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Articles for Keyword legume
- Agroforestry Systems: Intercropping Legumes with Pine Seedlings (1992)
- Agroforestry Systems: Intercropping Legumes with Pine Seedlings (1993)
- Agronomic characteristics of native and naturalized cool season legumes collected in Texas (2002)
- Annual and short-lived perennial summer legumes for the Cross Timbers (2002)
- Annual legumes for conservation tillage and sustainable production systems (1992)
- Annual Medic Variety Test at Overton 2004-2005 (2006)
- ‘Beewild’ bundleflower, a new summer-growing perennial legume for central and south Texas and Mexico (2004)
- Cattle Grazing Acceptance of Summer Forage Legumes (1998)
- Clover Forage Production at Overton – 1989-90 (1992)
- Coastal Bermudagrass and Legume Response to Limestone Rate, Limestone Fineness (ECCE) and Boron (1993)
- Comparing seedling growth of five forage legumes in East Texas (1994)
- Cool-season forage legume establishment (2000)
- Developing improved grasses and legumes (1976)
- Development of improved vegetable legume varieties for Texas (1991)
- Do we need forage legumes? (2000)
- Effects of Boron on Seedling Establishment of Annual Legumes (1990)
- Effects of Boron on Seedling Establishment of Annual Legumes (1992)
- Effects of boron on seedling establishment of annual legumes (1989)
- Evaluation of forage legumes for low-input farming systems (1992)
- Evaluation of Summer Legumes as Supplemental Browse for White-tailed Deer (1996)
- Evaluation of Summer Legumes as Supplemental Browse for White-Tailed Deer (1998)
- Evaluation of tropical and warm-season legumes (1981)
- Forage and animal production programs for East Texas (1976)
- Forage and animal production programs for southeast Texas (1976)
- Forage legume production as influenced by nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization (1984)
- Forage Legume Production at Overton – Multi-Year Averages (1992)
- Forage legume production in East Texas (1994)
- Forage legume research, review of literature and recommendations for East Texas (1980)
- Forage legume species (2000)
- Forage legumes for Texas (2008)
- Forage legumes for Texas (1994)
- Forage yields of irrigated legumes at Stephenville (1982)
- Improved grasses and legumes (1976)
- Influence of phosphorous on percent legume in tall fescue overseeded with three legumes (1980)
- Legume evaluations for East Texas 1978-79 Progress Report (1980)
- Legume growth as affected by lime and gypsum (1986)
- Legume nitrogen fixation and transfer (2000)
- Legumes require sulfur to fix nitrogen (1978)
- Limestone and Boron Amendments for Enhanced Clover Production (1992)
- Lupin production in south central Texas (1996)
- Managing legume and legume-grass mixtures (2000)
- Micropropagation of Leucaena Leucocephala (Lam) de Wit (1985)
- Native, perennial, warm-season, herbaceous legumes for the Cross Timbers (2004)
- New Summer Forage Legumes for Texas (2006)
- Nitrogen accumulation in the top growth of cool-season annual forage legumes (1994)
- Occurrence of the Clover Stem Borer in Forage Legumes (1996)
- Performance of native warm-season legumes (1984)
- Preferred Soil Types for Legume Species (1992)
- Seasonal Production of Annual Forage Legumes at Overton, 1983-1985 (1986)
- Seasonal Production of Annual Forage Legumes at Overton, 1985-86 (1988)
- Seasonal production of annual forage legumes at Overton, 1986-87 (1988)
- Seasonal production of annual forage legumes at Overton, 1987-1988 (1989)
- Seasonal Production of Annual Forage Legumes at Overton, Texas – 1988-89 (1990)
- Seasonal production of annual forage legumes at Overton, Texas – 1989 (1992)
- Seasonal production of experimental rose clover at six Texas locations (1987)
- Seed weight and plant vigor in Illinois bundleflower (1984)
- Summer Forage Legumes for Non-Native Deer (1998)
- The evaluation of temperate legume introductions (1980)
- The growth and quality of selected legumes and grasses in a 750 MM rainfall area (1980)
- The performance of warm-season legumes with kleingrass 75 at Beeville (1983)
- The production of perennial warm-season grass — cool-season legume mixture (1983)
- Trailing and smooth-seeded wild beans: native annual warm season legumes for Texas (2003)
- Utilization of forage legumes (2000)
- Warm-season annual legume evaluations of alkaline soils (1996)
- Warm-season annual legumes interplanted with pine seedlings (1994)
- Winter annual legume evaluations at Beeville (1983)