Home » Publication Years 1975-1984
Publication Years 1975-1984
- Economic analysis of forage systems and beef production in East Texas (1975)
- Conserving hays – from production to consumption (1976)
- Developing improved grasses and legumes (1976)
- Economics of harvesting forages as hay (1976)
- Establishment, management, and seed production (1976)
- Extension education in forage (1976)
- Fertilization of forages (1976)
- Forage and animal production program from Central Texas (1976)
- Forage and animal production programs for East Texas (1976)
- Forage and animal production programs for South Texas (1976)
- Forage and animal production programs for southeast Texas (1976)
- Forage and animal production programs for West Texas (1976)
- Improved grasses and legumes (1976)
- Nutritional values of forages (1976)
- Principles of grazing management (1976)
- Silages and haylages (1976)
- Coastal bermudagrass responds to potassium (1978)
- Economics of the once daily suckling system of managing first calf heifers (1978)
- Effect of a protected lipid on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of beef steers (1978)
- Effect of age at first calving and once daily suckling upon days open and calving interval in first calf Brahman x Hereford heifers (1978)
- Effect of energy intake and once daily suckling on postpartum interval in Brahman x Hereford heifers (1978)
- Effect of rumensin on performance of steers and heifers grazing bermudagrass (1978)
- Evaluation of bermudagrasses for East Texas (1978)
- Increasing artificial insemination conception rates in Brahman cows by injection of human chorionic gonadotropin at breeding (1978)
- Inoculation of crimson and arrowleaf clover (1978)
- Legumes require sulfur to fix nitrogen (1978)
- Oats, rye and wheat forage clipping results from 1976-77 (1978)
- Pearl millet for grazing (1978)
- Reducing age at puberty by feeding monensin or increasing the proportion of concentrates in the diet of Brangus heifers (1978)
- Wheat and oat grain variety tests (1978)
- Mulching effects on soil temperature, weed control, growth, and survival of rose varieties (1979)
- Peach variety performance and quality in East Texas (1979)
- Animal performance from common and Coastal bermudagrass stocked at three levels of forage availability (1980)
- Apple variety performance and quality in East Texas (1980)
- Austrian winter peas for use as a forage or green manure crop (1980)
- Beef-forage management (1980)
- Behavioral effect of various dose levels of estradial-17 upon ovariectomized Brahman, Brahman x Hereford and Hereford cows (1980)
- Buffelgrass performance in the lower Rio Grande Valley (1980)
- Bunch grape variety trials in East Texas (1980)
- Changes in quantity and quality of sudans and forage sorghums with increasing maturity (1980)
- Comparison of rates and sources of potassium on Coastal bermudagrass (1980)
- Corpus luteum weight and progesterone content in Brahman, Brahman x Hereford heifers (1980)
- Cow-calf liveweight gain and milk production from three differently stocked pastures (1980)
- Effect of nitrogen on subclover nodulation and seedling growth (1980)
- Evaluation of 52 Trifolium plant introductions (1980)
- Evaluation of 523 plant introductions of Trifolium Spp (1980)
- Evaluation of 523 plant introductions of Trifolium spp. (1980)
- Evaluation of annual clovers for East Texas (1980)
- Evaluation of experimental Kleingrass cultivars (1980)
- Extending the daylength by artificial light affects reproduction in fall bred Brahman cows (1980)
- Forage availability and some blood metabolites of the cow (1980)
- Forage fertilization in South Texas (1980)
- Forage legume research, review of literature and recommendations for East Texas (1980)
- Fruit variety evaluations at Overton, 1980 (1980)
- In vitro dry matter digestibility comparison of five cool-season grasses for the Trans-Pecos area (1980)
- Increasing artificial insemination conception rates in Brahman cows by injection of human chorionic gonaotropin at breeding (1980)
- Influence of defoliation height and frequency on yield and in vitro dry matter digestibility of jose tall wheatgrass (1980)
- Influence of nitrogen on dry matter yield of four tall wheatgrass varieties in the Trans-Pecos area (1980)
- Influence of nitrogen on yield and protein production by Kleingrass and Renner Lovegrass (1980)
- Influence of phosphorous on percent legume in tall fescue overseeded with three legumes (1980)
- Intake, digestibility, and sward characteristics of bermudagrass-dallisgrass pastures (1980)
- Interrelationship of endocrine and physiological events during the estrous cycle in Brahman cattle (1980)
- Legume evaluations for East Texas 1978-79 Progress Report (1980)
- Luteinizing hormone patterns in ovariextomized Brahman and Hereford cows before and after injection of gonadotropin releasing hormone (1980)
- Nitrate content of four bermudagrasses (1980)
- Peach variety performance and quality in East Texas (1980)
- Performance of TAM wintergreen hardinggrass and 16 tall fescues at Dallas, TX (1980)
- Seeding rate and establishment method for subterranean clover (1980)
- Seeding rate and inoculation of subterranean and arrowleaf clover (1980)
- Serum progesterone levels during the estrous cycle in Brahman, Brahman x Hereford and Hereford heifers (1980)
- Soil contamination of ryegrass samples using flail-type mower (1980)
- Sufur rate and soil type influence forage and root growth of Trifolium spp. (1980)
- The economics of forage & beef production in East Texas (1980)
- The effect of various dose levels of estradial-17 upon serum luteinizing hormone in ovariextomized Brahman cows (1980)
- The evaluation of hardinggrass populations for seedling vigor (1980)
- The evaluation of Panicum introductions for seed size and forage quality (1980)
- The evaluation of ryegrass cultivars and experimental materials (1980)
- The evaluation of temperate legume introductions (1980)
- The growth and quality of selected legumes and grasses in a 750 MM rainfall area (1980)
- The histology and histochemistry of Brahman, Brahman x Hereford and Hereford corpora lutea (1980)
- The serum luteinizing hormone surge and ovulation time in Brahman, Brahman x Hereford and Hereford heifers (1980)
- The serum luteinizing hormone surge and progesterone levels near estrus in Brahman compared to Brahman x Hereford and Hereford heifers (1980)
- Total alkaloid and nitrate content of drought-stressed pearl millet (1980)
- Total serum estrogens before and after estrus in brahman, Brahman x Hereford and Hereford heifers (1980)
- Total structural and soluble carbohydrate content and protein levels in diploid and tetraploid ryegrass forage (1980)
- Use of rumensin and supplemental feed on gain of steers grazing bermudagrass (1980)
- Variety tests for winter annual forage production (1980)
- Wheat and oat grain variety tests (1980)
- Wheat and oat grain variety tests 1976-79 (1980)
- Winter annual clover species and variety evaluation (1980)
- Winter annual clover species and variety evaluation (1980)
- Yield comparison of six cool-season grasses in the Trans-Pecos area (1980)
- Yield potentials of selected bermudagrasses (1980)
- An evaluation of seeding rates for Jose and Alkar tall wheatgrass in the Trans-Pecos area (1981)
- Animal performance from Sudan and sorghum pastures (1981)
- Annual clover variety trials (1981)
- Comparison of bermudagrass and dallisgrass production in Southeast Texas (1981)
- Comparison of sulfur-coated muriate of potash and potassium sulfate with single and split applications of muriate of potash (1981)
- Dry matter production and vigor of bermudagrass selections (1981)
- Dry matter yields and quality of hybrid bermudagrasses (1981)
- Effect of breed and season on the ability of the corpus lutem to produce progesterone (1981)
- Effect of daylength on reproductive performance of Brahman cattle (1981)
- Effect of season and monensin on serum progesterone levels in Brahman cows (1981)
- Effect of season and monensin on the preovulatory luteinizing hormone surge in Brahman cows (1981)
- Effect of tebuthiuron, graslan, on nutritive value of weeping lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula Schrad. Nees) (1981)
- Effects of phosphorus and potassium on Coastal bermudagrass production (1981)
- Evaluation of alfalfa varieties in the Coastal Bend area (1981)
- Evaluation of experimental cultivars of kleingrass (1981)
- Evaluation of subterranean clover cultivars and plant introductions (1981)
- Evaluation of tropical and warm-season legumes (1981)
- Extending the daylength by artificial light for the fall-winter breeding of Brahman cows (1981)
- Factors related to forage diet selection by yearling steers (1981)
- Forage systems for wintering replacement heifers (1981)
- Forage variety tests for oats, triticale, wheat, rye and ryegrass (1981)
- Forage yields of six warm-season grasses grown at four nitrogen rates on windthorst fine sandy loam soil (1981)
- Influence of defoliation height and frequency on yield and in vitro dry-matter digestibility of jose tall wheatgrass (1981)
- Influence of nitrogen on dry-matter yield of four tall wheatgrass varieties in the Trans-Pecos area (1981)
- Mineral composition of forages grazed at different intensities (1981)
- Nitrogen nutrition of S-16 bermudagrass grown on South Texas soils (1981)
- Performance of cool-season annual clovers in Southeast Texas (1981)
- Performance of experimental varieties of kleingrass (Panicum coloratum l.) (1981)
- Rate of leaf elongation in kleingrass (1981)
- Response of plains bluestem, kleingrass and alamo switchgrass to nitrogen fertilization (1981)
- Response to phosphorus by small grains grown on south Texas soils (1981)
- Rotational vs continuous grazing bermudagrass types (1981)
- Ryegrass evaluation in Southeast Texas (1981)
- Source and rate of nitrogen on Coastal bermudagrass forage production (1981)
- Stand recovery of Coastal bermudagrass following potassium deficiency-induced stand loss (1981)
- Switchgrass management (1981)
- The evaluation of trifolium and medicago cultivars in the Coastal Bend area (1981)
- Tolerance of subterranean clover to herbicides (1981)
- Use of wild peanuts for forage (1981)
- Yield comparison of kleingrass, buffelgrass and bluestems in north central Texas (1981)
- Yield comparison of six cool-season grasses in the Trans-Pecos area (1981)
- 1980-81 Forage production for oats, ryegrass, rye, triticale and wheat (1982)
- Alfalfa variety performance in the Brazos River Bottom (1982)
- An explanation for lowered conception rates in virgin heifers (1982)
- Animal performance on Tifton 44, Coastal and Brazos bermudagrass (1982)
- Cash wheat crop in a cattle system for East Texas (1982)
- Dallisgrass variety test (1982)
- Dual purpose wheat crop in a cattle system for East Texas (1982)
- Effect of energy intake and body condition score on postpartum interval (1982)
- Emergency and seedling vigor of annual trifolium species (1982)
- Establishment of arrowleaf clover and annual ryegrass in a Tifton 44 bermudagrass sod (1982)
- Establishment of subterranean clover and annual ryegrass in a Tifton 44 bermudagrass (1982)
- Evaluation of alfalfa cultivars for hay production (1982)
- Evaluation of alfalfa response to phosphorus and potassium fertilization (1982)
- Evaluation of bermudagrass hybrids (1982)
- Evaluation of subterranean clover for East Texas (1982)
- Evaluation of temperate annual clovers (1982)
- Forage production of red and white clover in East Texas (1982)
- Forage utilization in dairy rations (1982)
- Forage yields of irrigated legumes at Stephenville (1982)
- Forage yields of turnips, rape and kale under irrigated and dryland conditions at Stephenville (1982)
- Improvement of postpartum interval to first estrus by feeding monensin (Rumensin) (1982)
- Influence of cow weight change on weaning weights and subsequent birth weights of calves and cow reproductive performance (1982)
- Influence of monensin on gain of stocker calves grazing cool-season annual grasses (1982)
- Influence of stocking rate, creep feed, and electrical stimulation on carcass characteristics of heifers and steers slaughtered at weaning (1982)
- Influence of stocking rate, creep feed, and electrical stimulation on carcasses of calves slaughtered at weaning (1982)
- Influence of stocking rates and cow weight change on weaning weights and subsequent birth weights of calves and cow reproductive performance (1982)
- Management effects on irrigated and dryland forage sorghum cultivars at Stephenville in 1981 (1982)
- Nitrogen vs clover on Coastal bermudagrass (1982)
- Nitrogen vs clover on pensacola bahiagrass (1982)
- Perennial grass variety test — Angleton (1982)
- Rate of application and source of nitrogen on yield of Coastal bermudagrass (1982)
- Rates and sources of potassium on Coastal bermudagrass (1982)
- Rotational vs continuous grazing bermudagrass types (1982)
- Selection and evaluation of heavy seed weight synthetic cultivars of kleingrass (1982)
- Small grain forage tests under irrigated and dryland conditions at Stephenville, TX in 1980-81 (1982)
- Soil fertility management for selected forages (1982)
- Subterranean clover seeding rates (1982)
- Total alkaloid and nitrate content of eleven pearl millet lines (1982)
- Variety evaluations of red and white clover (1982)
- Variety tests for winter annual forage production 1980-81 (1982)
- Wheat and oat grain variety tests, 1980-81 (1982)
- 1981-82 Forage yields for oats, ryegrass, rye, wheat and triticale (1983)
- Animal performance on Tifton 44 and Coastal bermudagrass pastures (1983)
- Availability of common bermudagrass-clover-ryegrass forage on performance of cows and calves (1983)
- Bradford wheat, a new dual-purpose forage-grain variety for East Texas (1983)
- Composition and yield of sorghum grain hybrids grown at Bushland and College Station (1983)
- Cow and calf response to various levels of available forage of a Coastal bermudagrass-clover-ryegrass pasture (1983)
- Effect of application rate and nitrogen source on dry matter production of Coastal bermudagrass (1983)
- Effect of drought, nitrogen and sulfur on alkaloid and nitrate concentrations in pearl millet (1983)
- Effect of monensin and suckling on the GnRH induced luteinizing hormone surge and the effect of monensin on the postpartum interval in Brangus cow (1983)
- Effect of monensin on postpartum interval to first estrus and serum LH response to 0, 1, 2, or 4 MG estradiol-17 at 21 days postpartum (1983)
- Effect of monensin upon rumen metabolism, metabolic hormones, and productive trails of beef cows (1983)
- Effect of variety and fruit waxes on sensory evaluation of rabbiteye blueberries (1983)
- Effects of dietary monensin and sex of calf on profiles of serum progesterone and estrogen in late pregnancy of first-cross Brahman-Hereford cows (1983)
- Evaluation of bermudagrass selections with mob grazers (1983)
- Evaluation of subterranean clover plant introductions (1983)
- Evidence for seasonal and nutritional modification of ovarian and pituitary function in crossbred heifers and Brahman cows (1983)
- Fire ant control demonstration in blueberries (1983)
- Forage and grain yields for small grain as affected by phophorus sources (1983)
- Fruit variety recommendations for East Texas (1983)
- Identification of viruses infecting annual clovers (1983)
- Indiangrass performance test (1983)
- Influence of creep feed and stocking rate on cow-calf performance (1983)
- Influence of drought stress removal on alkaloid and nitrate concentrations in pearl millet (1983)
- Influence of postharvest treatments on storage behavior of hand and machine harvested blueberries (1983)
- Influence of rate of mefluidide on nutritive value and dry matter production of pearl millet (1983)
- Influence of source and rate of nitrogen on Coastal bermudagrass forage grown on two soil types (1983)
- Mycorrhizae beneficial soil fungi (1983)
- Nutritional influences on reproductive efficiency in beef cows (1983)
- Nutritive value of white clover varieties (1983)
- Peach variety evaluations at Overton, 1982 (1983)
- Perennial grass variety test – Angleton (1983)
- Performance of bermudagrass hybrids and cultivars in the Brazos River Bottom (1983)
- Performance of kleingrass varieties in South Texas, 1981 (1983)
- Performance of warm-season grass varieties and species (1983)
- Postpartum nutrient intake and body condition: effect on pituitary function and onset of estrus in beef cattle (1983)
- Production and handling of sweet potatoes in Texas (1983)
- Production of forage sorghums under various management options at Stephenville (1983)
- Rabbiteye blueberry establishment studies at Overton (1983)
- Response of experimental bermudagrass hybrids and cultivars to defoliation frequency (1983)
- Rose blackspot control demonstration using micromax spray heads (Smith Cty, 1982) (1983)
- Rose crown gall control demonstration (Smith Cty, 1982) (1983)
- Season, age and cultivar effects on bermudagrass forage production and quality (1983)
- Seasonal forage production of annual clovers (1983)
- Small grain forage yields under irrigated and dryland conditions (1983)
- Soil fertility management for selected forages: the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on the performance of improved forage cultivars (1983)
- Subterranean clover herbicide tolerance (1983)
- Summary of blueberry cultural research at Overton, 1982 (1983)
- The effects of various nitrogen fertilizers on yield and N uptake of bermudagrass (1983)
- The fruit research program at Overton (an overview) (1983)
- The new rose research project in Texas (1983)
- The performance of cool-season forage mixtures with Coastal bermudagrass (1983)
- The performance of warm-season legumes with kleingrass 75 at Beeville (1983)
- The performance of yuchi clover-coastal bermudagrass and gulf ryegrass-coastal mixtures as influenced by seedbed preparation and seeding rate (1983)
- The production of perennial warm-season grass — cool-season legume mixture (1983)
- Winter annual legume evaluations at Beeville (1983)
- Animal Performance on Small Grain Pastures in North Texas (1984)
- Changes in Cattle Body Weight Associated with Onset of Ryegrass Grazing (1984)
- Clover variety trials in Southeast Texas (1984)
- Clover-grass mixtures and nitrogen relations (1984)
- Comparison of liveweight gains of suckling vs weaned calves grazed at four stocking rates (1984)
- Cool-season perennial grass test – Dallas (1984)
- Effects of clipping height and nitrogen on yields and protein content of Callie bermudagrass (1984)
- Effects of fall clipping on bermudagrass yields the following year (1984)
- Estrus synchronization of dairy heifers with estrumate or syncro-mate-b (1984)
- Field efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers surface applied on bermudagrass (1984)
- Forage legume production as influenced by nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization (1984)
- Germination of four warm-season legumes (1984)
- Growing peaches and plums in East Texas (1984)
- Influence of stocking rate on purebred Brahman cows and calves vs F-1 (Brahman x Hereford) cows and Simmental-sired calves (1984)
- Liveweight gains of weaned calves from four levels of available forage (1984)
- Milk production and composition from fall calving F-1 (Brahman x Hereford) cows at three levels of forage availability (1984)
- Performance of bermudagrass cultivars (1982) (1984)
- Performance of bermudagrass hybrids and cultivars in the Brazos River Bottom, 1981-83 (1984)
- Performance of F-1 (Brahman x Hereford) cows and Simmental-sired calves at four stocking rates (1984)
- Performance of native warm-season legumes (1984)
- Performance of range forage species interseeded in Coastal bermudagrass on lignite overburden (1984)
- Performance of Sorghum-Sudan hybrids grown dry land (1984)
- Performance of warm-season grass varieties and species (1984)
- Phytotoxicity of leachate from Coastal bermudagrass roots on germination and root growth of grass and clover (1984)
- Prostaglandin estrus synchronization for Brahman and Brahman influenced breeds of cattle (1984)
- Response of Coastal bermudagrass to rates of limestone and phosphorus (1984)
- Response of experimental bermudagrass hybrids and cultivars to defoliation frequency (1984)
- Ryegrass herbicidal control in wheat (1984)
- Seasonal forage production of annual clovers (1984)
- Seed weight and plant vigor in Illinois bundleflower (1984)
- Small grain and ryegrass forage variety tests 1982-83 (1984)
- Soil fertility management for selected forages: Yield response and quality of five improved forage cultivars (1984)
- Steer performance on ammonia treated Coastal bermudagrass hay (1984)
- The effects of planting methods and rates of sod seeded crops on forage production, 1981-83 (1984)
- The evaluation of Leucaena as a warm-season legume (1984)
- The growth pattern and protein content of Amaranthus retroflexus (1984)
- The performance of cool-season forage mixtures with Coastal bermudagrass (1984)
- Variety tests for winter annual forage production 1982-83 (1984)
- Water use by alfalfa for forage production (1984)
- Water use by alfalfa over winter (1984)
- Wheat and oat grain variety tests 1982-83 (1984)
- Yield and composition of milk from spring-calves Brahman vs F-1 (Brahman x Hereford) cows at three levels of forage availability (1984)
- Yield evaluation of bermudagrass selections (1984)