- Influence of phosphorous on percent legume in tall fescue overseeded with three legumes (1980)
- Performance of TAM wintergreen hardinggrass and 16 tall fescues at Dallas, TX (1980)
- Response of plains bluestem, kleingrass and alamo switchgrass to nitrogen fertilization (1981)
- Indiangrass performance test (1983)
- Cool-season perennial grass test – Dallas (1984)
- Forage sorghum performance test (1985)
- Small grain for silage or hay variety test (1985)
- Oat silage yield as affected by time of application of nitrogen fertilizer, seeding rate, and planting date (1987)
- Sex expression in Texas bluegrass (1988)
- The effect of the fungal endophyte Acremonium Coenophialum on dry matter production of tall fescue (1989)
- Performance of tall fescue cultivars under two different harvest regimes (1992)
- Production potential of Texas Bluegrass (Poa arachnifera Torr.) (1992)
- Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer requirements of tall fescue grown on Blackland Prairie Soils (1993)
- Performance of cool-season perennial grasses at Dallas, TX (1994)
- Evaluation of seed treatments on wheat forage production (1996)