Home » Publication Years 1985-1994
Publication Years 1985-1994
- Alfalfa variety and fertility trials on Brazos Riverbottom soil (1985)
- An overview of rose research at Overton 1985 (1985)
- Blueberry variety trials, Overton, 1984 (1985)
- Clover establishment and growth at different pH levels (1985)
- Comparison of corn and sorghum hybrids grown for silage under irrigated and dryland environments (1985)
- Comparison of drip emitters, low volume spray emitters, and mulching on plant establishment of rabbiteye blueberries (1985)
- Cordner sweet potato (1985)
- Development of yearling horses on pasture and supplemental feed (1985)
- Diet selection and nutritive value of Coastal bermudagrass as influenced by grazing pressure (1985)
- Dry matter yields and preliminary evaluation of forage quality for eight dallisgrass accessions and common dallisgrass (1985)
- Evaluation of bermudagrass selections for South Texas (1983-84) (1985)
- Fertilization, irrigation, and mulching effects on rabbiteye blueberries in Texas (1985)
- Fluid fertilization for forages (1985)
- Forage production potential of sixteen bermudagrass selections (1985)
- Forage quality evaluations for Mt. Barker subterranean and bigbee berseem clovers (1985)
- Forage sorghum performance test (1985)
- Forage yields and crude protein content of sudan-sorghum hybrids (1985)
- Increases in root and shoot growth of rosa multiflora cuttings taken from stock plants fertilized with lime and P (1985)
- Influence of grazing frequency and time of grazing on bite rate (1985)
- Influence of grazing on morphology and nutritive value of Coastal bermudagrass (1985)
- Influence of grazing pressure on forage digestibility, intake, and liveweight gain (1985)
- Influence of postharvest packaging on storage life of redskin peaches (1985)
- Micropropagation of Leucaena Leucocephala (Lam) de Wit (1985)
- Mineral composition of forages in a short duration grazing system (1985)
- New chemicals for weed control in field production of rose plants during the first season of growth (1985)
- Nitrogen fertilizer source study on Coastal bermudagrass (1985)
- Nutritional value of South Texas deer food plants (1985)
- Performance of alfalfa cultivars in the Brazos River Bottom near College Station (1985)
- Performance of bermudagrass cultivars (1982) (1985)
- Performance of corn hybrids for silage in the West Cross Timbers (1985)
- Performance of forage sorghum hybrids in lower South Texas (1985)
- Preliminary observations and literature review concerning problems with shipping of miniature roses (1985)
- Preliminary observations on use of ethylene-releasing compounds for chemical peach thinning in North Texas (1985)
- Regal sweet potato (1985)
- Resisto sweet potato (1985)
- Response of Coastal bermudagrass to a high sulfur content sulphate of potash-magnesia (1985)
- Response of container grown blueberry plants to irrigation water quality (1985)
- Response of ryegrass to rates of limestone and phosphorus (1985)
- Response of two pearl millets to water (1985)
- Rose clover evaluation and selection (1985)
- Ryegrass and oat variety trials in Southeast Texas (1985)
- Seasonal forage production of annual clovers (1985)
- Seasonal production of alfalfa and red clover, 1982-85 (1985)
- Small grain and ryegrass forage variety tests, 1983-84 (1985)
- Small grain for silage or hay variety test (1985)
- Southern cooperative snapbean variety and breeding line trial, 1984 (1985)
- Southern cooperative watermelon trials, 1984 (1985)
- Southern tomato exchange program (STEP) trials, 1984 (1985)
- Spring cole crop variety trials, 1984 (1985)
- Sweet potato varieties (1985)
- The correlation between carbohydrate/nitrogen ratio and rooting ability in rosa multiflora stem cuttings (1985)
- The costs of producing rose bushes (1985)
- The fruit research program at Overton (an overview) (1985)
- The use of perforated plastic row covers for wind protection in early spring transplanted tomatoes (1985)
- Use of fruit waxes for postharvest treatment of rabbiteye blueberries (1985)
- Use of mefluidide as a chemical peach thinning agent (1985)
- Vegetable crop production in East Texas (1985)
- Wheat, oats, and rye forage yields at Overton, 1985-1987 (1985)
- Yield of spittlebug tolerant buffelgrass (1979-81) (1985)
- Alfalfa cultivar evaluation with and without supplemental irrigation (1986)
- Alfalfa variety and fertility trials on Brazos riverbottom soil (1986)
- Breeding subterranean clover for improved reseeding (1986)
- Comparison of arrowleaf clover and potassium versus ryegrass and nitrogen on common bermudagrass pastures stocked at three levels (1986)
- Digestible dry matter of Brazos, Tifton-44 and callie-bermudagrasses, and klein and limpo grasses under soil nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization (1986)
- Economic Comparison of Ralgro Implant and Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate on Animal Performance from Rye-Ryegrass Pastures (1986)
- Economic comparison of ralgro implant and nitrogen fertilizer rate on animal performance from rye-ryegrass pastures (1986)
- Effect of defoliation on regrowth of warm-season perennial grasses (1986)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass I. Spacing between dribble bands of urea-ammonium nitrate (1986)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass II. method of application of urea-ammonium nitrate (1986)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass. IV. Urea-ammonium nitrate solutions with phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium (1986)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass. III. Nitrogen source comparisons (1986)
- Effect of grazing duration on growth and gram yield of winter wheat (1986)
- Effect of grazing on growing point elevation of wheat (1986)
- Effect of grazing time of winter pastures on performance, forage intake, and digesta flow in heifers (1986)
- Effect of stocking rate and grazing method on forage-on-offer, forage intake, and animal weight changes on cool-season pastures (1986)
- Effects of fall harvesting schedules on bermudagrass production during succeeding years (1986)
- Effects of stocking rate on forage-on-offer, bite rate, bite size, bite quality, and animal weight gain on warm season pastures (1986)
- Efficacy of Luprostiol for Estrus Synchronization in Brahman Cows and Heifers (1986)
- Estrous Synchronization and Induction of Puberty in Brahman Heifers (1986)
- Estrous Synchronization of Dairy Heifers Using Synchro-Mate-B® or the Norgestomet Implant with a Prostaglandin (1986)
- Evaluation of Crimson Clover and Potassium vs Ryegrass and Nitrogen on Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures Stocked at Three Levels (1986)
- Evaluation of experimental rose clover at eight Texas locations (1986)
- Fertilizer-clover seed contact time on clover emergence and growth (1986)
- Fishmeal, cottonseed meal, and corn supplements with rumensin for stockers grazing hybrid sorghum x sudangrass pastures (1986)
- Forage Production from Sixteen Bermudagrass Selections (1986)
- Forage quality and cattle performance on ammoniated Coastal bermudagrass hay (1986)
- Forage quality under grazing for bigbee berseem and meteora subterranean clovers (1986)
- Heifer performance on oat and wheat pastures seeded with clover and ryegrass (1986)
- Herbicide Residue Damage to Sod-Seeded Clovers (1986)
- Influence of grazing pressure and environment on growth and development of F-1 (Brahman x Hereford) heifers (1986)
- Influence of long-term grazing pressures on root-rhizome mass of common and Coastal bermudagrass pastures (1986)
- Influence of ralgro implant and nitrogen fertilizer rate on animal performance from rye-ryegrass pastures (1986)
- Influence of Zeranol Implant on Simmental Crossbred Bulls (1986)
- Intramuscular Injection of Alfaprostol Decreases Postpartum Interval and Increases Pregnancy Rate in Brahman Crossbred Embryo Recipient Cows (1986)
- Legume growth as affected by lime and gypsum (1986)
- Performance of bermudagrass hybrids and cultivars in South Texas (1986)
- Performance of corn hybrids as a silage crop in the West Cross Timbers (1986)
- Performance of heifers grazing coastal bermudagrass fertilized with nitrogen or overseeded with clovers (1986)
- Performance of Yearling Horses on Pasture and Supplemental Feed (1986)
- Response of Coastal Bermudagrass to a High Sulfur Content Sulphate of Potash-Magnesia (1986)
- Response of Coastal Bermudagrass to Phosphorus on Limed East Texas Soil (1986)
- Response of Ryegrass to Rates of Limestone and Phosphorus (1986)
- Ryegrass Control in Winter Wheat with Herbicides (1986)
- Seasonal Production of Alfalfa and Red Clover 1982-85 (1986)
- Seasonal Production of Annual Forage Legumes at Overton, 1983-1985 (1986)
- Small Grain Forage Yields at Overton, 1983-1985 (1986)
- Small grain performance as a silage crop (1986)
- Temperate perennial grass variety test at Angleton (1986)
- The Effect of Cold Stress on Newborn Bos Indicus and Bos Taurus Calves (1986)
- The Effect of Season and Relocation on Reproductive Competence in Brahman Compared to Hereford Bulls (1986)
- Three Year Ryegrass Forage Yields at Overton and Angleton (1986)
- Three-year small grain forage yields at Overton (1986)
- Treatment with Alfaprostol or Uterine Palpation Shortens the Postpartum Interval in Brangus Cows (1986)
- Use of the Breeding Soundness Evaluation as a Management Practice for Selecting Santa Gertrudis Bulls (1986)
- Use of Tilapia to Decrease Algae in Livestock Watering Tanks (1986)
- Wheat and Oat Grain Variety Tests 1984-85 (1986)
- Wheat Grain Yield Response to Nitrogen Rates With and Without a Fungicide (1986)
- Winter annual clover evaluation at Beeville (1986)
- Yield and nitrogen uptake efficiency by Coastal bermudagrass show urea as a safe nitrogen source (1986)
- A five-year summary of nitrogen source studies on bermudagrass production (1987)
- Adapting plants to high pH soils by use of native rootstock (1987)
- Alfalfa variety trials – Yoakum 1984-85 and 1985-86 (1987)
- An overview of nursery and floricultural crop research at Overton 1987 (1987)
- Annual ryegrass variety tests at Overton in 1985-86 (1987)
- Autumn propagation of semi-hardwood blueberry cuttings (1987)
- Blueberry cultivar trials: new releases for 1987 (1987)
- Blueberry plant response to nitrogen and phosphorus (1987)
- Breeding arrowleaf clover for resistance to bean yellow mosaic virus (1987)
- Broccoli seeding date and seeded cultivar/breeding line trials, 1985 (1987)
- Characterization of grass root systems (1987)
- Chemical mowing of orchard middles with roundup, fusilade and poast (1987)
- Chemical thinning and nutrition of peaches (1987)
- Chemical thinning of peaches and plums with ammonium thiosulfate (1987)
- Citrus and peach production in the lower Rio Grande Valley (1987)
- Citrus and subtropical fruits (1987)
- Clare subterranean clover for South Texas pastures (1987)
- Climatological data for East Texas (1987)
- Comparison of drip emitters, low volume spray emitters, and mulching on plant establishment of rabbiteye blueberries (1987)
- Container and media effect on growth of rabbiteye blueberries (1987)
- Control of soil insect injury by resistance in sweet potato (1987)
- Decidous fruits and pecans (1987)
- Effect of defoliation practices on quality of buffelgrass (Cenchrus Cilliaris L.) (1987)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass. I. Spacing between dribble bands of urea-ammonium nitrate (1987)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass. II. Method of application of urea-ammonium nitrate (1987)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass. III. Nitrogen source comparisons (1987)
- Effect of fluid fertilization on Coastal bermudagrass. IV. Urea-ammonium nitrate blends with phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium (1987)
- Effect of glomus fasciculatum inoculation, water stress and mineral nutrition on growth, storage root initiation and percent infection of topaz sweet potato (1987)
- Effect of postharvest foliage fungicides on severity of peach rust (tranzschelia discolor pers.) (1987)
- Effectiveness of different bee species in pollination of blueberry flowers (1987)
- Evaluation of alfalfa varieties for yield and protein (1987)
- First-year performance of alfalfa cultivars in the semi-arid subtropics of the lower Rio Grande Valley (1987)
- Flower yield from field grown narcissus bulbs at three planting densities (1987)
- Forage response to residual soil phosphorus and pH. I. Marshall ryegrass (1987)
- Forage response to residual soil phosphorus and pH. II. Coastal bermudagrass (1987)
- Fruit research program at Overton: an overview (1987)
- General horticulture with emphasis on fruit, grapes and pecans (1987)
- Grass control in orchards with systemic herbicides (1987)
- Grazing behavior of yearling horses. I. time spent grazing different forages (1987)
- Grazing behavior of yearling horses. II. selective or spot grazing of bermudagrass (1987)
- Herbicide evaluation as sod desiccants on dallisgrass (1987)
- Increased production of fall transplanted broccoli by the use of soil solarization (1987)
- Influence of pasture supplementation on fecal particle size of yearling horses and calves grazing bermudagrass pastures (1987)
- Influence of supplemental protein or energy on performance of calves grazing winter pastures (1987)
- Intakes and digestibilities of bermudagrass and sorghum silages (1987)
- Iron-deficiency chlorosis in clovers (1987)
- Nematode population survey of blueberry plantings in East Texas (1987)
- Nitrogen response of arrowleaf clover seedlings grown on field soils (1987)
- Nitrogen source evaluation for rabbiteye blueberries (1987)
- Oat silage yield as affected by time of application of nitrogen fertilizer, seeding rate, and planting date (1987)
- Oat, rye, and wheat forage variety tests at Overton in 1985-86 (1987)
- Observations concerning the capacity of rosa cv. mr. lincoln shoots in different physiological states to be stored at -1 C (1987)
- Peach rootstocks (1987)
- Pecan growth and development as influenced by environmental factors (1987)
- Pecans under arid conditions (1987)
- Preharvest cultural research and decelopmental physiology of fruits (1987)
- Preliminary report on use of ethephon to induce early ripening of rabbiteye blueberries (1987)
- Protein supplements for stocker calves grazing Coastal bermudagrass pastures (1987)
- Raspberry cultivar trials (1987)
- Relationship of grazing time to forage-on-offer (1987)
- Requirements for successful pre-plant storage of rosa multiflora brooks 56 hardwood cuttings (1987)
- Rootstock research and development for fruit and nut crops (1987)
- Seasonal production of annual forage legumes at Overton, 1985-86 (1987)
- Seasonal production of experimental rose clover at six Texas locations (1987)
- Soil pH, nutrition, and nematodes from a deep profile in old established peach orchards (1987)
- Southern delite sweet potato (1987)
- Stonefruit rootstock development (1987)
- Stonefruit scion breeding and genetics (1987)
- Subterranean clover response to preemergence, postemergence, and grass desiccant herbicides (1987)
- Sulfur fertilization effects on onion yield and pungency (1987)
- Sweet potato varieties (1987)
- The effect of interval and intensity of defoliation on quality of warm-season perennial grasses (1987)
- The effects of between and within row spacing on final plant grade of field produced rose plants (1987)
- The use of irrigation methods and mulching to reduce salt damage of blueberries irrigated with a sodic water (1987)
- Use of pepsin-cellulase for estimating forage nutritive value (1987)
- Use of postemergence grass herbicides for Coastal bermudagrass burndown and clover establishment (1987)
- Use of postemergence herbicides for weed control on clovers (1987)
- Use of preemergence herbicides for establishment of clovers (1987)
- Use on non-destructive techniques to estimate herbage mass in bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) (1987)
- Vegetable crop production in East Texas (1987)
- Viticulture (1987)
- Weed control (1987)
- West Texas educational program in commercial fruit production (1987)
- Adaptation of subterranean clover to calcareous soils (1988)
- Annual ryegrass forage variety tests for 1986-87 and two-year averages (1988)
- Bermudagrass yield and nitrogen uptake as influenced by source of nitrogen fertilizer (1988)
- Breeding Arrowleaf Clover for Resistance to Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus (1988)
- Clover inoculation (1988)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Fluid Combinations of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Magnesium and Methods of Application (1988)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Nitrogen Sources (1988)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Residual Soil Phosphorus and pH (1988)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Urea-Ammonium Nitrate Application Rates (1988)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Urea-Ammonium Nitrate Surface Applied as Dribble Bands at Varying Spacings (1988)
- Control of Italian Annual Ryegrass in Winter Wheat with Herbicides (1988)
- Development of Yearling Horses on Sod-Seeded Bermudagrass Pastures (1988)
- Effect of boron and phosphorus on annual clover production (1988)
- Effect of irrigation, nitrogen, and plant population on corn and sorghum grown for silage (1988)
- Effect of Uterine Palpation 25 Days After Breeding on Brahman Cows (1988)
- Effect of Uterine Palpation 35 Days After Calving on Plasma Prostaglandin Concentrations in Mature Brahman Cows and First-Calf Brahman Heifers (1988)
- Effect of Uterine Palpation on Estrous Cycling Brahman Cows and Heifers (1988)
- Effects of Exogenous Glucose or Colostrum on Body Temperature, Plasma Glucose and Serum Insulin in Newborn Cold Stressed Brahman Calves (1988)
- Effects of Repeated Superovulation and Flushing on Reproductive Performance of Brahman Cows (1988)
- Forage legume variety trials on high pH soils (1988)
- Forage quality response by Coastal bermudagrass to residual soil phosphorus and pH (1988)
- Furrow Diking and Subsoiling of Soybeans in Northeast Texas (1988)
- Growth and development of yearling horses using pasture and supplemental feed (1988)
- History, adaptation, and improvement of subterranean clover (1988)
- Influence of Dietary Energy Intake on the Hypothalamic-Pituitary Testicular Axis of Prepubertal Brahman Bulls (1988)
- Influence of Nutrient Intake on Growth, Development and Testicular Histology of Prepubertal Brahman Bulls (1988)
- Influence of Pasture Supplementation on Fecal Particle Size of Yearling Horses and Calves Grazing Bermudagrass Pastures (1988)
- Management and grazing of subterranean clovergrass mixtures in South Texas (1988)
- Managing subterranean clover for persistence (1988)
- Nitrogen fertilizer source influence on yield of bermudagrass (1988)
- Nutrient requirements of subterranean clover (1988)
- Perennial clover production at Overton, 1985-87 (1988)
- Performance of subterranean clover on lignite mine spoil (1988)
- Response of bigbee berseem clover to fertilizer on alkaline soil (1988)
- Response of Marshall Ryegrass to Residual Soil Phosphorus and pH (1988)
- Response of Subterranean and Rose Clovers to Fertilizer Nutrients (1988)
- Response to Environmental Temperature in Brahman Calves During the First Compared to the Second Day After Birth: Metabolic Hormones and Metabolites (1988)
- Ryegrass Forage Variety Tests for 1986-87 and 2 Year Averages (1988)
- Seasonal Effects on Embryo Transfer Results in Brahman Cows (1988)
- Seasonal Influences on Reproductive Traits in Brahman and Hereford Bulls (1988)
- Seasonal Production of Annual Forage Legumes at Overton, 1985-86 (1988)
- Seasonal production of annual forage legumes at Overton, 1986-87 (1988)
- Seasonal Production of Experimental Rose Clover at Six Texas Locations (1988)
- Second-year performance of alfalfa cultivars in the semi-arid subtropics of the Lower Rio Grande Valley (1988)
- Self-Limiting Supplemental Protein for Calves Grazing Bermudagrass Pastures (1988)
- Self-limiting supplemental protein for calves grazing bermudagrass pastures (1988)
- Sex expression in Texas bluegrass (1988)
- Small Grain Forage Yields at Overton 1985-87 (1988)
- Soybean Variety Test (1988)
- Subterranean clover establishment (1988)
- Subterranean clover for deer (1988)
- Subterranean clover use in Texas (1988)
- Supplemental fishmeal for use with simmental-cross and brahman calves grazing bermudagrass (1988)
- Supplemental Protein for Simmental-Cross and Brahman Calves Grazing Bermudagrass (1988)
- Use of preplant incorporated herbicides for establishment of clovers (1988)
- Use of Self-Limiting Supplemental Energy and Protein for Brahman and Simmental Crossbred Calves Grazing Rye-Ryegrass (1988)
- Use of self-limiting supplemental energy and protein for Brahman and Simmental crossbred calves grazing rye-ryegrass (1988)
- Utilization of subterranean clover – Bermudagrass mixtures in East Texas (1988)
- Weed control in subterranean clover (1988)
- Wheat and Oat Grain Variety Tests for 1987 and 3 Year Averages (1988)
- Alfalfa cultivar performance in the West Cross Timbers (1989)
- Animal performance from winter pastures using fertilizer or cowpeas and clover for the nitrogen source (1989)
- Annual ryegrass forage variety tests at Overton and Angleton for 1987-1988 (1989)
- Bounty: a new peach for East Texas (1989)
- Breeding for resistance to iron-deficiency chlorosis in arrowleaf clover (1989)
- Comparative tolerance of lowchill highbush and rabbiteye blueberry cultivars to frost damage (1989)
- Comparison of input levels for upper Gulf Coast pastures (1989)
- Corn: sorghum double cropping systems for irrigated silage production (1989)
- Differential tolerance in clover rhizobia to moisture and heat stresses (1989)
- Effects of boron on seedling establishment of annual legumes (1989)
- Evaluation of hay-type sudan-sorghum hybrids for yield and crude protein (1989)
- Evaluation of preemergence herbicides on berseem, rose, and subterranean clovers (1989)
- Evaluation of silage-type sorghum hybrids for yield and crude protein (1989)
- Evaluation of winterhardy buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) germplasm (1989)
- First harvest yield of several subclovers and annual medics as influenced by seeding density (1989)
- Forage production from small grain varieties at Beeville (1989)
- Growth and production comparison of highbush, lowchill highbush, and rabbiteye blueberry cultivars in East Texas (1989)
- Herbage production and nutritive value of small grain forages (1989)
- Herbicides for weed control in field grown rose plants during the first year of production (1989)
- Identifying forage legumes adapted to high pH soils (1989)
- Influence of clipping height on the yield and quality of winterhardy buffelgrass (Cenchrus Ciliaris L.) germplasm (1989)
- Influence of fertilization method and liming rate on peach tree growth and soil pH (1989)
- Influence of level of daily supplement intake on performance of calves grazing rye-ryegrass pastures (1989)
- Influence of season of birth and post-weaning pasture gain on feedlot performance of Brahman steers (1989)
- Mineral nitrogen, manganese, and pH influence growth of arrowleaf clover in solution culture (1989)
- Morphological and physiological indicators of water stress on rosa multiflora under different water regimens (1989)
- Nitrogen and boron rates for broccoli, cauliflower, chinese cabbage, and chinese mustard grown on a bowie fine sandy loam soil (1989)
- Oat, rye, wheat, and triticale forage variety tests at Overton in 1988-89 (1989)
- Onion variety and nitrogen rate studies 1987-88 (1989)
- Performance of annual clovers at Yoakum, 1987-1988 (1989)
- Performance of subterranean clover and Coastal bermudagrass on lignite mine soil (1989)
- Population size and effectiveness of clover rhizobia from fields in the vicinty of Corsicana (1989)
- Production of annual strawberries in East Texas (1989)
- Protein supplements fed to yearling steers grazing common bermudagrass pastures (1989)
- Response of berseem clover to fertilizer on high pH soils (1989)
- Response of sod-seeded annual clover to herbicide residue (1989)
- Response of subterranean and berseem clovers to postemergence herbicides (1989)
- Root distribution of climax rabbiteye blueberry as affected by mulch and irrigation method (1989)
- Ryegrass forage variety evaluation at Beeville, 1987-88 and 1988-89 (1989)
- Seasonal production of annual forage legumes at Overton, 1987-1988 (1989)
- Soil temperature and planting date effects on corn and sorghum silage production (1989)
- State oriental vegetable trials, 1988 (1989)
- Sweetpotato response to soil fumigation, mycorrhizae, and fertilizer phosphorus treatment (1989)
- T-bud grafting success as a response to budding date for field production of four cultivars of rose (1989)
- The effect of cover crop and soil solarization on turnip green yield following a nitrogen and boron rate study (1989)
- The effect of the fungal endophyte Acremonium Coenophialum on dry matter production of tall fescue (1989)
- Third-year performance of alfalfa cultivars in the semi-arid subtropics of the Lower Rio Grande Valley (1989)
- Water stress effects on fruit doubling of peaches (1989)
- A Precise Method of Dry Matter Determination for Field Use (1990)
- Animal Performance from Winter Pastures Using Fertilizer or Cowpeas and Clover for the Nitrogen Source (1990)
- Annual Legumes for Conservation Tillage and Sustainable Production Systems (1990)
- Annual Ryegrass Response to Limestone and Phosphorus (1990)
- Biological and Immunological Luteinizing Hormone Activity and Blood Metabolites in Postpartum Brahman Cows (1990)
- Changes in Pelvic Area and Cervical Dilation Near Parturition in Brahman Cows and First-Calf Heifers (1990)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Limestone and Phosphorus (1990)
- Determining Fertilizer and Lime Rates for Maximum Profitability (1990)
- Effect of Uterine Manipulation on Postcalving Fertility of Brahman Cows and First-Calf Heifers (1990)
- Effects of Boron on Seedling Establishment of Annual Legumes (1990)
- Establishment of Cowpeas in Bermudagrass Sod (1990)
- Evaluation of a Warm Season Supplemental Forage Combination for White-Tailed Deer: Iron and Clay Cowpeas and Alyceclover (1990)
- Evaluation of Cool Season Forage Combinations for White-Tailed Deer (1990)
- Growth and Development of F-1 (Brahman x Hereford) Heifers Under Various Short-Term Grazing Pressures (1990)
- Herbicidal Control of Annual Ryegrass in Wheat (1990)
- Influence of Level of Daily Supplement Intake on Performance of Calves Grazing Rye-Ryegrass Pastures (1990)
- Influence of Season of Birth and Post-Weaning Pasture Gain on Feedlot Performance of Brahman Steers (1990)
- Investing in Hay Storage Facilities (1990)
- Northeast Texas Wheat Grain Variety Trials – 1989 (1990)
- Nutrient Screening for Alfalfa Response (1990)
- Perennial Clover Production at Overton, Texas – 1987-89 (1990)
- Relationships Between Physical Measurements and Calving Difficulty in Two-Year-Old Santa Gertrudis Heifers (1990)
- Reproductive Development and Function of Brahman Bulls Fed Diets Containing Gossypol (1990)
- Response of Sod-Seeded Annual Clover to Herbicide Residue (1990)
- Rose Clover Response to Limestone and Boron (1990)
- Ryegrass Forage Tests for 1988-89 and 3 Year Averages (1990)
- Seasonal Production of Annual Forage Legumes at Overton, Texas – 1988-89 (1990)
- Seasonal Variations in Characteristics of Estrous Cycles in Brahman Heifers (1990)
- Small Grain Forage Yields at Overton 1986-1989 (1990)
- Subterranean Clover Response to Phosphorus and Boron Fertilization (1990)
- Subterranean Response to Recombined Ag Grade and Superfine Limestone (1990)
- Sustained Production from Common Bermudagrass Pastures Using Clover-Potassium or Ryegrass-Nitrogen (1990)
- The Onset of Puberty in the Bovine: Uterine and Ovarian Hormonal Interrelationships (1990)
- Use of Clover-Potassium vs Ryegrass-Nitrogen for Sustained Production from Coastal Bermudagrass Pastures (1990)
- Wheat and Oat Grain Variety Tests for 1989 and 3 Year Averages (1990)
- Winter Wheat Response to Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and Limestone on a Burleson Clay Loam (1990)
- Broccoli planting method and planting date study, Spring 1986 (1991)
- Critical tissue moisture levels needed for maintenance of rose plant viability (1991)
- Development of improved vegetable legume varieties for Texas (1991)
- Effect of long term storage on rabbiteye blueberry quality (1991)
- Effect of soil treatment and row covers on annual strawberry production (1991)
- Evaluation of sweet potato response to limestone, nitrogen, and potash (1991)
- Frost tolerance and fruit ripening pattern of rabbiteye blueberries as influenced by wood type (1991)
- Frost tolerance and yield of hedge pruned delite rabbiteye blueberries (1991)
- Growth and flowering of freeze damaged rose plants (1991)
- Growth and yield of triploid watermelon as affected by fertilizer source, mulch, and row cover (1991)
- Living mulch systems (1991)
- Mayhaw seed germination studies at Overton, TX (1991)
- Nutrient requirement screening for chinese cabbage in an East Texas acid, sandy soil (1991)
- Scion bud survival on water stressed rose rootstock plants (1991)
- Selection of rose plant material with high and low rooting capacity for use in physiological studies (1991)
- Soil incorporation of gypsum and irrigation water acidification to counter detrimental effects of sodium and bicarbonates on rabbiteye blueberries (1991)
- Tulip cut flower production using a low energy input greenhouse (1991)
- Use of low-volume sprinklers for frost protection of blueberries (1991)
- Watermelon evaluations, 1990 (1991)
- Added Economic Benefits of Energy and Protein Supplements for Calves Grazing Rye-Ryegrass Pastures (1992)
- Agroforestry Systems: Intercropping Legumes with Pine Seedlings (1992)
- Alfalfa Interseeded into Coastal Bermudagrass I. Effect of Alfalfa Row Spacing (1992)
- Alfalfa Interseeded into Coastal Bermudagrass II. Effect of Nitrogen Rate (1992)
- Annual legumes for conservation tillage and sustainable production systems (1992)
- Annual Strawberry Production: A Comparison of Traditional and Low Input Systems (1992)
- Autumn Management of Grass Sods for Overseeding Clovers and Ryegrass (1992)
- Blackspot and Powdery Mildew Control on Roses with Cyproconazole 1991 (1992)
- Calving Season, Stocking Rate, and Age of Brahman-Hereford (F1) Dam Effects on Weaning Weight of Simmental-Sired Calves (1992)
- Cantaloupe Variety Evaluations – 1991 (1992)
- Clover Breeding and Genetics (1992)
- Clover Forage Production at Overton – 1989-90 (1992)
- Comparison of Cowpea Plant Introductions to ‘Iron & Clay’ Variety Cowpeas (1992)
- Continuous vs Rotational Grazing of Sod-seeded Cowpeas (1992)
- Cottonseed and Cottonseed Meal Contain a Toxic Compound, Gossypol (1992)
- Developing New Markets for Texas Hardwoods (1992)
- Development of Black Spot Resistant Rose Cultivars (1992)
- Distribution of Black Flies in East Texas (1992)
- East Texas Seedless Watermelon Evaluations – 1991 (1992)
- Effect of Calving Season, Stocking Rate, and Age of Brahman-Hereford (F1) Dams on Birth Weight of Simmental-Sired Calves (1992)
- Effect of Diets Containing Free Gossypol on Prepartum and Postpartum Production Parameters in Brahman Cows and Calves (1992)
- Effect of Diets Containing Free Gossypol on Serum Ca and P Concentrations in Brahman Cows and Calves and Associated Calf Metacarpal Measurements (1992)
- Effect of Fine Limestone on pH Change in Two Soils (1992)
- Effect of Gossypol on Reproduction and Recommendations for use of Cottonseed and Cottonseed Meal to Beef Cattle (1992)
- Effect of Hedging Height on Growth and Yield of ‘Delite’ Blueberries (1992)
- Effect of Irrigation Water Quality on Rabbiteye Blueberry Plant Growth (1992)
- Effect of Pelvic Area on Calving Difficulty and Calf Survival in Santa Gertrudis and Santa Gertrudis Cross-Bred Heifers (1992)
- Effect of stocking rate and supplements on performance of steers grazing wheat pasture (1992)
- Effects of Boron on Seedling Establishment of Annual Legumes (1992)
- Effects of Nutrition and Suckling Management on Reproductive Efficiency and Calf Performance in Postpartum Brahman Cows (1992)
- Effects of soil temperature at planting on corn and sorghum silage yields (1992)
- Energy and Protein Supplements for Calves Grazing Rye-Ryegrass Pastures (1992)
- Establishment of cowpeas in a bermudagrass sod (1992)
- Evaluation of a greenhouse procedure to screen oat seedlings for resistance to iron-deficiency chlorosis (1992)
- Evaluation of Alycedover for Resistance to Root-knot Nematodes (1992)
- Evaluation of bluestem plant introductions in Southeast Texas (1992)
- Evaluation of forage legumes for low-input farming systems (1992)
- Evaluation of Late-Maturing Rose Clover Selections (1992)
- Evaluation of New Beef Breed (1992)
- Evaluation of new inoculation techniques for clovers (1992)
- Evaluation of warm-season forage legume (Lablab purpureus L.) germplasm for dry matter yield (1992)
- Factors Affecting Gossypol Toxicity (1992)
- Feedlot and Carcass Traits of Stocker Yearlings vs. Weanling Calves (1992)
- Field and greenhouse screening of oat seedlings for iron chlorosis (1992)
- Field Variation of Soil Acidity (1992)
- Financial Demands of Starting Commercial Catfish Farms in Texas (1992)
- Financial Realities of Dairying in East Texas (1992)
- Forage Legume Production at Overton – Multi-Year Averages (1992)
- Forage yield of coastal bermudagrass and bermudagrass – winter forage systems receiving liquid or solid dairy waste (1992)
- Foragval for economic interpretation of forage quality data from small-plot studies (1992)
- Growth and development of F-1 (Brahman x Hereford) heifers under various short-term grazing pressures (1992)
- Hybrid Watemelon Evaluations – 1991 (1992)
- Influence of age, nitrogen fertilizer, and season on growth, leaf percentage, and protein of gordo bluestem (1992)
- Influence of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Arrowleaf Clover Seedling Growth (1992)
- Influence of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Overton R18 Rose Clover Seedling Growth (1992)
- Influence of stubble height and growth stage at harvest on gordo bluestem production (1992)
- Legume response to limestone rate, fineness, and boron (1992)
- Limestone and Boron Amendments for Enhanced Clover Production (1992)
- Low Input Structure and Field Cut Flower Production (1992)
- NCA-IRM Standardized Performance Analysis-Financial (1992)
- NCA-IRM Standardized Performance Analysis-Reproduction and Production (1992)
- New Inoculation Technique for Clovers (1992)
- Nitrogen Fertilization of Arrowleaf-Ryegrass Mixtures (1992)
- Nitrogen fertilization of gordo bluestem in Southeast Texas (1992)
- Nitrogen Fertilization of Overton R18 Rose Clover-Ryegrass Mixtures (1992)
- Nitrogen Transfer from Cowpeas, Alyceclover and Partridge Pea (1992)
- Oat Forage Yields at Overton for 1990-91 and 3-Year Means (1992)
- Oat Grain Variety Tests at Dekalb and Mount Pleasant for 1990-91 (1992)
- Oat, rye, and wheat forage variety tests at Overton in 1991-92 (1992)
- Overton R18 Rose Clover (1992)
- Perennial clover production at Overton, Texas – 1988 and 1989 (1992)
- Performance of tall fescue cultivars under two different harvest regimes (1992)
- Phosphorus Effects on Magnesium Uptake by Forage Grasses (1992)
- Plant Amines Can Affect Release of Luteinizing Hormone in Sheep (1992)
- Postproduction Response of Two Miniature Pot Rose Cultivars to Production Environment (1992)
- Preferred Soil Types for Legume Species (1992)
- Production potential of Texas Bluegrass (Poa arachnifera Torr.) (1992)
- Rabbiteye Blueberry Plant Response to Nitrogen and Phosphorus (1992)
- Rainfall Harvesting to Enhance Dryland Production Efficiency and/or to Reduce Supplemental Water Needs of Melons (1992)
- Response of clovers to postemergence herbicides (1992)
- Rotational Grazing of Coastal Bermudagrass Using One Herd vs. Two Herds (1992)
- Rye and Triticale Forage Yields at Overton for 1990-91 and 3-Year Means (1992)
- Ryegrass establishment in East Texas (1992)
- Ryegrass forage variety tests at Overton and Beaumont in 1991-92 (1992)
- Ryegrass Forage Yields at Overton for 1990-91 and 4-Year Means (1992)
- Seasonal production of annual forage legumes at Overton, Texas – 1989 (1992)
- Seeding Dates for Onion Transplant Production in Combination with Row Covers (1992)
- Seeding rate effects on first harvest yield of oat and ryegrass cultivars (1992)
- Silage sorghum performance trial at Stepheville, 1991 (1992)
- Soft Wheat Grain Variety Tests at Dekalb and Mount Pleasant for 1990-91 (1992)
- Soft Wheat Grain Variety Tests at Overton for 1990-91 and 3-Year Means (1992)
- Sorghum-sudangrass performance trial at Stephenville, 1991 (1992)
- Stocker Supplementation and Days on Feed Affect Feedlot Performance and Carcass Traits (1992)
- Super-fine limestone for acid soil neutralization and forage production (1992)
- Sustained production from common bermudagrass pastures using clover-potassium or ryegrass-nitrogen (1992)
- Sustained Production from Intensively Used Bermudagrass Pastures without Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer (1992)
- Sweetpotato Response to Limestone, Nitrogen, and Potassium (1992)
- TAM 90 Annual Ryegrass (1992)
- The Use of Once-Daily Suckling and Uterine Manipulation to Enhance Postpartum Reproductive Performance in Cattle (1992)
- Ultrasonography as a Management Tool for Pregnancy Determination in Sika Deer and Rocky Mountain Elk (1992)
- Use of clover-potassium vs ryegrass-nitrogen for sustained production from coastal bermudagrass pastures (1992)
- Wheat Forage Yields at Overton for 1990-91 and 3-Year Means (1992)
- Yield of warm-season perennial grasses at Stephenville in 1991 (1992)
- A Rose Breeding Program:Screening for Black Spot Resistant Rose Material (1993)
- Agroforestry Systems: Intercropping Legumes with Pine Seedlings (1993)
- Alfalfa Interseeded into Coastal Bermudagrass I. Effect of Alfalfa Row Spacings (1993)
- Alfalfa Interseeded into Coastal Bermudagrass II. Effect of Nitrogen Rates (1993)
- An Economic Perspective of an Integrated East Texas Stocker and High Plains Feeder Operation (1993)
- Annual Ryegrass and Clover Response to Limestone Rates and Particle Size (1993)
- Bedding Plant Pack and Garden Trials for East Texas (1993)
- Behavioral and Physiological Effects of Freeze or Hot-Iron Branding on Crossbred Cattle (1993)
- Bluestem variety trial in Southeast Texas (1993)
- Breed and Sex of Calf and Breed of Cow Influence Colostral Immunoglobulin Production (1993)
- Breeding Arrowleaf Clover for Tolerance to Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus (1993)
- Cantaloupe Evaluations – 1992 (1993)
- Carcass Characteristics of Domestic and Mexican Steers After Feedlot Period (1993)
- Clover response to selected postemergence herbicides (1993)
- Coastal Bermudagrass and Legume Response to Limestone Rate, Limestone Fineness (ECCE) and Boron (1993)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Response to Limestone Rates and Particle Size (1993)
- Coastal Bermudagrass Yield Response to Dairy Effluent and Poultry Litter Applications (1993)
- Comparison of Growth and Sexual Development of Temperate and Tropically Adapted Breeds of Bulls (1993)
- Comparison of Growth Traits of Brahman, Angus x Brahman and Tuli x Brahman Heifers (1993)
- Comparison of Humid vs Semi-Arid Environments for Backgrounding Mexican Steers (1993)
- Determining optimal establishment and cultural practices for switchgrass biomass production in Texas (1993)
- Dry matter losses during storage of switchgrass biomass (1993)
- Early Maternal Deprivation Affects a Brahman Calf’s Physiological and Behavioral Reactions to Restraint and Weaning (1993)
- East Texas Seedless Watermelon Evaluations – 1992 (1993)
- Effect of Ammonium:Nitrate Ratios on Sweet Corn Yield and Soil Nitrogen Concentrations (1993)
- Effect of By-Pass Protein on Growth and Reproductive Traits of Brahman Bulls (1993)
- Effect of Hedging Height on 3-Year’s Growth and Yield of ‘Detite’ Blueberries (1993)
- Effect of planting method and seeding rate on overseeded ryegrass seedling density and yield (1993)
- Effect of pregrazing diet on early season gains by stocker steers grazing rye-ryegrass (1993)
- Effective Calcium Carbonate Equivalence (ECCE) of Limestone and Neutralization of Soil Acidity (1993)
- Effects of By-Pass Protein Supplementation on Milk Production, Calf Weight Gain and Reproduction in Brahman Cows (1993)
- Effects of Maternal and Service Sire Breeds on Circulating Hormone Concentrations Before and After Calving (1993)
- Establishment of Overton Rl8 Rose Clover (1993)
- Evaluation of Berseem Clover Germplasm Selected for Improved Reseeding (1993)
- Evaluation of Birth and Weaning Traits of F1 Calves Sired by Three Tropically Adapted Breeds of Bulls (1993)
- Expanding Texas Hardwood Markets (1993)
- Feedlot Performance of Mexican Steers (1993)
- Fertilizing Pastures with Poultry Litter (1993)
- Forage production of selected old world bluestems at College Station, 1990-92 (1993)
- Forage production of tall fescue at College Station, Texas (1993)
- Forage quality and agronomic traits of experimental forage sorghum hybrids (1993)
- Forage response and beef herd performance after prescribed burning on the Coastal prairie (1993)
- Forage variety tests for oat, rye, and wheat at Overton in 1992-93 (1993)
- Free Gossypol from Cottonseed Meal May Adversely Affect Vitamin A. E and Beta-Carotene in Cows and Calves (1993)
- Fusarium Wilt Disease Nursery Establishment for Watermelon Screening (1993)
- Hybrid Watermelon Evaluations – 1992 (1993)
- Importance of Boron for Clover Growth in Acid, Sandy Soils (1993)
- Improvement of Reseeding in Berseem Clover (1993)
- Improvement of Rose Clover Winter Growth (1993)
- Influence of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Clover Seedling Growth in Ryegrass Mixtures (1993)
- Influence of planting date on response of forage sorghum to nitrogen and phosphorus (1993)
- Influence of Planting Method and Seeding Rate of Overseeded Ryegrass (1993)
- Influence of salinity on seedling growth of selected Cenchrus, Panicum, and Pennisetum species (1993)
- Kenaf Stem Yield Potential at Overton (1993)
- Managing Coastal Bermudagrass in Autumn for Annual Ryegrass Production (1993)
- Managing Coastal Bermudagrass in Autumn for Arrowleaf Clover Production (1993)
- Managing Coastal Bermudagrass in Autumn for Crimson Clover Production (1993)
- Measuring Voluntary Compliance with Best Management Practices in East Texas’ Forests (1993)
- Metabolite and Metabolic Hormone Responses to Nonrepinephrine in Bos Taurus and Bos Taurus Newborn Calves (1993)
- Mineral concentrations of selected Texas forages and beef cattle mineral requirements (1993)
- Mineral concentrations of Texas-grown bermudagrass hay (1993)
- Modeling Harvesting Behavior of Private Landowners in Eastern Texas on a Multi-County Level (1993)
- Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer requirements of tall fescue grown on Blackland Prairie Soils (1993)
- Nitrogen Fertilization of Arrowleaf Clover-Ryegrass Pastures (1993)
- Nitrogen Fertilization of Crimson Clover-Ryegrass Pastures (1993)
- Nitrogen fertilization of rose clover – ryegrass mixtures (1993)
- Nonshivering Thermogenesis in Bos Taurus and Bos Indicus Newborn Calves (1993)
- Nutritional quality and palatability to white-tailed deer of four cool-season annual forages (1993)
- Oat Forage Yields at Overton for 1991-92 and 3-Year Means (1993)
- Oat Grain Variety Tests at Mount Pleasant for 1991-92 and 2-Year Mean Yields (1993)
- Oat Grain Variety Tests at Overton for 1991-92 (1993)
- Overton R18 rose clover establishment (1993)
- Performance of annual Italian ryegrass trials in Bryan, Texas, 1990-93 (1993)
- Performance of Bermudagrass Varieties in East Texas (1993)
- Performance of cool-season perennial grasses on poorly drained clay soils (1993)
- Performance of Domestic and Mexican Steers on Winter Pastures in East Texas (1993)
- Performance of wheat, oat, rye, and triticale trials in Bryan, Texas, 1990-93 (1993)
- Plant Amines Affect Stress Related and Reproductive Hormone Release in Sheep (1993)
- Plant regeneration from seedling meristems in selected Cenchrus and Pennisetum species (1993)
- Ranch to Rail Results: 1991-1992 (1993)
- Response of Blueberry Plants to Peat, Phosphorus, and Aluminum Added to the Potting Mix (1993)
- Response to ‘Tifleaf’ Millet to Limestone, Nitrogen, and Potassium (1993)
- Rose Fungicide Trials 1992 (1993)
- Rye Forage Yields at Overton for 1991-92 and 3-Year Means (1993)
- Ryegrass forage variety tests at Overton and Beaumont in 1992-93 (1993)
- Ryegrass Forage Yields at Overton for 1991-92 and 5-Year Means (1993)
- Seasonal Forage Production of Sod-Seeded Clover Mixtures (1993)
- Serum Immunoglobulins and Their Absorption by Newborn Beef Calves (1993)
- Smutgrass control (1993)
- So You Want to Grow Alfalfa on Acid, Sandy Soils! (1993)
- Spermatozoan Content and Characteristics of the Testis and Epididymisin the Axis Deer (1993)
- Spring Recovery of Coastal Bermudagrass When Overseeded (1993)
- Supplemental Energy and Protein Affect Gain of Steers Grazing Rye-Ryegrass Pastures (1993)
- Sustainability of Bermudagrass Pastures Utilized at Different Stocking Rates (1993)
- Texas Bluegrass for East Texas? (1993)
- Use of Broiler Litter as Fertilizer for Sweet Corn Production (1993)
- Use of Fishmeal and Feathermeal Rations to Supplement Steers Grazing Bermudagrass (1993)
- Use of Gibberellic Acid to Enhance Fruit Set in Rabbiteye Blueberries (1993)
- Water Quality Responses to Land Application of Livestock Waste (1993)
- Wheat Forage Yields at Overton for 1991-92 and 3-Year Means (1993)
- Wheat Grain Variety Tests at DeKalb and Mount Pleasant for 1991-92 (1993)
- Wheat Grain Variety Tests at Overton for 1991-92 and 2-Year Means (1993)
- Alfalfa interseeded into Coastal bermudagrass I. Effect of alfalfa row spacings on forage production (1994)
- Alfalfa interseeded into Coastal bermudagrass II. effect of nitrogen rate on forage production (1994)
- Alfalfa production on acid, sandy soils (1994)
- Alfalfa response to soil series and applied phosphorus (1994)
- Annual clover production at Yoakum, TX 1993 (1994)
- Annual strawberry production for East Texas (1994)
- Bermudagrass-wheat forage systems for dairy waste management (1994)
- Biomass production and allocation of switchgrass cultivars in Texas (1994)
- Cantaloupe evaluations, 1993 (1994)
- Characterizing the demand by restaurants for exotic game meat products (1994)
- Coastal bermudagrass response to limestone rates and ECCE (1994)
- Cold tolerance of lowchill highbush and rabbiteye blueberry cultivars (1994)
- Comparing seedling growth of five forage legumes in East Texas (1994)
- Comparison of crimson clover varieties in Northeast Texas (1994)
- Comparison of inoculation treatments for rose clover (1994)
- Comparison of poultry litter vs commercial fertilizer (1994)
- Comparison of rye, wheat, oat, and ryegrass fall and winter growth (1994)
- Cortisol response to acute stressors in male angora goats consuming guajillo (1994)
- Dairy manure and lagoon effluent application on Coastal bermudagrass and overseed bermudagrass systems (1994)
- Decline of arrowleaf clover infected with bean yellow mosaic virus (1994)
- Developing pasture systems for deer farming in East Texas (1994)
- Development characteristics of testicular and epididymal function of Brahman bulls (1994)
- Effect of fertilizer ammonium to nitrate ratios on sweetcorn yields (1994)
- Effect of grazing termination date on volunteer reseeding of annual ryegrass varieties (1994)
- Effect of hay, rye-ryegrass pasture and a fish meal supplement on growth and reproduction of Brahman heifers (1994)
- Effect of in utero maternal stress on the calf’s response to later stressors (1994)
- Effect of potash fertilization on ryegrass interseeded into Coastal bermudagrass (1994)
- Effect of wood type on blueberry flower bud characteristics: I. Frost tolerance (1994)
- Effect of wood type on blueberry flower bud characteristics: II. fruit ripening patterns (1994)
- Endocrine and ovarian responses in cattle superovulated with two different FSH preparations (1994)
- Evaluation of red and white clover seasonal production at Overton (1994)
- Evaluation of rose clover germplasm for cold tolerance (1994)
- Evaluation of rose clover germplasm for flowering date (1994)
- Feedlot performance and carcass traits of heavyweight long-yearling and mature steers (1994)
- Forage legume production in East Texas (1994)
- Forage legumes for Texas (1994)
- Forage quality and cattle performance on ammoniated Coastal bermudagrass hay with and without supplemental feed (1994)
- Forage variety tests for oat, rye, triticale and wheat at Overton in 1993-94 (1994)
- Gestation length and postcalving reproductive activity of Brahman cows bred to Brahman, Angus, or Tuli bulls (1994)
- Harvest management of switchgrass grown for biomass (1994)
- Hybrid watermelon evaluations, 1993 (1994)
- Influence of applying poultry litter on soil properties (1994)
- interplanted alfagraze alfalfa and Coastal bermudagrass response to grazing (1994)
- Kenaf yield evaluation at Overton (1994)
- Managing livestock wastes on permanent pastures in East Texas (1994)
- Methods for pregnancy detection in farmed deer (1994)
- Mexican steers in Texas (1994)
- Nitrogen accumulation in the top growth of cool-season annual forage legumes (1994)
- Nitrogen and phosphorus responses of switchgrass grown for biomass (1994)
- Oat forage yields at Overton for 1992-93 and two-year means (1994)
- Oat grain variety tests at Mt. Pleasant for 1992-93 and three-year mean yields (1994)
- Oat grain variety tests at Overton for 1992-93 and two-year means (1994)
- Pansy pack and garden trials for East Texas: Fall 1993 (1994)
- Performance and carcass characteristics of fall-born calves placed into a high plains feedlot at weaning (1994)
- Performance and carcass traits of Brahman and Simmental crossbred steers finished in a South Texas feedlot (1994)
- Performance of bermudagrass varieties in East Texas (1994)
- Performance of bermudagrass varieties in Northeast Texas (1994)
- Performance of cool-season perennial grasses at Dallas, TX (1994)
- Performance of warm-season annual forages under nitrogen fertilizer application schemes on two-year-old residual manured soil (1994)
- Petunia and begonia pack and garden trials for East Texas: Spring 1994 (1994)
- Petunia and vinca pack and garden trials for East Texas: Spring 1993 (1994)
- Phosphorus accumulation in soils following applications of poultry litter and dairy effluent (1994)
- Potential of hard red winter wheat in East Texas (1994)
- Preweaning evaluation of calves born to Angus (bos taurus), Brahman (bow indicus), and tuli (sanga) bulls and Brahman cows (1994)
- Reproductive characteristics in brahman heifers following exposure to guajillo plant toxin- or ACTH-induced stress (1994)
- Reproductive characteristics of male angora goats consuming guajillo (Acacia berlandieri) (1994)
- Response of alfalfa to boron and surface applied limestone (1994)
- Response of Coastal bermudagrass to limestone applied for soil pH adjustment (1994)
- Response of common buffelgrass to pasture renovation practices (1994)
- Response of ryegrass to limestone, nitrogen, and potassium (1994)
- Response of winter rye to limestone, nitrogen, and potassium (1994)
- Rose clover response to boron and limestone (1994)
- Rose fungicide trial, 1993 (1994)
- Rye forage yields at Overton for 1992-93 and three-year means (1994)
- Ryegrass and small grain forage cultivar trials at Bryan, TX for 1993-94 (1994)
- Ryegrass forage variety tests at Overton and Beaumont in 1993-94 (1994)
- Ryegrass forage yields at Overton for 1992-93 and four-year means (1994)
- Ryegrass planting methods and seeding rates for overseeding bermudagrass (1994)
- Screening rose plant material for black spot resistance, 1993 (1994)
- Seasonal forage production of sod-seeded clover mixtures (1994)
- Seeding rates and planting methods for establishing rose clover (1994)
- Seedless (Triploid) watermelon evaluations, 1993 (1994)
- Soil boron availability affected by applied boron and limestone (1994)
- Soybean meal phytoestrogens do not affect superovulatory response or gross reproductive system morphology in beef heifers (1994)
- The new horticulture field lab – A facility for research and education (1994)
- Three-herd rotational grazing of bermudagrass with cow-calf pairs and weaned steers (1994)
- Use of limestone to correct low pH soils for Coastal bermudagrass production (1994)
- Use of poultry litter as fertilizer on Coastal bermudagrass pasture (1994)
- Warm-season annual legumes interplanted with pine seedlings (1994)
- Water quality responses to land application of poultry litter and dairy effluent (1994)
- Weight gains by long-yearling and mature steers grazing small grain-ryegrass (1994)
- Wheat forage yields at Overton for 1992-93 and three-year means (1994)
- Wheat grain variety tests at Dekalb and Mt. Pleasant for 1992-93 (1994)
- Wheat grain variety tests at Overton for 1992-93 and two-year means (1994)
- Yield of sorghum-sudangrass and pearl millet under soil dairy manure application (1994)