Articles for Keyword rye
- 1980-81 Forage production for oats, ryegrass, rye, triticale and wheat (1982)
- Added Economic Benefits of Energy and Protein Supplements for Calves Grazing Rye-Ryegrass Pastures (1992)
- Body Weight Gains of Weaned 1/4 Mesopotamian Fallow, European Fallow and Axis Bucks in Drylot, on Rye-Ryegrass Pasture or on Coastal Bermudagrass Pasture (1998)
- Comparison of rye, wheat, oat, and ryegrass fall and winter growth (1994)
- Continuous vs Rotational Grazing of Rye-Ryegrass Pastures at Three Stocking Rates (1998)
- Economic Assessment of Stockers Grazing Rye-Ryegrass Pastures at Three Stocking Rates and Receiving Three Levels of Supplement (2006)
- Economic comparison of ralgro implant and nitrogen fertilizer rate on animal performance from rye-ryegrass pastures (1986)
- Economic impact of stocking strategies for steers grazing rye-ryegrass pastures (2004)
- Effect of hay, rye-ryegrass pasture and a fish meal supplement on growth and reproduction of Brahman heifers (1994)
- Effect of pregrazing diet on early season gains by stocker steers grazing rye-ryegrass (1993)
- Effect of Previous Stocking Rate of Rye-Ryegrass Pasture and Four Breed Types of Calves on Feedlot Performance (2002)
- Effect of rye and ryegrass seeding rates and mixture ratios on forage yield and quality at Uvalde, 1993-94 (1996)
- Effect of Rye-Ryegrass Stocking Rate, Breed Types, and Sex of Calf on Feedlot Performance (2002)
- Energy and Protein Supplements for Calves Grazing Rye-Ryegrass Pastures (1992)
- Feedlot Performance of Steers and Heifers Grazed at Three Stocking Rates on Rye-Ryegrass Pastures (2000)
- Final Stocker Weights and Economic Summary of Rye-Ryegrass Pastures as Influenced by Grazing Method and Stocking Rate (2000)
- Forage variety tests for oat, rye, and wheat at Overton in 1992-93 (1993)
- Forage variety tests for oat, rye, triticale and wheat at Overton in 1993-94 (1994)
- Forage variety tests for oats, triticale, wheat, rye and ryegrass (1981)
- Growth and development of yearling horses using pasture and supplemental feed (1988)
- Influence of Level of Daily Supplement Intake on Performance of Calves Grazing Rye-Ryegrass Pastures (1990)
- Oats, rye and wheat forage clipping results from 1976-77 (1978)
- Pasture Costs Associated with Grazing Bermudagrass-Rye-Ryegrass with Stocker Cattle (1998)
- Performance of wheat, oat, rye, and triticale trials in Bryan, Texas, 1990-93 (1993)
- Response of winter rye to limestone, nitrogen, and potassium (1994)
- Rye and Triticale Forage Yields at Overton for 1990-91 and 3-Year Means (1992)
- Rye Forage Yields at Overton for 1991-92 and 3-Year Means (1993)
- Rye forage yields at Overton for 1992-93 and three-year means (1994)
- Rye Forage Yields at Overton for 1994-95 and Three-Year Means (1996)
- Rye Forage Yields at Overton for 1996-97 and Three-Year Means (1998)
- Rye Forage Yields at Overton for 1998-99 and Three-Year Means (2000)
- Rye Forage Yields at Overton for 2000-2001 and Three-Year Means (2002)
- Rye forage yields at Overton for 2002-2003 and three-year means (2004)
- Rye Forage Yields at Overton for 2004-2005 and Three-Year Means (2006)
- Small grain and ryegrass forage variety tests 1982-83 (1984)
- Small grain and ryegrass forage variety tests, 1983-84 (1985)
- Small grain for silage or hay variety test (1985)
- Stocking Rate and Level of Supplement Effects on Performance of Stocker Steers and Heifers Grazing Rye-Ryegrass Pastures (2006)
- Supplemental Energy and Protein Affect Gain of Steers Grazing Rye-Ryegrass Pastures (1993)
- Ultrasonic Measures of Backfat Depth and Ribeye Area for Steers Grazing Rye-Ryegrass at Three Stocking Rates (2000)
- Use of self-limiting supplemental energy and protein for Brahman and Simmental crossbred calves grazing rye-ryegrass (1988)
- Wheat, oats, and rye forage yields at Overton, 1985-1987 (1985)