Steers (1996)
- Serum Immunoglobulins and Their Absorption by Newborn Beef Calves (1993)
- Serum progesterone levels during the estrous cycle in Brahman, Brahman x Hereford and Hereford heifers (1980)
- Seven-Year Bermudagrass Production at Pecos, Texas Under Irrigation (2006)
- Sex expression in Texas bluegrass (1988)
- Silage sorghum performance trial at Stepheville, 1991 (1992)
- Silages and haylages (1976)
- Small grain and ryegrass forage variety tests 1982-83 (1984)
- Small grain and ryegrass forage variety tests, 1983-84 (1985)
- Small grain for silage or hay variety test (1985)
- Small grain forage tests under irrigated and dryland conditions at Stephenville, TX in 1980-81 (1982)
- Small Grain Forage Yields at Overton 1985-87 (1988)
- Small Grain Forage Yields at Overton 1986-1989 (1990)
- Small grain forage yields at Overton for 1997-1998 and three-year means (1998)
- Small grain forage yields at Overton for 2000-2001 and three-year means (2002)
- Small Grain Forage Yields at Overton, 1983-1985 (1986)
- Small grain forage yields under irrigated and dryland conditions (1983)
- Small grain performance as a silage crop (1986)
- Smutgrass control (1993)
- So You Want to Grow Alfalfa on Acid, Sandy Soils! (1993)
- Soft Wheat Grain Variety Tests at Dekalb and Mount Pleasant for 1990-91 (1992)
- Soft Wheat Grain Variety Tests at Overton for 1990-91 and 3-Year Means (1992)
- Soil boron availability affected by applied boron and limestone (1994)
- Soil Compaction of Bermudagrass Pasture Grazed at Three Stocking Rates for 25 Years (1998)
- Soil contamination of ryegrass samples using flail-type mower (1980)
- Soil Depth Changes in pH in Coastal and Common Bermudagrass Pastures Under Long-term Stocking and Fertility Management (2006)
- Soil Depth Distribution of Nitrate-Nitrogen in Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures Subjected to Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (2006)
- Soil Depth Distribution of Phosphorus in Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures Subjected to Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (2006)
- Soil Depth Distribution of Potassium in Common and Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures Under 30 Years of Grazing at Different Stocking Rates (2006)
- Soil fertility management for selected forages (1982)
- Soil fertility management for selected forages: the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on the performance of improved forage cultivars (1983)
- Soil fertility management for selected forages: Yield response and quality of five improved forage cultivars (1984)
- Soil incorporation of gypsum and irrigation water acidification to counter detrimental effects of sodium and bicarbonates on rabbiteye blueberries (1991)
- Soil management and fertility practices for annual ryegrass (1995)
- Soil Nitrate Levels of Bermudagrass Pastures under Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (1998)
- Soil pH of Bermudagrass Pastures under Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (1998)
- Soil pH, nutrition, and nematodes from a deep profile in old established peach orchards (1987)
- Soil Phosphorus of Bermudagrass Pastures under Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (1998)
- Soil Potassium of Bermudagrass Pastures under Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (1998)
- Soil temperature and planting date effects on corn and sorghum silage production (1989)
- Soil Type and Moisture Level Influence on Alamo Switchgrass Emergence and Seedling Growth (2002)
- Soils for Alfalfa on the East Texas Coastal Plain (2006)
- Some Management Considerations and Strategies for Grazing Alfalfa in the Bermudagrass Belt (2020)
- Sorghum-sudangrass performance trial at Stephenville, 1991 (1992)
- Source and rate of nitrogen on Coastal bermudagrass forage production (1981)
- Southern cooperative snapbean variety and breeding line trial, 1984 (1985)
- Southern cooperative watermelon trials, 1984 (1985)
- Southern delite sweet potato (1987)
- Southern tomato exchange program (STEP) trials, 1984 (1985)
- Soybean meal-corn supplement and stocking rate effects on performance of fall-born calves stocked on Tifton 85 bermudagrass (2015)
- Soybean meal phytoestrogens do not affect superovulatory response or gross reproductive system morphology in beef heifers (1994)
- Soybean Variety Test (1988)
- Spermatozoan Content and Characteristics of the Testis and Epididymisin the Axis Deer (1993)
- Spring cole crop variety trials, 1984 (1985)
- Spring Recovery of Coastal Bermudagrass When Overseeded (1993)
- Stand recovery of Coastal bermudagrass following potassium deficiency-induced stand loss (1981)
- State oriental vegetable trials, 1988 (1989)
- Steer Performance Affected by Grazing Method and Stocking Rate (2000)
- Steer performance on ammonia treated Coastal bermudagrass hay (1984)
- Steer Temperament Influences Stress Responsiveness to Handling Typical In BeefCattle Management (2006)
- Stocker Performance of Romosinuano Crossbred Steers Grazing Bermudagrass and Receiving a Supplement (2002)
- Stocker Supplementation and Days on Feed Affect Feedlot Performance and Carcass Traits (1992)
- Stocking Rate and Level of Supplement Effects on Performance of Stocker Steers and Heifers Grazing Rye-Ryegrass Pastures (2006)
- Stocking Rate and Overseeded Bermudagrass Pasture Effects on Angus X Brahman (F-1) Heifer Performance (2000)
- Stocking rate and stocking strategy for steers grazing rotational or continuous stocked rye-ryegrass pasture (2004)
- Stockedpiled Bermudagrass for Fall-Winter: Continuous Stocked vs Strip-Stocked Methods of Utilization (2022)
- Stonefruit rootstock development (1987)
- Stonefruit scion breeding and genetics (1987)
- Subterranean clover establishment (1988)
- Subterranean clover for deer (1988)
- Subterranean clover herbicide tolerance (1983)
- Subterranean Clover Response to Phosphorus and Boron Fertilization (1990)
- Subterranean clover response to preemergence, postemergence, and grass desiccant herbicides (1987)
- Subterranean clover seeding rates (1982)
- Subterranean clover use in Texas (1988)
- Subterranean Response to Recombined Ag Grade and Superfine Limestone (1990)
- Sufur rate and soil type influence forage and root growth of Trifolium spp. (1980)
- Sulfur concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Sulfur fertilization effects on onion yield and pungency (1987)
- Summary of blueberry cultural research at Overton, 1982 (1983)
- Summer Forage Legumes for Non-Native Deer (1998)
- Super-fine limestone for acid soil neutralization and forage production (1992)
- Supplemental Energy and Protein Affect Gain of Steers Grazing Rye-Ryegrass Pastures (1993)
- Supplemental fishmeal for use with simmental-cross and brahman calves grazing bermudagrass (1988)
- Supplemental forage management for white-tailed deer in East Texas (1995)
- Supplemental Protein for Simmental-Cross and Brahman Calves Grazing Bermudagrass (1988)
- Supplementation of Bred Does and Does Nursing Fawns (2002)
- Survival of ‘Alfagraze’ Alfalfa Under Rotational Grazing (1996)
- Susceptibility of Arrowleaf Clover to Phytophthora Root Rot in Flooded Soil (1996)
- Sustainability of Bermudagrass Pastures Utilized at Different Stocking Rates (1993)
- Sustained Production from Common Bermudagrass Pastures Using Clover-Potassium or Ryegrass-Nitrogen (1990)
- Sustained production from common bermudagrass pastures using clover-potassium or ryegrass-nitrogen (1992)
- Sustained Production from Intensively Used Bermudagrass Pastures without Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer (1992)
- Sweet potato varieties (1985)
- Sweet potato varieties (1987)
- Sweetpotato Response to Limestone, Nitrogen, and Potassium (1992)
- Sweetpotato response to soil fumigation, mycorrhizae, and fertilizer phosphorus treatment (1989)
- Switchgrass Establishment for Pasture (2000)
- Switchgrass management (1981)
- Tall Fescue Persistence in East Texas (2006)
- TAM 90 Annual Ryegrass (1992)
- T-bud grafting success as a response to budding date for field production of four cultivars of rose (1989)
- Teeth-Mouth Condition and Longevity of 14-year-old F-1 (Brahman x Hereford) cows (2022)
- Temperate perennial grass variety test at Angleton (1986)
- Testicular Characteristics of Male Angora Goats Consuming Acacia berlandieri (Guajillo) (1996)
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- Texas Bluegrass for East Texas? (1993)
- The fruit research program at Overton (an overview) (1983)
- The fruit research program at Overton (an overview) (1985)
- The fusarium wilt disease nursery for watermelon at Overton (1998)
- The growth and quality of selected legumes and grasses in a 750 MM rainfall area (1980)
- The growth pattern and protein content of Amaranthus retroflexus (1984)
- The histology and histochemistry of Brahman, Brahman x Hereford and Hereford corpora lutea (1980)
- The influence of harvest timing on forage sorghum silage yield and quality (1998)
- The new horticulture field lab – A facility for research and education (1994)
- The new rose research project in Texas (1983)
- The Onset of Puberty in the Bovine: Uterine and Ovarian Hormonal Interrelationships (1990)
- The performance of cool-season forage mixtures with Coastal bermudagrass (1983)
- The performance of cool-season forage mixtures with Coastal bermudagrass (1984)
- The performance of warm-season legumes with kleingrass 75 at Beeville (1983)
- The performance of yuchi clover-coastal bermudagrass and gulf ryegrass-coastal mixtures as influenced by seedbed preparation and seeding rate (1983)
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- The serum luteinizing hormone surge and ovulation time in Brahman, Brahman x Hereford and Hereford heifers (1980)
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- The use of irrigation methods and mulching to reduce salt damage of blueberries irrigated with a sodic water (1987)
- The Use of Once-Daily Suckling and Uterine Manipulation to Enhance Postpartum Reproductive Performance in Cattle (1992)
- The use of perforated plastic row covers for wind protection in early spring transplanted tomatoes (1985)
- Third-year performance of alfalfa cultivars in the semi-arid subtropics of the Lower Rio Grande Valley (1989)
- Three Cycles of Selection for Tolerance to Pythium Ultimum Root Disease in Annual Ryegrass (2000)
- Three Year Ryegrass Forage Yields at Overton and Angleton (1986)
- Three-herd rotational grazing of bermudagrass with cow-calf pairs and weaned steers (1994)
- Three-year small grain forage yields at Overton (1986)
- Three-year stand survival of selected cool-season perennial grasses in East Texas (2004)
- Tifton 85 bermudagrass dry matter response to nitrogen, potassium, chloride, and sulfur fertilizer treatments (2004)
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- Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Response to Nitrogen, Potassium, Chloride, and Sulfur Fertilizer Treatments in 2004 (2006)
- Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Response to Nitrogen, Potassium, Chloride, and Sulfur Fertilizer Treatments in 2005 (2006)
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- Time of Harvest of Lablab and Cowpeas on Production and Nutritive Value of Leaf and Stem Components (2006)
- Today’s Families and Beef Consumption (2000)
- Tolerance of subterranean clover to herbicides (1981)
- Tolerance of ten seeded perennial grasses during establishment to Plateau, Cimarron, and Amber (2003)
- Total alkaloid and nitrate content of drought-stressed pearl millet (1980)
- Total alkaloid and nitrate content of eleven pearl millet lines (1982)
- Total serum estrogens before and after estrus in brahman, Brahman x Hereford and Hereford heifers (1980)
- Total structural and soluble carbohydrate content and protein levels in diploid and tetraploid ryegrass forage (1980)
- Trailing and smooth-seeded wild beans: native annual warm season legumes for Texas (2003)
- Training wild pigs to bait (2012)
- Treatment and Seasonal Effects on Alfalfa Crude Protein Content (1998)
- Treatment with Alfaprostol or Uterine Palpation Shortens the Postpartum Interval in Brangus Cows (1986)
- Triticale Forage Yields at Overton for 1993-94 (1996)
- Tulip cut flower production using a low energy input greenhouse (1991)