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Articles for Evers, G. W.
- Effect of nitrogen on subclover nodulation and seedling growth (1980)
- Seeding rate and establishment method for subterranean clover (1980)
- Comparison of bermudagrass and dallisgrass production in Southeast Texas (1981)
- Performance of cool-season annual clovers in Southeast Texas (1981)
- Ryegrass evaluation in Southeast Texas (1981)
- Tolerance of subterranean clover to herbicides (1981)
- Dallisgrass variety test (1982)
- Nitrogen vs clover on Coastal bermudagrass (1982)
- Nitrogen vs clover on pensacola bahiagrass (1982)
- Perennial grass variety test — Angleton (1982)
- Subterranean clover seeding rates (1982)
- Perennial grass variety test – Angleton (1983)
- Subterranean clover herbicide tolerance (1983)
- Clover variety trials in Southeast Texas (1984)
- Alfalfa variety and fertility trials on Brazos Riverbottom soil (1985)
- Clover establishment and growth at different pH levels (1985)
- Ryegrass and oat variety trials in Southeast Texas (1985)
- Alfalfa variety and fertility trials on Brazos riverbottom soil (1986)
- Fertilizer-clover seed contact time on clover emergence and growth (1986)
- Temperate perennial grass variety test at Angleton (1986)
- Herbicide evaluation as sod desiccants on dallisgrass (1987)
- Subterranean clover response to preemergence, postemergence, and grass desiccant herbicides (1987)
- Forage legume variety trials on high pH soils (1988)
- Managing subterranean clover for persistence (1988)
- Response of bigbee berseem clover to fertilizer on alkaline soil (1988)
- Subterranean clover establishment (1988)
- Weed control in subterranean clover (1988)
- Comparison of input levels for upper Gulf Coast pastures (1989)
- Identifying forage legumes adapted to high pH soils (1989)
- Response of berseem clover to fertilizer on high pH soils (1989)
- Autumn Management of Grass Sods for Overseeding Clovers and Ryegrass (1992)
- Evaluation of bluestem plant introductions in Southeast Texas (1992)
- Evaluation of forage legumes for low-input farming systems (1992)
- Evaluation of new inoculation techniques for clovers (1992)
- Influence of age, nitrogen fertilizer, and season on growth, leaf percentage, and protein of gordo bluestem (1992)
- Influence of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Arrowleaf Clover Seedling Growth (1992)
- Influence of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Overton R18 Rose Clover Seedling Growth (1992)
- Influence of stubble height and growth stage at harvest on gordo bluestem production (1992)
- New Inoculation Technique for Clovers (1992)
- Nitrogen Fertilization of Arrowleaf-Ryegrass Mixtures (1992)
- Nitrogen fertilization of gordo bluestem in Southeast Texas (1992)
- Nitrogen Fertilization of Overton R18 Rose Clover-Ryegrass Mixtures (1992)
- Preferred Soil Types for Legume Species (1992)
- Ryegrass establishment in East Texas (1992)
- Bluestem variety trial in Southeast Texas (1993)
- Establishment of Overton Rl8 Rose Clover (1993)
- Fertilizing Pastures with Poultry Litter (1993)
- Influence of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Clover Seedling Growth in Ryegrass Mixtures (1993)
- Influence of Planting Method and Seeding Rate of Overseeded Ryegrass (1993)
- Managing Coastal Bermudagrass in Autumn for Annual Ryegrass Production (1993)
- Managing Coastal Bermudagrass in Autumn for Arrowleaf Clover Production (1993)
- Managing Coastal Bermudagrass in Autumn for Crimson Clover Production (1993)
- Nitrogen Fertilization of Arrowleaf Clover-Ryegrass Pastures (1993)
- Nitrogen Fertilization of Crimson Clover-Ryegrass Pastures (1993)
- Nitrogen fertilization of rose clover – ryegrass mixtures (1993)
- Overton R18 rose clover establishment (1993)
- Performance of cool-season perennial grasses on poorly drained clay soils (1993)
- Smutgrass control (1993)
- Spring Recovery of Coastal Bermudagrass When Overseeded (1993)
- Comparison of crimson clover varieties in Northeast Texas (1994)
- Comparison of rye, wheat, oat, and ryegrass fall and winter growth (1994)
- Developing pasture systems for deer farming in East Texas (1994)
- Effect of grazing termination date on volunteer reseeding of annual ryegrass varieties (1994)
- Influence of applying poultry litter on soil properties (1994)
- Performance of bermudagrass varieties in East Texas (1994)
- Performance of bermudagrass varieties in Northeast Texas (1994)
- Ryegrass planting methods and seeding rates for overseeding bermudagrass (1994)
- Seeding rates and planting methods for establishing rose clover (1994)
- Use of poultry litter as fertilizer on Coastal bermudagrass pasture (1994)
- Introduction to annual ryegrass (1995)
- Management of ryegrass and ryegrass mixtures (1995)
- Pasture systems for farming exotic deer (1995)
- Ryegrass establishment (1995)
- Bermudagrass variety test at Overton, 1994 (1996)
- Economic Value of Poultry Litter as Fertilizer for East Texas Pastures (1996)
- Economic value of poultry litter as fertilizer for vegetable production (1996)
- Efficient and safe utilization of animal waste on pasture (1996)
- Influence of autumn temperatures on annual ryegrass seedling growth (1996)
- Influence of stocking rate, forage utilization, and weight gain of weaned fallow bucks grazing ryegrass pasture (1996)
- Performance of Bermudagrass Varieties at Overton-1994 (1996)
- Reseeding of crimson clover (1996)
- Coastal Bermudagrass and Coastal Bermudagrass-Cowpea Mixture for Does Nursing Fawns (1998)
- Comparison of Alfalfa Inoculation Products (1998)
- Comparison of Crimson Clover Varieties in Northeast Texas (1998)
- Comparison of seeded and vegetatively propagated bermudagrass (1998)
- Comparison of Seeded Bermudagrass and Bahiagrass Varieties during the Establishment Year (1998)
- Influence of Stocking Rate on Weaned Fallow Bucks Grazing Winter Pasture (1998)
- Influence of Time of Broiler Litter Application on Production of Ryegrass-Bermudagrass Pasture (1998)
- Managing Crimson Clover for Reseeding (1998)
- Non-native deer preference for summer annual forages (1998)
- Preference of Warm Season Annual Forage Species by Non-Native Deer (1998)
- Growing forages for deer (1999)
- Introduction to deer farming (1999)
- Pasture systems for deer (1999)
- Addition of Commercial Fertilizer or Clover with Broiler Litter for Ryegrass-Coastal Bermudagrass Production (2000)
- Addition of Commercial Fertilizer or Clover with Broiler Litter on Nutrient Uptake by Ryegrass-Coastal Bermudagrass (2000)
- Comparison of Arrowleaf, Crimson, Rose, and Subterranean Clover Accumulated Growth in East Texas (2000)
- Cool-season forage legume establishment (2000)
- Do we need forage legumes? (2000)
- Effect of AmiSorb on Nutrient Uptake of Coastal Bermudagrass (2000)
- Forage legume species (2000)
- Forage Production of Coastal Bermudagrass and Annual Ryegrass-Coastal Bermudagrass Mixture Fertilized with Four Rates o
- Broiler Litter (2000)
- Influence of Planting Date on the Growing Season of Three Crimson Clover Varieties (2000)
- Legume nitrogen fixation and transfer (2000)
- Managing legume and legume-grass mixtures (2000)
- Nutrient Uptake by Coastal Bermudagrass and an Annual Ryegrass-Coastal Bermudagrass Mixture Fertilized with Four Rates of Broiler Litter (2000)
- Optimum Soil pH for Clover Establishment (2000)
- Phosphorus Removal by Cool-Season Annuals Overseeded on Common Bermudagrass (2000)
- Residual Soil Nutrient Levels After Applying Broiler Litter for Two Years With and Without Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizer or Clover (2000)
- Residual Soil Nutrient Levels After Applying Four Rates of Broiler Litter for Two Years (2000)
- Seeded vs Vegetatively Planted Bermudagrass (2000)
- Switchgrass Establishment for Pasture (2000)
- Utilization of forage legumes (2000)
- Clover-Bermudagrass Production When Fertilized with Broiler Litter and Commercial Nitrogen Fertilizer (2002)
- Comparison of Cowpea, Lablab, and Hay Type Soybean Growth and Defoliation by Deer (2002)
- Comparison of Seeded and Vegetatively Planted Bermudagrasses (2002)
- Effect of Stocking Rate on Red Deer Fawns Grazing Annual Ryegrass (2002)
- Elk Cow Preference for Annual Summer Forages (2002)
- Improved Sweetclover Varieties for Central Texas (2002)
- Influence of Temperature on Switchgrass Emergence (2002)
- Phosphorus and Potassium Uptake by Crimson Clover-Bermudagrass Fertilized with Broiler Litter and N Fertilizer (2002)
- Phosphorus and Potassium Uptake When Combining N Fertilizer with Broiler Litter (2002)
- Preference of Summer Annual Forages by Red Deer (2002)
- Reducing Soil Phosphorus Buildup by Combining Nitrogen Fertilizer with Broiler Litter (2002)
- Soil Type and Moisture Level Influence on Alamo Switchgrass Emergence and Seedling Growth (2002)
- Supplementation of Bred Does and Does Nursing Fawns (2002)
- Yield Response of Annual Ryegrass-Coastal Bermudagrass to Broiler Litter Plus N Fertilizer (2002)
- Clover-bermudagrass production fertilized with broiler litter and commercial nitrogen fertilizer (2004)
- Flowering of emerald sweetclover in Texas (2004)
- Herbicide evaluations on establishment of Tifton 85 bermudagrass (2004)
- Leaf, shoot, and root fractions of annual ryegrass influenced by nitrogen rate and season (2004)
- Nitrogen fertilizer rate and application time on growth of annual ryegrass (2004)
- Nitrogen uptake and distribution in annual ryegrass (2004)
- Phosphorus uptake by Crimson clover-bermudagrass fertilized with broiler litter and nitrogen fertilizer (2004)
- Phosphorus uptake by ryegrass-bermudagrass fertilized with broiler litter and nitrogen (2004)
- Residual soil phosphorus after fertilizing Crimson clover-Coastal bermudagrass with broiler litter and nitrogen (2004)
- Residual soil phosphorus after fertilizing ryegrass-Coastal bermudagrass with nitrogen fertilizer and broiler litter (2004)
- Selection of a seeded bermudagrass (2004)
- Yield response of annual ryegrass-Coastal bermudagrass to broiler litter plus nitrogen fertilizer (2004)
- Annual Medic Variety Test at Overton 2004-2005 (2006)
- Bahiagrass Variety Test-2005 (2006)
- Broiler Litter as an Alternative to Commercial Fertilizer (2006)
- Influence of Temperature on Germination of Hulled and Unhulled Bermudagrass Seed (2006)
- Seeded Bermudagrasses and Their Establishment (2006)
- Seedling Development of Alfalfa, Sweetclover, and Annual Medic (2006)
- Selection of a New Ball Clover Variety (2006)
- Tall Fescue Persistence in East Texas (2006)
- Forage systems to reduce the winter feeding period (2008)
- Forage systems to reduce the winter feeding period (2008)