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Articles for Keyword bermudagrass
- A five-year summary of nitrogen source studies on bermudagrass production (1987)
- Addition of Commercial Fertilizer or Clover with Broiler Litter for Ryegrass-Coastal Bermudagrass Production (2000)
- Addition of Commercial Fertilizer or Clover with Broiler Litter on Nutrient Uptake by Ryegrass-Coastal Bermudagrass (2000)
- Alfalfa Interseeded into Coastal Bermudagrass I. Effect of Alfalfa Row Spacing (1992)
- Alfalfa Interseeded into Coastal Bermudagrass I. Effect of Alfalfa Row Spacings (1993)
- Alfalfa Interseeded into Coastal Bermudagrass II. Effect of Nitrogen Rate (1992)
- Alfalfa Interseeded into Coastal Bermudagrass II. Effect of Nitrogen Rates (1993)
- Animal performance from common and Coastal bermudagrass stocked at three levels of forage availability (1980)
- Animal performance on Tifton 44 and Coastal bermudagrass pastures (1983)
- Animal performance on Tifton 44, Coastal and Brazos bermudagrass (1982)
- Availability of common bermudagrass-clover-ryegrass forage on performance of cows and calves (1983)
- Backgrounding stocker calves on stockpiled Tifton 85 bermudagrass with various protein supplementation rations (2004)
- Backgrounding Stocker Calves Post-Weaning on Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Alone or Coastal Bermudagrass Plus Supplementation (2002)
- Bermudagrass variety test at Overton, 1994 (1996)
- Bermudagrass yield and nitrogen uptake as influenced by source of nitrogen fertilizer (1988)
- Bermudagrass-wheat forage systems for dairy waste management (1994)
- Body Weight Gains of Weaned 1/4 Mesopotamian Fallow, European Fallow and Axis Bucks in Drylot, on Rye-Ryegrass Pasture or on Coastal Bermudagrass Pasture (1998)
- Calcium Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Calcium Distribution at Various Soil Depths in Common and Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures Under Long-Term Stocking and Fertilizer Regimens (2006)
- Carbon Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Changes in Soil Nitrate-Nitrogen of Common and Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures Subjected to Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (2006)
- Changes in Soil Phosphorus in Common and Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures During 35 Years of Various Stocking and Fertility Regimens (2006)
- Changes in Soil Potassium Concentrations in the Top 6-inch Soil Depth in Common and Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures During 35 Years of Stocking and Fertility Regimen (2006)
- Chloride Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Clover-bermudagrass production fertilized with broiler litter and commercial nitrogen fertilizer (2004)
- Clover-Bermudagrass Production When Fertilized with Broiler Litter and Commercial Nitrogen Fertilizer (2002)
- Coastal Bermudagrass and Coastal Bermudagrass-Cowpea Mixture for Does Nursing Fawns (1998)
- Coastal Bermudagrass and Legume Response to Limestone Rate, Limestone Fineness (ECCE) and Boron (1993)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Fluid Combinations of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Magnesium and Methods of Application (1988)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Limestone and Phosphorus (1990)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Limestone Rates and Particle Size (1993)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Nitrogen Sources (1988)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Residual Soil Phosphorus and pH (1988)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Urea-Ammonium Nitrate Application Rates (1988)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Urea-Ammonium Nitrate Surface Applied as Dribble Bands at Varying Spacings (1988)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Yield Response to Dairy Effluent and Poultry Litter Applications (1993)
- Comparison of arrowleaf clover and potassium versus ryegrass and nitrogen on common bermudagrass pastures stocked at three levels (1986)
- Comparison of bermudagrass and dallisgrass production in Southeast Texas (1981)
- Comparison of Seeded and Vegetatively Planted Bermudagrasses (2002)
- Comparison of seeded and vegetatively propagated bermudagrass (1998)
- Comparison of Seeded Bermudagrass and Bahiagrass Varieties during the Establishment Year (1998)
- Continuous stocked vs strip-stocked stockpiled Coastal bermudagrass during fall-winter (2004)
- Cow-calf gains from ‘TAM-90’ annual ryegrass overseeded on Tifton bermudagrass and stocked at three rates (2004)
- Cow-calf performance from ‘Apache’ arrowleaf clover overseeded on bermudagrass and grazed at three stocking rates (2004)
- Cow-Calf Performance from Common, Coastal, and Tifton 85 Bermudagrass When Grazed at Three Stocking Rates (2002)
- Cow-calf performance from ‘TAM-90’ annual ryegrass overseeded on bermudagrass and grazed at three stocking rates (2004)
- Dairy manure and lagoon effluent application on Coastal bermudagrass and overseed bermudagrass systems (1994)
- Developing improved grasses and legumes (1976)
- Development of yearling horses on pasture and supplemental feed (1985)
- Development of Yearling Horses on Sod-Seeded Bermudagrass Pastures (1988)
- Dry matter production and vigor of bermudagrass selections (1981)
- Dry matter yields and quality of hybrid bermudagrasses (1981)
- Economic analysis of stockers grazing Tifton 85 bermudagrass and receiving different levels of protein supplementation (2004)
- Effect of Alfalfa Row Spacing in Coastal Bermudagrass on Yield (1996)
- Effect of AmiSorb on Nutrient Uptake of Coastal Bermudagrass (2000)
- Effect of application rate and nitrogen source on dry matter production of Coastal bermudagrass (1983)
- Effect of Boron and Soil Acidity Levels on Bermudagrass and Ryegrass Yields and Element Concentrations in the Soil (1998)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass. III. Nitrogen source comparisons (1987)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass. IV. Urea-ammonium nitrate blends with phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium (1987)
- Effect of rumensin on performance of steers and heifers grazing bermudagrass (1978)
- Effect of various herbicides on newly established bermudagrass (2003)
- Effect of various herbicides on yield of established ‘Coastal’ bermudagrass (2003)
- Effects of clipping height and nitrogen on yields and protein content of Callie bermudagrass (1984)
- Effects of fall clipping on bermudagrass yields the following year (1984)
- Effects of fall harvesting schedules on bermudagrass production during succeeding years (1986)
- Effects of phosphorus and potassium on Coastal bermudagrass production (1981)
- Establishing bundleflowers in bermuda and switchgrass (2003)
- Establishment of arrowleaf clover and annual ryegrass in a Tifton 44 bermudagrass sod (1982)
- Establishment of cowpeas in a bermudagrass sod (1992)
- Establishment of Cowpeas in Bermudagrass Sod (1990)
- Establishment of subterranean clover and annual ryegrass in a Tifton 44 bermudagrass (1982)
- Evaluation of bermudagrass hybrids (1982)
- Evaluation of bermudagrass selections for South Texas (1983-84) (1985)
- Evaluation of bermudagrass selections with mob grazers (1983)
- Evaluation of bermudagrasses for East Texas (1978)
- Evaluation of Cattle-ASEΓäó on Gain of Yearling Heifers Grazing Bermudagrass (2000)
- Evaluation of Crimson Clover and Potassium vs Ryegrass and Nitrogen on Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures Stocked at Three Levels (1986)
- Fertility Regimen Descriptions During 37 Years of Continuous Stocking of Common and Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures (2006)
- Field efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers surface applied on bermudagrass (1984)
- First-calf heifer performance on common and coastal bermudagrass at three stocking rates (2004)
- Forage Production from Sixteen Bermudagrass Selections (1986)
- Forage Production of Coastal Bermudagrass and Annual Ryegrass-Coastal Bermudagrass Mixture Fertilized with Four Rates of Broiler Litter (2000)
- Forage production potential of sixteen bermudagrass selections (1985)
- Forage response to residual soil phosphorus and pH. II. Coastal bermudagrass (1987)
- Forage yield of coastal bermudagrass and bermudagrass – winter forage systems receiving liquid or solid dairy waste (1992)
- Grazing behavior of yearling horses. I. time spent grazing different forages (1987)
- Grazing behavior of yearling horses. II. selective or spot grazing of bermudagrass (1987)
- Growth and development of F-1 (Brahman x Hereford) heifers under various short-term grazing pressures (1992)
- Growth and development of yearling horses using pasture and supplemental feed (1988)
- Herbicide evaluations on establishment of Tifton 85 bermudagrass (2004)
- Influence of grazing on morphology and nutritive value of Coastal bermudagrass (1985)
- Influence of long-term grazing pressures on root-rhizome mass of common and Coastal bermudagrass pastures (1986)
- Influence of Pasture Supplementation on Fecal Particle Size of Yearling Horses and Calves Grazing Bermudagrass Pastures (1988)
- Influence of pasture supplementation on fecal particle size of yearling horses and calves grazing bermudagrass pastures (1987)
- Influence of Temperature on Germination of Hulled and Unhulled Bermudagrass Seed (2006)
- Influence of Time of Broiler Litter Application on Production of Ryegrass-Bermudagrass Pasture (1998)
- Intake, digestibility, and sward characteristics of bermudagrass-dallisgrass pastures (1980)
- Intakes and digestibilities of bermudagrass and sorghum silages (1987)
- Magnesium Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Magnesium Distribution at Various Soil Depths in Bermudagrass Pastures Under Continuous Stocking for 35 Years (2006)
- Managing Coastal Bermudagrass in Autumn for Annual Ryegrass Production (1993)
- Managing Coastal Bermudagrass in Autumn for Arrowleaf Clover Production (1993)
- Managing Coastal Bermudagrass in Autumn for Crimson Clover Production (1993)
- Mineral concentrations of Texas-grown bermudagrass hay (1993)
- Nitrate- and Ammonium-Nitrogen (N) Concentrations in Darco Soil from Two N sources and Rates Applied to Tifton 85 Bermudagrass (2006)
- Nitrate content of four bermudagrasses (1980)
- Nitrogen Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Nitrogen fertilizer source influence on yield of bermudagrass (1988)
- Nitrogen fertilizer source study on Coastal bermudagrass (1985)
- Nitrogen nutrition of S-16 bermudagrass grown on South Texas soils (1981)
- Nitrogen Source and Rate Effects on Tifton 85 Bermudagrass (2006)
- Nitrogen to Sulfur Ratio in Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Fertilizer Ratio Blends for Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Production (2006)
- Nutrient Uptake by Coastal Bermudagrass and an Annual Ryegrass-Coastal Bermudagrass Mixture Fertilized with Four Rates of Broiler Litter (2000)
- Nutritive value of stockpiled bermudagrass under continuous or strip-stocked management (2004)
- Pasture and Animal Performance from Bermudagrass Pastures at Three Stocking Rates With or Without Nitrogen Fertilization (1998)
- Pasture Costs Associated with Grazing Bermudagrass-Rye-Ryegrass with Stocker Cattle (1998)
- Perennial grass variety test – Angleton (1983)
- Perennial grass variety test — Angleton (1982)
- Performance of bermudagrass cultivars (1982) (1984)
- Performance of bermudagrass cultivars (1982) (1985)
- Performance of bermudagrass hybrids and cultivars in South Texas (1986)
- Performance of bermudagrass hybrids and cultivars in the Brazos River Bottom (1983)
- Performance of bermudagrass hybrids and cultivars in the Brazos River Bottom, 1981-83 (1984)
- Performance of Bermudagrass Varieties at Overton-1994 (1996)
- Performance of bermudagrass varieties in East Texas (1994)
- Performance of Bermudagrass Varieties in East Texas (1993)
- Performance of bermudagrass varieties in Northeast Texas (1994)
- Performance of stockers grazing Tifton 85 bermudagrass and receiving different levels of protein supplementation (2004)
- Phosphorus and Potassium Uptake by Crimson Clover-Bermudagrass Fertilized with Broiler Litter and N Fertilizer (2002)
- Phosphorus Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Phosphorus Removal by Cool-Season Annuals Overseeded on Common Bermudagrass (2000)
- Phosphorus uptake by Crimson clover-bermudagrass fertilized with broiler litter and nitrogen fertilizer (2004)
- Phosphorus uptake by ryegrass-bermudagrass fertilized with broiler litter and nitrogen (2004)
- Potassium Concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Protein supplementation of stocker calves grazing Tifton 85 and Coastal bermudagrass (2004)
- Protein supplements for stocker calves grazing Coastal bermudagrass pastures (1987)
- Reproductive Development and Function of Brahman Bulls Fed Diets Containing Gossypol (1990)
- Residual Plant Nutrient Levels in Darco Soil after Four Years of Treatments and Cropping Tifton 85 Bermudagrass (2006)
- Residual soil phosphorus after fertilizing Crimson clover-Coastal bermudagrass with broiler litter and nitrogen (2004)
- Residual soil phosphorus after fertilizing ryegrass-Coastal bermudagrass with nitrogen fertilizer and broiler litter (2004)
- Response of ‘Alfagraze’ Alfalfa and Coastal Bermudagrass to Rotational Grazing (1996)
- Response of Alfalfa in Coastal Bermudagrass to Applied Potassium, Magnesium, and Sulfur (1996)
- Response of Coastal Bermudagrass to a High Sulfur Content Sulphate of Potash-Magnesia (1986)
- Response of Coastal Bermudagrass to Phosphorus on Limed East Texas Soil (1986)
- Response of Coastal bermudagrass to rates of limestone and phosphorus (1984)
- Response of experimental bermudagrass hybrids and cultivars to defoliation frequency (1984)
- Response of experimental bermudagrass hybrids and cultivars to defoliation frequency (1983)
- Response of TAM 90 Ryegrass and Coastal Bermudagrass to Boron Rates and to the Residual Effect of Limestone Rates and ECCE (2000)
- Response of Tifton 85 bermudagrass to residual and applied phosphorus (2004)
- Response of Tifton 85 Bermudagrass to Soil pH and Poultry Litter in 2004 (2006)
- Rotational Grazing of Coastal Bermudagrass Using One Herd vs. Two Herds (1992)
- Rotational vs continuous grazing bermudagrass types (1981)
- Rotational vs continuous grazing bermudagrass types (1982)
- Ryegrass planting methods and seeding rates for overseeding bermudagrass (1994)
- Season, age and cultivar effects on bermudagrass forage production and quality (1983)
- Seasonal Variations in Characteristics of Estrous Cycles in Brahman Heifers (1990)
- Seeded Bermudagrasses and Their Establishment (2006)
- Seeded vs Vegetatively Planted Bermudagrass (2000)
- Selection of a seeded bermudagrass (2004)
- Self-Limiting Supplemental Protein for Calves Grazing Bermudagrass Pastures (1988)
- Self-limiting supplemental protein for calves grazing bermudagrass pastures (1988)
- Seven-Year Bermudagrass Production at Pecos, Texas Under Irrigation (2006)
- Soil Compaction of Bermudagrass Pasture Grazed at Three Stocking Rates for 25 Years (1998)
- Soil Depth Changes in pH in Coastal and Common Bermudagrass Pastures Under Long-term Stocking and Fertility Management (2006)
- Soil Depth Distribution of Nitrate-Nitrogen in Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures Subjected to Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (2006)
- Soil Depth Distribution of Phosphorus in Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures Subjected to Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (2006)
- Soil Depth Distribution of Potassium in Common and Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures Under 30 Years of Grazing at Different Stocking Rates (2006)
- Soil Nitrate Levels of Bermudagrass Pastures under Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (1998)
- Soil pH of Bermudagrass Pastures under Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (1998)
- Soil Phosphorus of Bermudagrass Pastures under Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (1998)
- Soil Potassium of Bermudagrass Pastures under Long-term Stocking Rates and Fertility Regimens (1998)
- Source and rate of nitrogen on Coastal bermudagrass forage production (1981)
- Spring Recovery of Coastal Bermudagrass When Overseeded (1993)
- Stand recovery of Coastal bermudagrass following potassium deficiency-induced stand loss (1981)
- Steer performance on ammonia treated Coastal bermudagrass hay (1984)
- Stocker Performance of Romosinuano Crossbred Steers Grazing Bermudagrass and Receiving a Supplement (2002)
- Stocking Rate and Overseeded Bermudagrass Pasture Effects on Angus X Brahman (F-1) Heifer Performance (2000)
- Sulfur concentration and Uptake by Tifton 85 Bermudagrass in Five Cuttings in 2004 (2006)
- Supplemental fishmeal for use with simmental-cross and brahman calves grazing bermudagrass (1988)
- Supplemental Protein for Simmental-Cross and Brahman Calves Grazing Bermudagrass (1988)
- Sustainability of Bermudagrass Pastures Utilized at Different Stocking Rates (1993)
- Sustained Production from Common Bermudagrass Pastures Using Clover-Potassium or Ryegrass-Nitrogen (1990)
- Sustained production from common bermudagrass pastures using clover-potassium or ryegrass-nitrogen (1992)
- Sustained Production from Intensively Used Bermudagrass Pastures without Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer (1992)
- The effects of various nitrogen fertilizers on yield and N uptake of bermudagrass (1983)
- The growth pattern and protein content of Amaranthus retroflexus (1984)
- The performance of cool-season forage mixtures with Coastal bermudagrass (1983)
- The performance of yuchi clover-coastal bermudagrass and gulf ryegrass-coastal mixtures as influenced by seedbed preparation and seeding rate (1983)
- Tifton 85 bermudagrass dry matter response to nitrogen, potassium, chloride, and sulfur fertilizer treatments (2004)
- Tifton 85 bermudagrass response to limestone rate, ECCE, and boron (2004)
- Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Response to Nitrogen Rates Applied as Urea Fertilizers (2006)
- Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Response to Nitrogen, Potassium, Chloride, and Sulfur Fertilizer Treatments in 2004 (2006)
- Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Response to Nitrogen, Potassium, Chloride, and Sulfur Fertilizer Treatments in 2005 (2006)
- Tifton 85 Bermudagrass Response to the Interaction on Nitrogen and Potash on Darco Loamy Fine Sand (2006)
- Use of Clover-Potassium vs Ryegrass-Nitrogen for Sustained Production from Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures (1990)
- Use of clover-potassium vs ryegrass-nitrogen for sustained production from coastal bermudagrass pastures (1992)
- Use of Fishmeal and Feathermeal Rations to Supplement Steers Grazing Bermudagrass (1993)
- Use of postemergence grass herbicides for Coastal bermudagrass burndown and clover establishment (1987)
- Use of poultry litter as fertilizer on Coastal bermudagrass pasture (1994)
- Use of rumensin and supplemental feed on gain of steers grazing bermudagrass (1980)
- Utilization of subterranean clover – Bermudagrass mixtures in East Texas (1988)
- Yield and nitrogen uptake efficiency by Coastal bermudagrass show urea as a safe nitrogen source (1986)
- Yield evaluation of bermudagrass selections (1984)
- Yield of warm-season perennial grasses at Stephenville in 1991 (1992)
- Yield potentials of selected bermudagrasses (1980)
- Yield Response of Annual Ryegrass-Coastal Bermudagrass to Broiler Litter Plus N Fertilizer (2002)
- Yield response of annual ryegrass-Coastal bermudagrass to broiler litter plus nitrogen fertilizer (2004)